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Módulo:Political party/T

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
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Atualizando este submódulo

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Os partidos políticos contidos neste módulo são divididos em listas alfabéticas com base no primeiro caractere do nome (por exemplo, "Partido Trabalhista (Reino Unido)" estaria sob /L). A subpágina de /1 é para qualquer parte que não comece com as letras ocidentais A-Z (incluindo números e caracteres acentuados).

Dentro de cada submódulo de dados estão dois grupos locais: local alternate e local full.

Nomes alternativos de partidos

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O grupo alternativo é para nomes alternativos de uma parte. O seguinte é um exemplo de nomes alternativos para o Partido Trabalhista (Reino Unido):

local alternate = {
	["Labour and Co-operative"] = "Partido Trabalhista (Reino Unido)",
	["Labour Co-operative"] = "Partido Trabalhista (Reino Unido)",

A primeira entrada entre colchetes é o nome alternativo, e a segunda entrada apenas entre aspas é o nome encontrado no full group, visto abaixo. Observe que o nome alternativo de um partido deve ser armazenado em sua subpágina correspondente baseada em letras; "Partido Democrático do Alabama" está listado em /P, embora seja um nome alternativo para "Partido Democrata (Estado Unidos)" (que é armazenado em /P).

Valores da tabela

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local full = {
	["Partido Trabalhista (Reino Unido)"] = {abbrev = "Lab", color = "#E4003B", shortname = "Trabalhista",},

Existem três valore guardados para cada partido:

  • A abreviação (abbrev).
  • A cor do partido (cor), que pode ser ou tripleto hexadecimal ou uma nome de cor básico.
  • Um nome curto para o partido (shortname).

Os valores adicionados a estes parâmetros não têm de ser exclusivos de outros partidos neste módulo, ao contrário do nome principal de um partido.

Se um valor de nome não for armazenado para um partido, o módulo tentará retornar a outra variante de nome "curto" antes de retornar a entrada. Assim ,se abbrev estiver armazenado, maso nome abreviado não estiver, independentemente do valor solicitado, ele retornará o valor abbrev.

