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Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.

"His lover was Antionous, a handsome young Greek who appealed to the emperor's Hellenophilia. Mr. Opper's catalogue tells us that what caused comment was not thet Hadrian was gaym but that he insisted that Antinous be given the status of a god after his death in the Nile in 130 AD. One of many statues of Antinous-here as the Egyptian god Osyris-stands proudly outside the entrance of the exhibition." extrato do artigo "Emperor Hadrian: Strutting on the stage" publicado em The Economist, de 19 de Julho de 2008 (pp. 86) a propósito da exposição "Hadrian: Empire and Conflict", do British Museum entre 24 de Julho e 26 de Outubro de 2008.--Jmx (discussão) 16h08min de 31 de Agosto de 2008 (UTC)

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