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Discussão:Cocaeli (província)

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Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
Último comentário: 16 de abril de 2019 de E4024 no tópico Kocaeli


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Sorry for English. I have no idea about the Brazilian encyclopedia that uses the name "Cocaeli" for Kocaeli. The fact is, the Turkish compound name Kocaeli is pronounced with a "k" only in the "first" letter (K). The Turkish "c" is similar To English "j" in "jam" or "jazz". The name does not begin with a "Koka" pronunciation. ("Eli" is equal in any Latin alphabet language.) No need or reason to "translate" proper nouns. Obrigado. --E4024 (discussão) 00h06min de 30 de março de 2019 (UTC)Responder

E4024, the Portuguese (not just Brazilian) "c" is pronounced like "k", no "j". Our "j" is like "g", different from the Spanish "j" that is like "r".--Rena (discussão) 00h44min de 30 de março de 2019 (UTC)Responder
I was trying to say that it is NOT pronounced "Kokaeli". --E4024 (discussão) 02h20min de 30 de março de 2019 (UTC)Responder
E4024, such information must be provided together with the Turkish name. As I said, Portuguese pronounces in a different way, and this justify the spelling Cocaeli, regardless of the way the Turks pronounce it. There is no reason to think of "needing or reasoning" to "translate" proper nouns. This happens in almost all the languages. Always did.--Rena (discussão) 05h42min de 14 de abril de 2019 (UTC)Responder