Valor das cores

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Nome partido políticocorabrevnomecurtoA cor é válida?Contraste texto normalContraste link sem ser visitadoContraste link visitado
T Party#FF0000AAFailedFailed
TEAM Unity (Philippines)#B0E0E6TEAM UnityAAAAAAAA
TOP 09#993366FailedFailedFailed
Ta'ang National Party#0CB8FFTNPAAAFailedAAA
Table of Six#D0222CFailedFailedFailed
Tafalla Berri#C0747CAAFailedAA
Tahoera'a Huiraatira#FF9900AAAFailedAAA
Tahya Tounes#A91101FailedFailedFailed
Tai Po Democratic Alliance#20B267TPDAAAAFailedAA
Tai Po Network of Democracy and Livelihood#03A89ETPNDLAAAFailedAA
Tai-Leng Nationalities Development Party#CE000CTLNDPFailedFailedFailed
Taiwan Action Party Alliance#17B4BBTAPAAAAFailedAA
Taiwan Constitution AssociationdarkgreyTCAAAAFailedAA
Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League#1678C1TDSGLFailedFailedFailed
Taiwan Farmers' Party#1F8B76FarmersAAFailedFailed
Taiwan Independence Party#6EC5DCTAIPIndependenceAAAFailedAAA
Taiwan Labor Party#0f7f13FailedFailedFailed
Taiwan Number One Party#C20F51TNOPFailedFailedFailed
Taiwan People's Communist Party#DE2910TPCPFailedFailedFailed
Taiwan People's Party#28C7C7TPPAAAFailedAAA
Taiwan Solidarity Union#C69E6ATSUAAAFailedAA
Taiwan Statebuilding Party#A73F24StatebuildingFailedFailedFailed
Taking the Initiative Party#7D6AAATaking the InitiativeAAFailedFailed
Tamil Eelam Liberation Organization#BE0028FailedFailedFailed
Tamil Maanila Congress (Moopanar)#ff8d33TMC(M)AAAFailedAA
Tamil Makkal Viduthalai Pulikal#F13826AAFailedFailed
Tamil Nadu Congress (K)#00bfffTNC(K)AAAFailedAAA
Tamil Nadu Congress Committee#00bfffTNCCAAAFailedAAA
Tamil Nadu Makkal CongressBlueTNMKFailedFailedFailed
Tamil Nadu Muslim Munnetra KazhagamblackTMMKFailedFailedFailed
Tamil Nadu Toilers' PartyTomatoTTPAAAFailedAA
Tamil National Alliance#F4E800TNAAAAAAAAA
Tamil National Party#3333FFTNPFailedFailedFailed
Tamil People's National Alliance#9E1C28TPNAFailedFailedFailed
Tamil United Liberation Front#FFFF00TULFAAAAAAAAA
Tamilaga Makkal Munnetra KazhagamChocolateTMMKAAFailedFailed
Tamizhaga Makkal Munnetra KazhagamBlackFailedFailedFailed
Tamizhaga Murpokku Makkal KatchifuchsiaMakkal ManaduAAFailedAA
Tamizhaga Rajiv Congress#FF33FFAAAFailedAA
Tamsaling Nepal Rastriya Dal#E6DBCFAAAAAAAA
Tan Union#D2B48CAAAFailedAAA
Tanganyika African National Union#48944BTANUAAFailedFailed
Tanzania Democratic Alliance#2F4F4FFailedFailedFailed
Tanzania Labour Party#ffea00TLPAAAAAAAA
Tarai-Madhesh Loktantrik PartyolivedrabTMLPAAFailedFailed
Tasmanian Greens#10C25BGreensAAAFailedAA
Tasmanian Liberal League#8CB4D2LiberalAAAFailedAAA
Tattenhams Residents' Association#DDDDDDAAAAAAAA
Tautua Samoa Party#669702TSPAAFailedAA
Tavisupleba (political party)#b32425FailedFailedFailed
Tawi-Tawi One Party#50C878TOPAAAFailedAAA
Tax Cut Now Party#B2FFFFTax Cut NowAAAAAAAAA
Tax Cuts Japan#0000FFFailedFailedFailed
Tayo (political party)#67ABF6TPPAAAFailedAA
Te Kura O Te ʻAu People's Movement#FFFDD0TKAAAAAAAAAA
Te Pāti Māori#B2001AFailedFailedFailed
Te Tawharau#CC9966AAAFailedAA
Tea Party movement#DDDDDDTea PartyAAAAAAAA
Team Chu Hoi-dick of New Territories West#73BC7CTeam ChuAAAFailedAA
Team Dunedin#132b4dFailedFailedFailed
Team HC Strache – Alliance for Austria#153253FailedFailedFailed
Team Manalang#FF8C00IndependentAAAFailedAA
Team Stronach#E5CC00StronachAAAAAAAA
Team Todenhöfer#DA4048AAFailedFailed
Team Unity Dominica#F6D516AAAAAAAA
Team for Colombia#0061D3FailedFailedFailed
Team for National Unity#8064A2FailedFailedFailed
Technical Group of Independents (1979–1984)#DDDDDDCDIAAAAAAAA
Technocrat minister#030f0bFailedFailedFailed
Teesdale Independent Association#FFFFFFAAAAAAAAA
Tehreek Jawanan Pakistan#3CB371TJPAAAFailedAA
Tehreek-e-Labbaik Islam#98FB98TLIAAAAAAAA
Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan#006400TLPFailedFailedFailed
Tekojoja People's Movement#006400PPTFailedFailedFailed
Telangana Jana Samithi#00A54FTJSAAFailedAA
Telangana Praja Samithi#800000TPSFailedFailedFailed
Telangana Rashtra Samithi#F84996TRSAAFailedAA
Telem (2019 political party)#203567FailedFailedFailed
Telford and Wrekin People's AssociationSilverAAAAAAAA
Temperance Party (Norway)#9df000AAAAAAAA
Tendring First#EC8425AAAFailedAA
Tenerife Socialist Group#C21C33FailedFailedFailed
Terai Madhesh Loktantrik PartylightgreenTMLPAAAAAAAA
Tercera edad en acción#38C456AAAFailedAA
Term Limits Party#D99FE8Term LimitsAAAFailedAAA
Terra Galega#08A80AAAFailedAA
Terrassa en Comú#B62559FailedFailedFailed
Territories of Progress#4C55A2TdPFailedFailedFailed
Territory Alliance#0A3856FailedFailedFailed
Tertiary 2012#008303FailedFailedFailed
Teruel Existe#037252FailedFailedFailed
Thai Chana Party#BE852EAAFailedAA
Thai Citizen Party#00bfffThai CitizenAAAFailedAAA
Thai Citizens Power PartyCitizen Power
Thai Civilized Party#EDC65DThai CivilizedAAAAAAAA
Thai Earth Party#708090Thai EarthAAFailedFailed
Thai Forest Conservation Party#8EC63AForest ConservationAAAFailedAAA
Thai Liberal Party#d8b720Thai LiberalAAAFailedAAA
Thai Local Power Party#32CD32Thai Local PowerAAAFailedAAA
Thai Morality Party#AC87BBMoralityAAFailedAA
Thai Motherland Party#90ee90Thai MotherlandAAAAAAAA
Thai Nation Party#FF69B4Chart ThaiAAAFailedAA
Thai Nation Power Party#037041Thai Nation PowerFailedFailedFailed
Thai Network Party#F26C61NetworkAAAFailedAA
Thai One Party#804F9FOneFailedFailedFailed
Thai Pakdee Party#2C3079FailedFailedFailed
Thai Party#D2691EAAFailedFailed
Thai Pen Thai Party#008000FailedFailedFailed
Thai People Justice PartyPeople Justice
Thai People Party#FFD700Thai PeopleAAAAAAAA
Thai People Power Party#303d8ePeople PowerFailedFailedFailed
Thai Population Party#13007BFailedFailedFailed
Thai Progress Party#17249EFailedFailedFailed
Thai Prompt Party#22C800AAAFailedAAA
Thai Protection Party#D8BFD8Thai ProtectionAAAAAAAA
Thai Rak Thai Party#FF0000Thai Rak ThaiAAFailedFailed
Thai Ruam Thai Party#0000FEFailedFailedFailed
Thai Sang Thai Party#002EFFThai Sang ThaiFailedFailedFailed
Thai Smart Party#858FE6AAAFailedAA
Thai Social Democratic Party#000CF4FailedFailedFailed
Thai Teachers for People Party#056839Teachers for PeopleFailedFailedFailed
Thailand Together Party#192686FailedFailedFailed
Thailand's Future Party#C02719FailedFailedFailed
Thammathibat Party#aacc99AAAAAAAA
Thanet Independents#008b8bTIThanet Ind.AAFailedFailed
Tharasu Makkal Mandram#138995THMMAAFailedFailed
The Alliance (France)#1C39BBARESFailedFailedFailed
The Alliance (Hong Kong)#7f7f7fAllianceAAFailedFailed
The Alliance (Sweden)#1E5FE0The AllianceFailedFailedFailed
The Alliance2018 (Sweden)#F5891CAAAFailedAA
The Alternative (Denmark)#00FF00The AlternativeAAAAAAAA
The Alternative (France)#74C2C3AAAFailedAAA
The Alternative (Palestine)#CC0000The AlternativeFailedFailedFailed
The Alternative Greens#36A119AAFailedAA
The Beer Party (Austria)#FFD300BIERAAAAAAAA
The Blah! Party#DC241fFailedFailedFailed
The Blue Party (Germany)#120980FailedFailedFailed
The Blues – European Slovakia#002E74ModríFailedFailedFailed
The Borough First#6F207CBorough FirstFailedFailedFailed
The Brexit Party#12B6CFBrexit PartyAAAFailedAA
The Bridge (Croatia)#E85726MostAAFailedFailed
The Centre (political party)#FF9B00The CentreAAAFailedAAA
The Citizen List#243F8EFailedFailedFailed
The Civilian Party#444444CivilianFailedFailedFailed
