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Judeus do Sudão Ocidental

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
(Redirecionado de Judeus de Bilad el-Sudan)
O Império Songai, c. 1500

Judeus do Sudão Ocidental (אַהַל יַהוּדּ בִּלַדּ אַל סוּדָּן) são judeus africanos localizados que habitam o Sudão Ocidental (Bilad el-Sudan), que possuem uma ligação religiosa e cultural com os judeus de Portugal, Espanha, Norte de África e Oriente Médio.[1]

Vários registros históricos apontam a presença de judeus em impérios tribais do norte da África neste período,[2]

  • Wars of the Jews: A Military History from Biblical to Modern Times, Hipporcrene Books, New York, 1990, by Monroe Rosenthal and Isaac Mozeson
  • Jewish Communities in Exotic Places, Jason Aronson Inc., Jerusalem, by Ken Blady
  • Jews In Africa: Ancient Black African Relations, Fact Paper 19-II, By Samuel Kurinsky
  • Hebrewisms of West Africa: From Nile to Niger With the Jews, The Dial Press, NY, 1931, by Joseph J. Williams
  • Jews of a Saharan Oasis: Elimination of the Tamantit Community, Markus Wiener Publishers, Princeton, NJ, 2006, by John Hunwick

Mali e Songai

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  • Jews in Africa: Part 1 The Berbers and the Jews, by Sam Timinsky (Hebrew History Federation)
  • The Jews of Timbuktu, Washington Jewish Week, December 30, 1999, by Rick Gold
  • Les Juifs à Tombouctou, or Jews of Timbuktu, Recueil de sources écrites relatives au commerce juif à Tombouctou au XIXe siècle, Editions Donniya, Bamako, 1999 by Professor Ismael Diadie Haidara

Cabo Verde e Costa da Guiné

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  • Jews in Cape Verde and on the Guinea Coast, Paper presented at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, February 11, 1996, by Richard Lobban


  1. The Jews of Timbuktu, by Rick Gold, Washington Jewish Week, December 30, 1999, [1] Arquivado em 27 de setembro de 2007, no Wayback Machine.
  2. «The Kati Library, Saharan Studies Association». Consultado em 14 de setembro de 2011. Arquivado do original em 11 de junho de 2007 

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