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Gabriele Kotsis

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Gabriele Kotsis
Gabriele Kotsis
Nascimento 29 de outubro de 1967 (56 anos)
Cidadania Áustria
Alma mater
Ocupação professora universitária, cientista de computação
  • ACM Distinguished Member (2014)
Empregador(a) Universidade de Viena, Universidade de Linz
Página oficial

Gabriele Kotsis (Viena, 29 de outubro de 1967) é uma cientista da computação austríaca.[1][2] É professora de ciência da computação da Universidade de Linz. É membro distinto e foi eleita em 2020 presidente da Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).[3]

Gabriele Kotsis obteve um mestrado em informática empresarial (1986–1991) na Universidade de Viena, onde completou um doutorado em ciências sociais e econômicas (1992–1995). Em 2000 obteve a habilitação em informática na Universidade de Viena.[4]

Publicações selecionadas

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Suas publicações[2][1] incluem:

  • Al Zubaidi-Polli, Anna M.; Anderst-Kotsis, Gabriele (2018), "Conceptual Design of a hybrid Participatory IT supporting in-situ and ex-situ collaborative text authoring",  iiWAS, ACM, ISBN 978-14503-6479-9, 243–252
  • Steinbauer, Matthias; Anderst-Kotsis, Gabriele (2016), "DynamoGraph: extending the Pregel paradigm for large-scale temporal graph processing", in International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing (IJGUC), 7 (2), Inderscience, 141–151, ISSN 1741-847X.
  • Bachmayer, Sabine; Lugmayr, Artur; Kotsis, Gabriele (2010), "Convergence of collaborative web approaches and interactive TV program formats", International Journal of Web Information Systems, 6 (1), pp. 74–94. doi:10.1108/17440081011034493
  • Kotsis, Gabriele; Khalil-Ibrahim, Ismail (2008), "The Web Goes Mobile: Can We Keep the Pace?", Proceedings CISIS 2008 (The Second Int. Conf. on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems, 4–7 March 2008, Barcelona, Spain), IEEE Computer Society, 240–246, ISBN 0-76953109-1
  • van der Heijden, Hans; Kotsis, Gabriele; Kronsteiner, Reinhard (July 2005), "Mobile recommendation systems for decision making ‚on the go‘". In International Conference on Mobile Business (ICMB’05) (pp. 137–143). IEEE.[5]
  • Ibrahim, Ismail K.; Kronsteiner, Reinhard; Kotsis, Gabriele (2005), "A semantic solution for data integration in mixed sensor networks", Computer Communications, 28 (3), 1564-1574.[6]
  • Hlavacs, Helmut; Hotop, Ewald; Kotsis, Gabriele (2000), "Workload Generation in OPNET by User Behaviour Modelling", OPNETWORK 2000, Awarded with the Distinguished Paper Award
  • Kotsis, Gabriele; Kacsuk, Peter (2000), "Distributed and Parallel Systems: From Instruction Parallelism to Cluster Computing", DAPSYS2000, Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, 567, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 0-7923-7892-X
  • Bullnheimer, Bernd; Kotsis, Gabriele; Strauß, Christine (1998), "Parallelization Strategies for the Ant System", In: De Leone R., Murli A., Pardalos P.M., Toraldo G. (eds) High Performance Algorithms and Software in Nonlinear Optimization. Applied Optimization, 24, Springer, Boston, MA
  • Kotsis, Gabriele; Krithivasan, Kamala; Raghavan Serugudi (1997), "Generative Workload Models of Internet Traffic", Proceedings of the ICICS Conference, 1, 152–156, Singapore, IEEE[7]
  • A. Ferscha, G. Kotsis (1991) Eliminating Routing Overheads in Neural Network Simulation Using Chordal Ring Interconnection Topologies, Proc. of the Neuro-Nimes 91, 4th Int. Conf. on Neural Networks and their Applications, 625–638


  1. a b Gabriele Kotsis, publicações indexadas pelo Google Scholar
  2. a b Lista de publicações do Digital Bibliography & Library Project.
  3. «ACM Elects Gabriele Kotsis as President». 27 de maio de 2020. Consultado em 27 de abril de 2020 
  4. «Biografia» 
  5. van der Heijden, H.; Kotsis, G.; Kronsteiner, R. (2005). «Mobile Recommendation Systems for Decision Making 'On the Go'». Sydney, Australia: IEEE. International Conference on Mobile Business (ICMB'05): 137–143. ISBN 978-0-7695-2367-5. doi:10.1109/ICMB.2005.68 
  6. Ibrahim, Ismail Khalil; Kronsteiner, Reinhard; Kotsis, Gabriele (2 de agosto de 2005). «A semantic solution for data integration in mixed sensor networks». Computer Communications. Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications. 28 (13): 1564–1574. ISSN 0140-3664. doi:10.1016/j.comcom.2004.12.041 
  7. Kotsis, G.; Krithivasan, K.; Raghavan, S.V. (1997). «Generative workload models of Internet traffic». Singapore: IEEE. Proceedings of ICICS, 1997 International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing. Theme: Trends in Information Systems Engineering and Wireless Multimedia Communications (Cat. No.97TH8237). 1: 152–156. ISBN 978-0-7803-3676-6. doi:10.1109/ICICS.1997.647077