The Clover - New Ecologists#8FBC8FTCNEAAAFailedAAA
The Common Good (political party)#F77FBECommon GoodAAAFailedAA
The Community Group (London Borough of Hounslow)#228B22Community GroupAAFailedFailed
The Conservatives (Latvia)#182956KFailedFailedFailed
The Conservatives (Luxembourg)#05AEF3DKAAAFailedAA
The Cynon Valley Party#487D3ACynon ValleyFailedFailedFailed
The Daisy#3CB371AAAFailedAA
The Democrats (Gabon)#A82A5AThe DemocratsFailedFailedFailed
The Democrats (Italy)#FF9E5EDemocratsAAAFailedAAA
The Eco-pacifist Greens#559B7FAAFailedAA
The Ecologist Greens (Spain)#9ACD32AAAAAAAA
The Family Party#FFEB33Family PartyAAAAAAAA
The Force of the Majority#fc4143AAFailedAA
The Frontier (Hong Kong)#ffd203FrontierAAAAAAAA
The Frontier (Hong Kong, 2010)#F2E032FrontierAAAAAAAA
The Future India Party#0000FFFailedFailedFailed
The Grays – For All Generations#DD127BFailedFailedFailed
The Grays – Gray PantherspurpleGRAUENFailedFailedFailed
The Great Australian Party#232D60FailedFailedFailed
The Green Group in the European Parliament#008200GFailedFailedFailed
The Greens (Bulgaria)#63A83DAAAFailedAA
The Greens (Chile)#00A550AAFailedAA
The Greens (Denmark)greenGreensFailedFailedFailed
The Greens (France)#00C000LVAAAFailedAA
The Greens (Israel)#308E44AAFailedFailed
The Greens (Luxembourg)#8EB74AGreensAAAFailedAA
The Greens (Netherlands)#019354AAFailedFailed
The Greens (Poland)#6CB41EAAAFailedAA
The Greens (Poland, 2022)#006B54PZFailedFailedFailed
The Greens NSW#00a651GreensAAFailedAA
The Greens of Europe (Spain)#009136AAFailedFailed
The Greens of Madrid#36A119AAFailedAA
The Greens of the Community of Madrid#3EB034AAAFailedAA
The Greens – The Green Alternative#87B529GreensAAAFailedAA
The Greens–Ecologist Confederation of Catalonia#18B44BAAAFailedAA
The Greens–Ecologist Left of the Valencian Country#34A536AAFailedAA
The Greens–Green Alternative#009642AAFailedFailed
The Greens–Green Group#398420FailedFailedFailed
The Greens–Green Option#008700FailedFailedFailed
The Greens–The Ecologist Alternative#36A119AAFailedAA
The Independent Group for Change#222221FailedFailedFailed
The Independent Party#CC9966AAAFailedAA
The Independent Right#003366FailedFailedFailed
The Independent Voice of Aragon#DE6909AAFailedAA
The Independents (Austria)#C0C0C0DUAAAAAAAA
The Independents (Liechtenstein)#e5cf29DUAAAAAAAA
The Independents (UK)#e5007fThe IndependentsAAFailedFailed
The Independents – Republic and Territories#66AAEEAAAFailedAA
The Jewish Home#8DC63FJewish HomeAAAFailedAAA
The Justice & Anti-Corruption PartyCrimsonJustice & Anti-CorruptionFailedFailedFailed
The Key of Croatia#E4BC42KljučAAAAAAAA
The Kiwi Party#363096KiwiFailedFailedFailed
The Left (Bulgaria)#BA1034Levitsata!FailedFailedFailed
The Left (Czech Republic)#D60E44FailedFailedFailed
The Left (Germany)#BE3075LeftFailedFailedFailed
The Left (Italy)#CB2725FailedFailedFailed
The Left (Luxembourg)#8F0109The LeftFailedFailedFailed
The Left (North Macedonia)#FF0000LevicaAAFailedFailed
The Left (Poland)#851A64FailedFailedFailed
The Left (Slovenia)#e82c25LevicaAAFailedFailed
The Left Party#FF3300AAFailedFailed
The Left Today#D5092CFailedFailedFailed
The Left in the European Parliament – GUE/NGL#B71C1CGUE/NGLFailedFailedFailed
The Left of Salamanca#F50510AAFailedFailed
The Liberals (Greece)redLiberalsAAFailedFailed
The Liberals (Switzerland)#0E52A0FDP.The LiberalsFailedFailedFailed
The List of the People#D5338BAAFailedFailed
The Lok Party of India#FFFFFFAAAAAAAAA
The Moderate Party (Ireland)#ff9900AAAFailedAAA
The Motorists' Party of ROC#630B79FailedFailedFailed
The Mountain#E34234MontagnardAAFailedFailed
The Movement (Iceland)#006A74FailedFailedFailed
The Movement (populist group)#0000CDThe MovementFailedFailedFailed
The National Alliance#F5051cNational AllianceAAFailedFailed
The National Coalition (Spain)#101110FailedFailedFailed
The National Party (Trinidad and Tobago)#901b2dTNPFailedFailedFailed
The National Salvation Front#9966CCAAFailedFailed
The Network (political party)#DF0174FailedFailedFailed
The NeuroGenderings Network#64B69AAAAFailedAA
The New Democrats#3B2B82LNDFailedFailedFailed
The New Party (UK, 2003)#0000FFNew PartyFailedFailedFailed
The New Politics Party#0a50a1The New PoliticsFailedFailedFailed
The New Way Party#157CBCAAFailedFailed
The North East Party#800000North East PartyFailedFailedFailed
The Olive Tree (Italy)#EF3E3EThe Olive TreeAAFailedFailed
The Open Party (Finland)#ffb300The Open PartyAAAAAAAA
The Opportunities Party#32DAC3OpportunitiesAAAAAAAA
The Other Bulgaria#B0C4DEAAAAAAAA
The Other Europe#C80000FailedFailedFailed
The Patriots (France)#ED8B00LPThe PatriotsAAAFailedAA
The People of Family#342D7EFailedFailedFailed
The People of Freedom#0087DCPeople of FreedomAAFailedFailed
The People's Choice (political ticket)#AB0616People's ChoiceFailedFailedFailed
The People's Independent Party#CFDC96PIPAAAAAAAA
The People's ManifestolightbluePeople's ManifestoAAAAAAAA
The Peoples Decide#C5161DFailedFailedFailed
The Peoples Independent Civic Organisation#ffcb06AAAAAAAA
The Plain#A9A9A9MaraisAAAFailedAA
The Plumstead Party#3F3F3FFailedFailedFailed
The Political Party (Norway)goldAAAAAAAA
The Populars of Italy Tomorrow#4763B0FailedFailedFailed
The Progressives (Latvia)#E64632PROAAFailedFailed
The Radical Party (UK, 2015)#204E66FailedFailedFailed
The Rally (New Caledonia)#0F6FB7FailedFailedFailed
The Reform Conservatives#FFFF00AAAAAAAAA
The Republic of New Zealand Party#84C6C6RONZAAAFailedAAA
The Republicans (France)#143C77LRFailedFailedFailed
The Republicans (Germany)#0075BEREPFailedFailedFailed
The Republicans (Poland)#042a5aFailedFailedFailed
The Reviewing Group on Social Security Policy#FF9933AAAFailedAAA
The Revolution Continues Alliance#003366FailedFailedFailed
The Right (Germany)#553A26RightFailedFailedFailed
The Right (Italy)#030E40RightFailedFailedFailed
The River (Greece)#9C514ATo PotamiFailedFailedFailed
The Rubbish Party#C31E2FRubbishFailedFailedFailed
The Slough PartysilverAAAAAAAA
The Small Business Party#F68C1ESBPAAAFailedAA
The Social Democratic Group#C40F1FFailedFailedFailed
The Taxpayer (Luxembourg)pinkAAAAAAAA
The Union (Italy)#EF3E3EThe UnionAAFailedFailed
The United Force#0066FFTUFFailedFailedFailed
The Violets#B266FFDie ViolettenAAFailedAA
The Violets (political party)#EE82EEAAAFailedAA
The Voice of Algeciras#D0171DFailedFailedFailed
The Voice of the People#EB316EAAFailedFailed
The Way of Courage#4F276BDKFailedFailedFailed
The Women's Party#EA617BAAFailedAA
There is Such a People#4BB9DEITNAAAFailedAAA
Thinkakhao Chaovilai Party#71009DFailedFailedFailed
Third Force#ED6C10AAFailedAA
Third Force (Hong Kong)#ED6C10Third ForceAAFailedAA
Third FrontredAAFailedFailed
Third Party (France)#00CCCCAAAFailedAAA
Third Position Party#243674FailedFailedFailed
Third Serbia – Rich Serbia#000080TS–BSFailedFailedFailed
Third Side#009591AAFailedFailed
Third Society Party#269DA3Third SocietyAAFailedAA
Third System Movement#D08B62MTSAAAFailedAA
Third Ukrainian RepublicredTURAAFailedFailed
Third Way (Andorra)#233364TVFailedFailedFailed
Third Way (Germany)#556B2FThird WayFailedFailedFailed
Third Way (Israel)#36B3C4Third WayAAAFailedAA
Third Way (Palestinian political party)#991a9bThird WayFailedFailedFailed
Third Way (UK organisation)#FFBF00National Liberal PartyAAAAAAAA
Thuringian Agricultural League#209E00AAFailedFailed
Thurrock Independents#FBEA24Thurrock Ind.AAAAAAAA
Tiako I Madagasikara#0441C0FailedFailedFailed
Tibetan National Congress#FFBD10TNCAAAAAAAA
Ticino League#6495EDAAAFailedAA
Tigray People's Liberation Front#D52D3ATPLFFailedFailedFailed
Timorese Democratic UniondarkblueFailedFailedFailed
Timorese Labor Party#02029fPTTFailedFailedFailed
Timorese Monarchist People's Association#19171CAPMTFailedFailedFailed
Timorese Nationalist Party#DC241FFailedFailedFailed
Timorese Popular Democratic Association#990099ADPODETIFailedFailedFailed
Timorese Social Democratic Action Center#0101FFCASTDFailedFailedFailed
Timorese Social Democratic Association#008000ASDTFailedFailedFailed
Tin Shui Wai Connection#569FA5TSW ConnectionAAFailedAA
Tin Shui Wai Livelihood Progression Union#FF6201TSWLPUAAFailedAA
Tin Shui Wai New Force#24AB6ATSWNFAAAFailedAA
Tiptree Residents Association#80007FTiptree ResidentsFailedFailedFailed
Tkuma (political party)#F47F49AAAFailedAA
Tobago Council of the People's National Movement#D71A16PNMFailedFailedFailed
Tobago Forwards#FF671ETFAAAFailedAA
Tobago House of Assembly#659ccaAAAFailedAA
Tobago Organisation of the People#f4d937TOPAAAAAAAA
Tobwaan Kiribati Party#ff0000TKPAAFailedFailed
Todos (political party)#662D91TodosFailedFailedFailed
Together (Estonia)#2C2BA0TogetherFailedFailedFailed
Together (Hungary)#FED500TogetherAAAAAAAA
Together (Italy)#3CB371TogetherAAAFailedAA
Together (Italy, 2020)#333399FailedFailedFailed
Together (Serbia)#0cae4bZZajednoAAAFailedAA
Together 2014#FED500EgyüttAAAAAAAA
Together Citizens' Party#0088D2AAFailedFailed
Together Gibraltar#EC6927AAFailedAA
Together Leftwards#5A1D56EàGFailedFailedFailed
Together We Are Río Negro#49A942JSRNAAAFailedAA
Together We Can Do Everything#242970SNS coalitionFailedFailedFailed
Together for Badajoz#3DAB38AAAFailedAA
Together for Canaries#2EA3F2AAAFailedAA
Together for Catalonia (2017)#ED5975JuntsxCatAAFailedAA
Together for Catalonia (2020)#00C7AEJxCatAAAFailedAAA
Together for ChangedarkblueZZPFailedFailedFailed
Together for Extremadura#545454JUExFailedFailedFailed
Together for Granada–The Party of the Granadexit#FFCC00AAAAAAAA
Together for Peru#6BDF0CAAAAAAAA
Together for Serbia#008000FailedFailedFailed
Together for Utrera#1E6B47FailedFailedFailed
Together for Vojvodina (party)#03C03CZZVAAAFailedAA
Together for the Call of the Peoples#FE0002AAFailedFailed
Together for the Future#FFBD59AAAAAAAA
Together for Šumadija#439BDAAAFailedAA
Together – Civic Democracy#007FFFSPOLU–ODAAFailedFailed
Togolese Party of Progress#00008BFailedFailedFailed
Toilers LeagueredAAFailedFailed
Tokyo Seikatsusha Network#66cdaaAAAFailedAAA
Toleration Party#3c4fbdTolerationFailedFailedFailed
Tomin First no Kai#136538Tomin FirstFailedFailedFailed
Tomorrow Party of Japan#01A552TomorrowAAFailedAA
Tonga People's Party#EC1C25TPPIAAFailedFailed
Tongan Democratic Labor Party#FFE8E8DLPAAAAAAAAA
Tories (British political party)#3333CCToryFailedFailedFailed
Torrelavega Puede#6D1E6FFailedFailedFailed
Torrelavega Sí#33D6A9AAAAAAAA
Torrevieja United Candidacy#FE834EAAAFailedAA
Tosi List for Veneto#add8e6AAAAAAAA
Tot per Terrassa#202721FailedFailedFailed
Tots per Pollença#D60B76FailedFailedFailed
Tour Madrid–The Greens#78BE1FAAAFailedAA
Towards Russia Party#686763FailedFailedFailed
Tower Hamlets First#800020FailedFailedFailed
Townsend Party#dbd7d7TownsendAAAAAAAA
Trabou pa Kòrsou#CDB200AAAFailedAAA
Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition#EC008CTUSCAAFailedFailed
Trade Unions and Industrialists – Union of Labour#EE1C25STAAFailedFailed
Trades Union Congress and Socialist PartyredAAFailedFailed
Tradition and Future#CB7B02AAFailedAA
Traditional Unionist Voice#0C3A6ATUVFailedFailedFailed
Traditionalist Catholic Party#1A5284FailedFailedFailed
Traditionalist Communion#112978FailedFailedFailed
Traditionalist Conservative Party#0000FFFailedFailedFailed
Traditions and Rural World#006736FailedFailedFailed
Transform Zimbabwe#00ADEFTZAAAFailedAA
Transformation of Ural#00A200PUAAFailedAA
Transhumanist Party#fe7e27TranshumanistAAAFailedAA
Transition Korea#4F3685TransitionFailedFailedFailed
Transkei National Independence Party#246BCETNIPFailedFailedFailed
Transparency for Calvià Civic Candidacy#DD5325AAFailedFailed
Transport and General Workers' Union#0a5097TGWUFailedFailedFailed
Transylvanian Peasants' PartylightgreenPȚTAAAAAAAA
Trato Ciudadano#04B2D5AAAFailedAA
Travancore Tamil Nadu Congress#FF4500TTNCAAFailedAA
Trees Party#73BF00TreesAAAFailedAA
Trentino People's Party#000000PPTFailedFailedFailed
Trentino Tyrolean Autonomist Party#000000FailedFailedFailed
Trentino Tyrolean People's Party#000000PPTTFailedFailedFailed
Tricolour Citizens' Movement#034EA2FailedFailedFailed
Tricolour Flame#000000FailedFailedFailed
Trinamool Congress#20C646TMCAAAFailedAA
Trinidad Humanity CampaignredTHCAAFailedFailed
Trinidad Labour Party#DC241fFailedFailedFailed
Trinidad Labour Party-National Development Party#DC241fFailedFailedFailed
Trinidad and Tobago Democratic FrontblackTTDFFailedFailedFailed
Trinidad and Tobago House of Representatives#b52e2eFailedFailedFailed
Trinidad and Tobago Parliament#e61d25AAFailedFailed
Trinidad and Tobago Senate#74ac84AAAFailedAA
Tripura Upajati Juba SamitigreenTUSFailedFailedFailed
Triumph Heritage Empowerment Party#018FBBTHE PartyAAFailedFailed
Trots op NederlandorangeAAAFailedAAA
Trotskyist Anti-War Party (US)#aa0000Trotskyist Anti-WarFailedFailedFailed
True Montenegro#cc0000PCGFailedFailedFailed
True Path Party#DA251CDYPFailedFailedFailed
True Path Party (2007)#B8B8B8DYPAAAFailedAAA
True Whig Party#004B13TWPFailedFailedFailed
Trust (British political party)#0090CBTrustAAFailedFailed
Truth and Justice (Afghanistan)#8D0D6CFailedFailedFailed
Tsarukyan Alliance#6495EDAAAFailedAA
Tseung Kwan O Pioneers#E30E1ATKO PioneersFailedFailedFailed
Tseung Kwan O Shining#FECB31TKO ShiningAAAAAAAA
Tsing Yi Concern Group#6495EDTYCGAAAFailedAA
Tsing Yi People#22E1E9AAAAAAAA
Tsuen Wan Community Network#E56F73TWCNAAFailedAA
Tsuen Wan Dynamic for the People#FDB623TWDPAAAAAAAA
Tsz Wan Shan Constructive Power#F2971BTWSCPAAAFailedAA
Tudeh Party of Iran#C00Tudeh PartyFailedFailedFailed
Tudela Popular Unity Candidacy#FF5E5EAAAFailedAA
Tudela Puede#753874FailedFailedFailed
Tudelan Union#B51B1BFailedFailedFailed
Tudensan Action#EAC102AAAAAAAA
Tudensan Alternative#0D447DFailedFailedFailed
Tudensan People's Coalition#EF7F02AAAFailedAA
Tuen Mun Community#149DA8TMCAAFailedAA
Tuen Mun Community Network#007BA7TMCNFailedFailedFailed
Tumua ma Puleono#FB4C07AAFailedAA
Tunbridge Wells Alliance#40C1CETWAAllianceAAAFailedAAA
Tunisian Alternative#033274FailedFailedFailed
Tunisian Communist PartyRedAAFailedFailed
Tunisian Pirate Party#000000FailedFailedFailed
Tupamaro (Venezuela)#000000FailedFailedFailed
Turkish Democratic Party of Kosovo#dd3333KDTPAAFailedFailed
Turkish Villagers' Party#DC241FTKPFailedFailedFailed
Tuscan Autonomist Movement#FF0000MATAAFailedFailed
Tuvan People's Revolutionary Party#D11F26TPRPFailedFailedFailed
Twenty20 Kizhakkambalam#D0EFFFAAAAAAAAA
Tyrol Party#F0002DTyrolAAFailedFailed
Tønder Listen#F38B35AAAFailedAA
Tú Decides#923B65FailedFailedFailed
Tú Eres Badalona#C90B25FailedFailedFailed
Túpac Katari Indian Movement#DECE34MITKAAAAAAAAA
Tāpura Huiraʻatira#DD0000FailedFailedFailed
Tāvini Huiraʻatira#87CEFAAAAAAAAA

-- Constant data used by [[Module:Political party]]

local alternate = {
	["Taisei Yokusankai"] = "Imperial Rule Assistance Association",
	["Tamil Democratic National Alliance"] = "Democratic Tamil National Alliance",
	["Tamil Maanila Congress"] = "Tamil Maanila Congress (Moopanar)",
    ["Tamil Nadu Congress Committee"] = "Tamil Nadu Congress (K)",
	["Tamil National People's Front"] = "All Ceylon Tamil Congress",
	["Tamizh Democratic National Alliance"] = "Democratic Tamil National Alliance",
	["Tavini Huiraatira"] = "Tāvini Huiraʻatira",
	["Tapura Huiraatira"] = "Tāpura Huiraʻatira",
	["Tax Cut Now Party (New York)"] = "Tax Cut Now Party",
	["Te Kura O Te ‘Au People's Movement"] = "Te Kura O Te ʻAu People's Movement",
	["Tea Party New Zealand"] = "New Zealand TEA Party",
	["TEA Party"] = "New Zealand TEA Party",
	["Team Chu Hoi Dick of New Territories West"] = "Team Chu Hoi-dick of New Territories West",
	["Team Pinoy"] = "Team PNoy",
	["TEAM Unity"] = "TEAM Unity (Philippines)",
	["Tehreek Labbaik Pakistan"] = "Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan",
	["Tehreek-e-Labaik Pakistan"] = "Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan",
	["Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee"] = "Indian National Congress",
	["Template:Austrian People's Party (2017)"] = "Austrian People's Party (2017)",
	["Template:Kerala Kamaraj Congress"] = "Kerala Kamaraj Congress",
	["Template:New Party (Brazil)"] = "New Party (Brazil)",
	["Template:Peoples Democratic Party (India)"] = "Peoples Democratic Party (India)",
	["Tenerife Group of Independents"] = "Canarian Independent Groups",
	["Tennessee Democratic Party"] = "Democratic Party (United States)",
	["Tennessee Republican Party"] = "Republican Party (United States)",
	["Texas Democratic Party"] = "Democratic Party (United States)",
	["Te Pati Maori"] = "Te Pāti Māori",
	["Te Paati Maori"] = "Te Pāti Māori",
	["Te Pati Māori"] = "Te Pāti Māori",
	["Te Paati Māori"] = "Te Pāti Māori",
	["TG"] = "Together Gibraltar",
	["Thai Citizens' Party"] = "Thai Citizen Party",
	["Thai Rak Thai"] = "Thai Rak Thai Party",
	["The Assembly to Energize Japan"] = "Assembly to Energize Japan",
	["The Centrists"] = "Les Centristes",
	["The Extreme"] = "Historical Far Left",
	["The Frontier (2010–)"] = "The Frontier (Hong Kong, 2010)",
	["The Frontier"] = "The Frontier (Hong Kong)",
	["The Greens (Finland)"] = "Kirjava ”Puolue” – Elonkehän Puolesta",
	["The Greens of the Valencian Country"] = "Confederation of the Greens",
	["The Greens-European Free Alliance"] = "Greens–European Free Alliance",
	["The Greens–European Free Alliance"] = "Greens–European Free Alliance", -- dash differences
	["The Greens–European Green Group"] = "The Greens–Green Group",
	["The Greens–Green Union"] = "The Greens–The Ecologist Alternative",
	["The Greens–Left of the Peoples"] = "Confederation of the Greens",
	["The Independent Group"] = "The Independent Group for Change",
	["The Independents"] = "Independent politician",
	["The Initiative (Tunisia)"] = "National Destourian Initiative",
	["The Left (Spain)"] = "United Left (Spain)",
	["The Left for the Right to Decide"] = "Republican Left of Catalonia",
	["The Left of Castellón"] = "Acord Ciutadà",
	["The Left"] = "The Left (Germany)",
	["The Mountain (1849)"] = "The Mountain",
	["The New Party (UK)"] = "The New Party (UK, 2003)",
	["The New Party (United Kingdom)"] = "The New Party (UK, 2003)",
	["The New Right (Denmark)"] = "New Right (Denmark)",
	["The O'Hara Bill Party"] = "Other parties",
	["The Olive Tree (political coalition)"] = "The Olive Tree (Italy)",
	["The Olive Tree (political party)"] = "The Olive Tree (Italy)",
	["The Party for Japanese Kokoro"] = "Party for Japanese Kokoro",
	["The Professional Commons"] = "Professional Commons",
	["The Right"] = "The Right (Italy)",
	["To Potami"] = "The River (Greece)",
	["The Society of the Friends of Peasants"] = "Society of the Friends of Peasants",
	["The Swiss Independence Party up!"] = "Libertarian Party (Switzerland)",
	["The Union (political coalition)"] = "The Union (Italy)",
	["There Are Such People"] = "There is Such a People",
	["There Is Such A People"] = "There is Such a People",
	["There Is Such a People"] = "There is Such a People",
	["TOGETHER - Civic Democracy"] = "Together – Civic Democracy",
	["TOGETHER – Civic Democracy"] = "Together – Civic Democracy", -- dash difference
	["Together (Czech Republic)"] = "We Go Into It Together",
	["Together We Win (Albania)"] = "Bashkë Fitojmë",
	["Together We Win"] = "Bashkë Fitojmë",
	["Tories (political faction)"] = "Tories (British political party)",
	["Tory (British political party)"] = "Tories (British political party)",
	["Tory Party (UK)"] = "Tories (British political party)",
	["Tory Party"] = "Tories (British political party)",
	["Tory"] = "Tories (British political party)",
	["Total"] = "Summation",
	["Trade Unionists and Socialists Against Cuts"] = "Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition",
	["Tipraha Indigenous Progressive Regional Alliance"] = "Tipra Motha Party",
	["Trotskyist Anti-War Party (United States)"] = "Trotskyist Anti-War Party (US)",
	["True Finns"] = "Finns Party",
	["Trust (political party)"] = "Trust (British political party)",
	["Tunisian Workers' Communist Party"] = "Workers' Party (Tunisia)",

local full = {
	["T Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
	["Ta'al"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F9D104", shortname = "",},
	["Ta'ang National Party"] = {abbrev = "TNP", color = "#0CB8FF", shortname = "",},
	["Table of Six"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D0222C", shortname = "",},
	["Tafalla Berri"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C0747C", shortname = "",},
	["Tagoror"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8EA9DB", shortname = "",},
	["Tahoera'a Huiraatira"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF9900", shortname = "",},
	["Tahya Tounes"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A91101", shortname = "",},
	["Tai Po Democratic Alliance"] = {abbrev = "TPDA", color = "#20B267", shortname = "",},
	["Tai Po Network of Democracy and Livelihood"] = {abbrev = "TPNDL", color = "#03A89E", shortname = "",},
	["Tai-Leng Nationalities Development Party"] = {abbrev = "TLNDP", color = "#CE000C", shortname = "",},
	["Taiseikai"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CC88CC", shortname = "",},
	["Taiwan Action Party Alliance"] = {abbrev = "TAPA", color = "#17B4BB", shortname = "",},
	["Taiwan Constitution Association"] = {abbrev = "TCA", color = "darkgrey", shortname = "",},
	["Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League"] = {abbrev = "TDSGL", color = "#1678C1", shortname = "",},
	["Taiwan Farmers' Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1F8B76", shortname = "Farmers",},
	["Taiwan Independence Party"] = {abbrev = "TAIP", color = "#6EC5DC", shortname = "Independence",},
	["Taiwan Labor Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0f7f13", shortname = "",},
	["Taiwan Number One Party"] = {abbrev = "TNOP", color = "#C20F51", shortname = "",},
	["Taiwan People's Communist Party"] = {abbrev = "TPCP", color = "#DE2910", shortname = "",},
	["Taiwan People's Party"] = {abbrev = "TPP", color = "#28C7C7", shortname = "",},
	["Taiwan Solidarity Union"] = {abbrev = "TSU", color = "#C69E6A", shortname = "",},
	["Taiwan Statebuilding Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A73F24", shortname = "Statebuilding",},
	["Taking the Initiative Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7D6AAA", shortname = "Taking the Initiative",},
	["Taliban"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
	["Tamil Eelam Liberation Organization"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BE0028", shortname = "",},
	["Tamil Maanila Congress (Moopanar)"] = {abbrev = "TMC(M)", color = "#ff8d33", shortname = "",},
	["Tamil Makkal Viduthalai Pulikal"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F13826", shortname = "",},
	["Tamil Nadu Congress (K)"] = {abbrev = "TNC(K)", color = "#00bfff", shortname = "",},
    ["Tamil Nadu Congress Committee"]={abbrev = "TNCC", color = "#00bfff", shortname = "",},
	["Tamil Nadu Makkal Congress"] = {abbrev = "TNMK", color = "Blue", shortname = "",},
	["Tamil Nadu Muslim Munnetra Kazhagam"] = {abbrev = "TMMK", color = "black", shortname = "",},
	["Tamil Nadu Toilers' Party"] = {abbrev = "TTP", color = "Tomato", shortname = "",},
	["Tamil National Alliance"] = {abbrev = "TNA", color = "#F4E800", shortname = "",},
    ["Tamil National Party"] = {abbrev = "TNP", color = "#3333FF", shortname = "",},
	["Tamil People's National Alliance"] = {abbrev = "TPNA", color = "#9E1C28", shortname = "",},
	["Tamil United Liberation Front"] = {abbrev = "TULF", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},
	["Tamilaga Makkal Munnetra Kazhagam"] = {abbrev = "TMMK", color = "Chocolate", shortname = "",},
	["Tamizhaga Makkal Munnetra Kazhagam"] = {abbrev = "", color = "Black", shortname = "",},
	["Tamizhaga Murpokku Makkal Katchi"] = {abbrev = "", color = "fuchsia", shortname = "Makkal Manadu",},
	["Tamizhaga Rajiv Congress"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF33FF", shortname = "",},
	["Tamsaling Nepal Rastriya Dal"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E6DBCF", shortname = "",},
	["Tan Union"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D2B48C", shortname = "",},
	["Tanganyika African National Union"] = {abbrev = "TANU", color = "#48944B", shortname = "",},
	["Tanzania Democratic Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2F4F4F", shortname = "",},
	["Tanzania Labour Party"] = {abbrev = "TLP", color = "#ffea00", shortname = "",},
	["Tāpura Huiraʻatira"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DD0000", shortname = "",},
	["Tarai-Madhesh Loktantrik Party"] = {abbrev = "TMLP", color = "olivedrab", shortname = "",},
	["Tasmanian Greens"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#10C25B", shortname = "Greens",},
	["Tasmanian Liberal League"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8CB4D2", shortname = "Liberal",},
	["Tatmadaw"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BA0C0D", shortname = "",},
	["Tattenhams Residents' Association"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDDDDD", shortname = "",},
	["Tautua Samoa Party"] = {abbrev = "TSP", color = "#669702", shortname = "",},
	["Tāvini Huiraʻatira"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#87CEFA", shortname = "",},
	["Tavisupleba (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#b32425", shortname = "",},
	["Tawi-Tawi One Party"] = {abbrev = "TOP", color = "#50C878", shortname = "",},
	["Tax Cut Now Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B2FFFF", shortname = "Tax Cut Now",},
	["Tax Cuts Japan"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000FF", shortname = "",},
	["Tayo (political party)"] = {abbrev = "TPP", color = "#67ABF6", shortname = "",},
	["Te Kura O Te ʻAu People's Movement"] = {abbrev = "TKA", color = "#FFFDD0", shortname = "",},
	["Te Tawharau"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CC9966", shortname = "",},
	["Te Tiarama"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFD700", shortname = "",},
	["Tea Party movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDDDDD", shortname = "Tea Party",},
	["Team Carinthia"] = {abbrev = "TK", color = "#FFED00", shortname = "",},
	["Team Chu Hoi-dick of New Territories West"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#73BC7C", shortname = "Team Chu",},
	["Team Dunedin"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#132b4d", shortname = "",},
	["Team for Colombia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0061D3", shortname = "",},
	["Team for National Unity"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8064A2", shortname = "",},
	["Team HC Strache – Alliance for Austria"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#153253", shortname = "",},
	["Team K"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FCD300", shortname = "",},
	["Team Manalang"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF8C00", shortname = "Independent",},
	["Team PNoy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFD900", shortname = "",},
	["Team Stronach"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E5CC00", shortname = "Stronach",},
	["Team Todenhöfer"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DA4048", shortname = "",},
	["Team Unity Dominica"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F6D516", shortname = "",},
	["TEAM Unity (Philippines)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B0E0E6", shortname = "TEAM Unity",},
	["Technical Group of Independents (1979–1984)"] = {abbrev = "CDI", color = "#DDDDDD", shortname = "",},
	["Technocrat minister"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#030f0b", shortname = "",},
	["Teesdale Independent Association"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFFFF", shortname = "",},
	["Tehiya"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0047AB", shortname = "",},
	["Tehreek Jawanan Pakistan"] = {abbrev = "TJP", color = "#3CB371", shortname = "",},
	["Tehreek-e-Istiqlal"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0dd5d5", shortname = "",},
	["Tehreek-e-Labaik"] = {abbrev = "TLY", color = "#006400", shortname = "",},
	["Tehreek-e-Labbaik Islam"] = {abbrev = "TLI", color = "#98FB98", shortname = "",},
	["Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan"] = {abbrev = "TLP", color = "#006400", shortname = "",},
	["Teikokutō"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CD5C5C", shortname = "",},
	["Tekojoja People's Movement"] = {abbrev = "PPT", color = "#006400", shortname = "",},
	["Telangana Jana Samithi"] = {abbrev = "TJS", color = "#00A54F", shortname = "",},
	["Telangana Praja Samithi"] = {abbrev = "TPS", color = "#800000", shortname = "",},
	["Telangana Rashtra Samithi"] = {abbrev = "TRS", color = "#F84996", shortname = "",},
	["Teleia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#02b2ed", shortname = "",},
	["Telem (2019 political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#203567", shortname = "",},
	["Telford and Wrekin People's Association"] = {abbrev = "", color = "Silver", shortname = "",},
	["Telugu Desam Party"] = {abbrev = "TDP", color = "#FCEE23", shortname = "",},
	["Temperance Party (Norway)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#9df000", shortname = "",},
	["Tendring First"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EC8425", shortname = "",},
	["Tenerife Socialist Group"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C21C33", shortname = "",},
	["Terai Madhesh Loktantrik Party"] = {abbrev = "TMLP", color = "lightgreen", shortname = "",},
	["Tercera edad en acción"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#38C456", shortname = "",},
	["Term Limits Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D99FE8", shortname = "Term Limits",},
	["Terra Galega"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#08A80A", shortname = "",},
	["Terrassa en Comú"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B62559", shortname = "",},
	["Territories of Progress"] = {abbrev = "TdP", color = "#4C55A2", shortname = "",},
	["Territory Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0A3856", shortname = "",},
	["Tertiary 2012"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008303", shortname = "",},
	["Teruel Existe"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#037252", shortname = "",},
	["Tetuanists"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#265AA1", shortname = "Tetuanist",},
	["Te Pāti Māori"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B2001A", shortname = "",},
	["Thai Chana Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BE852E", shortname = "",},
	["Thai Citizen Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00bfff", shortname = "Thai Citizen",},
	["Thai Citizens Power Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "", shortname = "Citizen Power",},
	["Thai Civilized Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EDC65D", shortname = "Thai Civilized",},
	["Thai Earth Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#708090", shortname = "Thai Earth",},
	["Thai Forest Conservation Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8EC63A", shortname = "Forest Conservation",},
	["Thai Liberal Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#d8b720", shortname = "Thai Liberal",},
	["Thai Local Power Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#32CD32", shortname = "Thai Local Power",},
	["Thai Morality Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#AC87BB", shortname = "Morality",},
	["Thai Motherland Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#90ee90", shortname = "Thai Motherland",},
	["Thai Nation Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF69B4", shortname = "Chart Thai",},
	["Thai Nation Power Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#037041", shortname = "Thai Nation Power",},
	["Thai Network Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F26C61", shortname = "Network",},
	["Thai One Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#804F9F", shortname = "One",},
	["Thai Pakdee Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2C3079", shortname = "",},
	["Thai Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D2691E", shortname = "",},
	["Thai Pen Thai Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},
	["Thai People Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFD700", shortname = "Thai People",},
	["Thai People Justice Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "", shortname = "People Justice",},
	["Thai People Power Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#303d8e", shortname = "People Power",},
	["Thai Population Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#13007B", shortname = "",},
	["Thai Progress Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#17249E", shortname = "",},
	["Thai Prompt Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#22C800", shortname = "",},
	["Thai Protection Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D8BFD8", shortname = "Thai Protection",},
	["Thai Rak Thai Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "Thai Rak Thai",},
	["Thai Ruam Thai Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000FE", shortname = "",},
	["Thai Sang Thai Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#002EFF", shortname = "Thai Sang Thai",},
	["Thai Smart Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#858FE6", shortname = "",},
	["Thai Social Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000CF4", shortname = "",},
	["Thai Teachers for People Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#056839", shortname = "Teachers for People",},
	["Thailand Together Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#192686", shortname = "",},
	["Thailand's Future Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C02719", shortname = "",},
	["Thammathibat Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#aacc99", shortname = "",},
	["Thammathibat"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
	["Thanet Independents"] = {abbrev = "TI", color = "#008b8b", shortname = "Thanet Ind.",},
    ["Tharasu Makkal Mandram"] = {abbrev = "THMM", color = "#138995", shortname = "",},
	["The Alliance (France)"] = {abbrev = "ARES", color = "#1C39BB", shortname = "",},
	["The Alliance (Hong Kong)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7f7f7f", shortname = "Alliance",},
	["The Alliance (Sweden)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1E5FE0", shortname = "The Alliance",},
	["The Alliance2018 (Sweden)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F5891C", shortname = "",},
	["The Alternative (Denmark)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00FF00", shortname = "The Alternative",},
	["The Alternative (France)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#74C2C3", shortname = "",},
	["The Alternative (Palestine)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CC0000", shortname = "The Alternative",},
	["The Alternative Greens"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#36A119", shortname = "",},
	["The Beer Party (Austria)"] = {abbrev = "BIER", color = "#FFD300", shortname = "",},
	["The Blah! Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC241f", shortname = "",},
	["The Blue Party (Germany)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#120980", shortname = "",},
	["The Blues – European Slovakia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#002E74", shortname = "Modrí",},
	["The Borough First"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6F207C", shortname = "Borough First",},
	["The Brexit Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#12B6CF", shortname = "Brexit Party",},
	["The Bridge (Croatia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E85726", shortname = "Most",},
	["The Centre (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF9B00", shortname = "The Centre",},
	["The Citizen List"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#243F8E", shortname = "",},
	["The Civilian Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#444444", shortname = "Civilian",},
	["The Clover - New Ecologists"] = {abbrev = "TCNE", color = "#8FBC8F", shortname = "",},
	["The Common Good (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F77FBE", shortname = "Common Good",},
	["The Community Group (London Borough of Hounslow)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#228B22", shortname = "Community Group",},
	["The Conservatives (Latvia)"] = {abbrev = "K", color = "#182956", shortname = "",},
	["The Conservatives (Luxembourg)"] = {abbrev = "DK", color = "#05AEF3", shortname = "",},
	["The Cynon Valley Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#487D3A", shortname = "Cynon Valley",},
	["The Daisy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3CB371", shortname = "",},
	["The Democrats (Gabon)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A82A5A", shortname = "The Democrats",},
	["The Democrats (Italy)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF9E5E", shortname = "Democrats",},
	["The Eco-pacifist Greens"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#559B7F", shortname = "",},
	["The Ecologist Greens (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#9ACD32", shortname = "",},
	["The Family Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFEB33", shortname = "Family Party",},
	["The Force of the Majority"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#fc4143", shortname = "",},
	["The Frontier (Hong Kong, 2010)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F2E032", shortname = "Frontier",},
	["The Frontier (Hong Kong)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ffd203", shortname = "Frontier",},
	["The Future India Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000FF", shortname = "",},
	["The Grays – For All Generations"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DD127B", shortname = "",},
	["The Grays – Gray Panthers"] = {abbrev = "", color = "purple", shortname = "GRAUEN",},
	["The Great Australian Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#232D60", shortname = "",},
	["The Green Group in the European Parliament"] = {abbrev = "G", color = "#008200", shortname = "",},
	["The Greens – The Green Alternative"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#87B529", shortname = "Greens",},
	["The Greens (Bulgaria)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#63A83D", shortname = "",},
	["The Greens (Chile)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00A550", shortname = "",},
	["The Greens (Denmark)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "green", shortname = "Greens",},
	["The Greens (France)"] = {abbrev = "LV", color = "#00C000", shortname = "",},
	["The Greens (Israel)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#308E44", shortname = "",},
	["The Greens (Luxembourg)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8EB74A", shortname = "Greens",},
	["The Greens (Netherlands)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#019354", shortname = "",},
	["The Greens (Poland)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6CB41E", shortname = "",},
	["The Greens (Poland, 2022)"] = {abbrev = "PZ", color = "#006B54", shortname = "",},
	["The Greens NSW"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00a651", shortname = "Greens",},
	["The Greens of Europe (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009136", shortname = "",},
	["The Greens of Madrid"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#36A119", shortname = "",},
	["The Greens of the Community of Madrid"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3EB034", shortname = "",},
	["The Greens–Ecologist Confederation of Catalonia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#18B44B", shortname = "",},
	["The Greens–Ecologist Left of the Valencian Country"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#34A536", shortname = "",},
	["The Greens–Green Alternative"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009642", shortname = "",},
	["The Greens–Green Group"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#398420", shortname = "",},
	["The Greens–Green Option"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008700", shortname = "",},
	["The Greens–The Ecologist Alternative"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#36A119", shortname = "",},
	["The Independent Group for Change"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#222221", shortname = "",},
	["The Independent Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CC9966", shortname = "",},
	["The Independent Right"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#003366", shortname = "",},
	["The Independent Voice of Aragon"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DE6909", shortname = "",},
	["The Independents (Austria)"] = {abbrev = "DU", color = "#C0C0C0", shortname = "",},
	["The Independents (Liechtenstein)"] = {abbrev = "DU", color = "#e5cf29", shortname = "",},
	["The Independents (UK)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#e5007f", shortname = "The Independents",},
	["The Independents – Republic and Territories"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#66AAEE", shortname = "",},
	["Tipra Motha Party"] = {abbrev = "TMP", color = "#FFDD00", shortname = "",},
	["The Jewish Home"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8DC63F", shortname = "Jewish Home",},
	["The Justice & Anti-Corruption Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "Crimson", shortname = "Justice & Anti-Corruption",},
	["The Key of Croatia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E4BC42", shortname = "Ključ",},
	["The Kiwi Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#363096", shortname = "Kiwi",},
	["The Left (Bulgaria)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BA1034", shortname = "Levitsata!",},
	["The Left (Czech Republic)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D60E44", shortname = "",},
	["The Left (Germany)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BE3075", shortname = "Left",},
	["The Left (Italy)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CB2725", shortname = "",},
	["The Left (Luxembourg)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8F0109", shortname = "The Left",},
	["The Left (North Macedonia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "Levica",},
	["The Left (Poland)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#851A64", shortname = "",},
	["The Left (Slovenia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#e82c25", shortname = "Levica",},
	["The Left in the European Parliament – GUE/NGL"] = {abbrev = "GUE/NGL", color = "#B71C1C", shortname = "",},
	["The Left of Salamanca"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F50510", shortname = "",},
	["The Left Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF3300", shortname = "",},
	["The Left Today"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D5092C", shortname = "",},
	["The Liberals"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},
	["The Liberals (Greece)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "Liberals",},
	["The Liberals (Switzerland)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0E52A0", shortname = "FDP.The Liberals",},
	["The List of the People"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D5338B", shortname = "",},
	["The Lok Party of India"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFFFF", shortname = "",},
	["The Moderate Party (Ireland)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ff9900", shortname = "",},
	["The Motorists' Party of ROC"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#630B79", shortname = "",},
	["The Mountain"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E34234", shortname = "Montagnard",},
	["The Movement (Iceland)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#006A74", shortname = "",},
	["The Movement (populist group)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000CD", shortname = "The Movement",},
	["The National Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F5051c", shortname = "National Alliance",},
	["The National Coalition (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#101110", shortname = "",},
	["The National Party (Trinidad and Tobago)"] = {abbrev = "TNP", color = "#901b2d", shortname = "",},
	["The National Salvation Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#9966CC", shortname = "",},
	["The Network (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DF0174", shortname = "",},
	["The NeuroGenderings Network"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#64B69A", shortname = "",},
	["The New Democrats"] = {abbrev = "LND", color = "#3B2B82", shortname = "",},
	["The New Party (UK, 2003)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000FF", shortname = "New Party",},
	["The New Politics Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0a50a1", shortname = "The New Politics",},
	["The New Way Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#157CBC", shortname = "",},
	["The North East Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#800000", shortname = "North East Party",},
	["The Olive Tree (Italy)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EF3E3E", shortname = "The Olive Tree",},
	["The Open Party (Finland)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ffb300", shortname = "The Open Party",},
	["The Opportunities Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#32DAC3", shortname = "Opportunities",},
	["The Other Bulgaria"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B0C4DE", shortname = "",},
	["The Other Europe"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C80000", shortname = "",},
	["The Patriots (France)"] = {abbrev = "LP", color = "#ED8B00", shortname = "The Patriots",},
	["The People of Family"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#342D7E", shortname = "",},
	["The People of Freedom"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0087DC", shortname = "People of Freedom",},
	["The People's Choice (political ticket)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#AB0616", shortname = "People's Choice",},
	["The People's Independent Party"] = {abbrev = "PIP", color = "#CFDC96", shortname = "",},
	["The People's Manifesto"] = {abbrev = "", color = "lightblue", shortname = "People's Manifesto",},
	["The Peoples Decide"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C5161D", shortname = "",},
	["The Peoples Independent Civic Organisation"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ffcb06", shortname = "",},
	["The Plain"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A9A9A9", shortname = "Marais",},
	["The Plumstead Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3F3F3F", shortname = "",},
	["The Political Party (Norway)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "gold", shortname = "",},
	["The Populars of Italy Tomorrow"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4763B0", shortname = "",},
	["The Progressives (Latvia)"] = {abbrev = "PRO", color = "#E64632", shortname = "",},
	["The Radical Party (UK, 2015)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#204E66", shortname = "",},
	["The Rally (New Caledonia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0F6FB7", shortname = "",},
	["The Reform Conservatives"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},
	["The Republic of New Zealand Party"] = {abbrev = "RONZ", color = "#84C6C6", shortname = "",},
	["The Republicans (France)"] = {abbrev = "LR", color = "#143C77", shortname = "",},
	["The Republicans (Germany)"] = {abbrev = "REP", color = "#0075BE", shortname = "",},
	["The Republicans (Poland)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#042a5a", shortname = "",},
	["The Reviewing Group on Social Security Policy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF9933", shortname = "",},
	["The Revolution Continues Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#003366", shortname = "",},
	["The Right (Germany)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#553A26", shortname = "Right",},
	["The Right (Italy)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#030E40", shortname = "Right",},
	["The Roman Party Ave!"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFFFF", shortname = "",},
	["The Rubbish Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C31E2F", shortname = "Rubbish",},
	["The Slough Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "silver", shortname = "",},
	["The Small Business Party"] = {abbrev = "SBP", color = "#F68C1E", shortname = "",},
	["The Social Democratic Group"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C40F1F", shortname = "",},
	["The Taxpayer (Luxembourg)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "pink", shortname = "",},
	["The Union (Italy)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EF3E3E", shortname = "The Union",},
	["The United Force"] = {abbrev = "TUF", color = "#0066FF", shortname = "",},
	["The Violets (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EE82EE", shortname = "",},
	["The Violets"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B266FF", shortname = "Die Violetten",},
	["The Voice of Algeciras"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D0171D", shortname = "",},
	["The Voice of the People"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EB316E", shortname = "",},
	["The Way of Courage"] = {abbrev = "DK", color = "#4F276B", shortname = "",},
	["The Women's Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EA617B", shortname = "",},
	["There is Such a People"] = {abbrev = "ITN", color = "#4BB9DE", shortname = "",},
	["Thermidorians"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DE5285", shortname = "",},
	["Tibetan National Congress"] = {abbrev = "TNC", color = "#FFBD10", shortname = "",},
	["Thinkakhao Chaovilai Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#71009D", shortname = "",},
	["Third Force (Hong Kong)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ED6C10", shortname = "Third Force",},
	["Third Force"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ED6C10", shortname = "",},
	["Third Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["Third Party (France)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00CCCC", shortname = "",},
	["Third Position Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#243674", shortname = "",},
	["Third Serbia – Rich Serbia"] = {abbrev = "TS–BS", color = "#000080", shortname = "",},
	["Third Side"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009591", shortname = "",},
	["Third Society Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#269DA3", shortname = "Third Society",},
	["Third System Movement"] = {abbrev = "MTS", color = "#D08B62", shortname = "",},
	["Third Ukrainian Republic"] = {abbrev = "TUR", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["Third Way (Andorra)"] = {abbrev = "TV", color = "#233364", shortname = "",},
	["Third Way (Germany)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#556B2F", shortname = "Third Way",},
	["Third Way (Israel)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#36B3C4", shortname = "Third Way",},
	["Third Way (Palestinian political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#991a9b", shortname = "Third Way",},
	["Third Way (UK organisation)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFBF00", shortname = "National Liberal Party",},
	["Thuringian Agricultural League"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#209E00", shortname = "",},
	["Thurrock Independents"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FBEA24", shortname = "Thurrock Ind.",},
	["Tiako I Madagasikara"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0441C0", shortname = "",},
	["Ticino League"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6495ED", shortname = "",},
	["Tigray People's Liberation Front"] = {abbrev = "TPLF", color = "#D52D3A", shortname = "",},
	["Timorese Democratic Union"] = {abbrev = "", color = "darkblue", shortname = "",},
	["Timorese Labor Party"] = {abbrev = "PTT", color = "#02029f", shortname = "",},
	["Timorese Monarchist People's Association"] = {abbrev = "APMT", color = "#19171C", shortname = "",},
	["Timorese Nationalist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC241F", shortname = "",},
	["Timorese Popular Democratic Association"] = {abbrev = "ADPODETI", color = "#990099", shortname = "",},
	["Timorese Social Democratic Action Center"] = {abbrev = "CASTD", color = "#0101FF", shortname = "",},
	["Timorese Social Democratic Association"] = {abbrev = "ASDT", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},
	["Tin Shui Wai Connection"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#569FA5", shortname = "TSW Connection",},
	["Tin Shui Wai Livelihood Progression Union"] = {abbrev = "TSWLPU", color = "#FF6201", shortname = "",},
	["Tin Shui Wai New Force"] = {abbrev = "TSWNF", color = "#24AB6A", shortname = "",},
	["Tiptree Residents Association"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#80007F", shortname = "Tiptree Residents",},
	["Tkuma (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F47F49", shortname = "",},
	["The River (Greece)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#9C514A", shortname = "To Potami",},
	["Tobago Council of the People's National Movement"] = {abbrev = "PNM", color = "#D71A16", shortname = "",},
	["Tobago Forwards"] = {abbrev = "TF", color = "#FF671E", shortname = "",},
	["Tobago House of Assembly"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#659cca", shortname = "",},
	["Tobago Organisation of the People"] = {abbrev = "TOP", color = "#f4d937", shortname = "",},
	["Tobwaan Kiribati Party"] = {abbrev = "TKP", color = "#ff0000", shortname = "",},
	["Todos (political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#662D91", shortname = "Todos",},
	["Together – Civic Democracy"] = {abbrev = "SPOLU–OD", color = "#007FFF", shortname = "",},
	["Together (Estonia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2C2BA0", shortname = "Together",},
	["Together (Hungary)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FED500", shortname = "Together",},
	["Together (Italy)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3CB371", shortname = "Together",},
	["Together (Italy, 2020)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#333399", shortname = "",},
	["Together (Serbia)"] = {abbrev = "Z", color = "#0cae4b", shortname = "Zajedno",},
	["Together 2014"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FED500", shortname = "Együtt",},
	["Together Citizens' Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0088D2", shortname = "",},
	["Together for Badajoz"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3DAB38", shortname = "",},
	["Together for Canaries"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2EA3F2", shortname = "",},
	["Together for Catalonia (2017)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ED5975", shortname = "JuntsxCat",},
	["Together for Catalonia (2020)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00C7AE", shortname = "JxCat",},
	["Together for Change"] = {abbrev = "ZZP", color = "darkblue", shortname = "",},
	["Together for Extremadura"] = {abbrev = "JUEx", color = "#545454", shortname = "",},
	["Together for Granada–The Party of the Granadexit"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFCC00", shortname = "",},
	["Together for Peru"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6BDF0C", shortname = "",},
	["Together for Serbia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#008000", shortname = "",},
	["Together for Šumadija"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#439BDA", shortname = "",},
	["Together for the Call of the Peoples"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FE0002", shortname = "",},
	["Together for the Future"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFBD59", shortname = "",},
	["Together for Utrera"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1E6B47", shortname = "",},
	["Together for Vojvodina (party)"] = {abbrev = "ZZV", color = "#03C03C", shortname = "",},
	["Together Gibraltar"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EC6927", shortname = "",},
	["Together Leftwards"] = {abbrev = "EàG", color = "#5A1D56", shortname = "",},
	["Together We Are Río Negro"] = {abbrev = "JSRN", color = "#49A942", shortname = "",},
	["Together We Can Do Everything"] = {abbrev = "SNS coalition", color = "#242970", shortname = "",},
	["Togolese Party of Progress"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00008B", shortname = "",},
	["Tōhōkai"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B37D40", shortname = "",},
	["Toilers League"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["Tokyo Seikatsusha Network"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#66cdaa", shortname = "",},
	["Toleration Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3c4fbd", shortname = "Toleration",},
	["Tomin First no Kai"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#136538", shortname = "Tomin First",},
	["Tomorrow Party of Japan"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#01A552", shortname = "Tomorrow",},
	["Tonga People's Party"] = {abbrev = "TPPI", color = "#EC1C25", shortname = "",},
	["Tongan Democratic Labor Party"] = {abbrev = "DLP", color = "#FFE8E8", shortname = "",},
	["Tongmenghui"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#013686", shortname = "",},
	["TOP 09"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#993366", shortname = "",},
	["Tories (British political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3333CC", shortname = "Tory",},
	["Torrelavega Puede"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6D1E6F", shortname = "",},
	["Torrelavega Sí"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#33D6A9", shortname = "",},
	["Torrevieja United Candidacy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FE834E", shortname = "",},
	["Tosi List for Veneto"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#add8e6", shortname = "",},
	["Tot per Terrassa"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#202721", shortname = "",},
	["Tots per Pollença"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D60B76", shortname = "",},
	["Totuuspuolue"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFF00", shortname = "",},
	["Tour Madrid–The Greens"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#78BE1F", shortname = "",},
	["Towards Russia Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#686763", shortname = "",},
	["Tower Hamlets First"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#800020", shortname = "",},
	["Townsend Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#dbd7d7", shortname = "Townsend",},
	["Trabou pa Kòrsou"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CDB200", shortname = "",},
	["Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition"] = {abbrev = "TUSC", color = "#EC008C", shortname = "",},
	["Trade Unions and Industrialists – Union of Labour"] = {abbrev = "ST", color = "#EE1C25", shortname = "",},
	["Trades Union Congress and Socialist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["Tradition and Future"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CB7B02", shortname = "",},
	["Traditional Unionist Voice"] = {abbrev = "TUV", color = "#0C3A6A", shortname = "",},
	["Traditionalist Catholic Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1A5284", shortname = "",},
	["Traditionalist Communion"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#112978", shortname = "",},
	["Traditionalist Conservative Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0000FF", shortname = "",},
	["Traditions and Rural World"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#006736", shortname = "",},
	["Transform Zimbabwe"] = {abbrev = "TZ", color = "#00ADEF", shortname = "",},
	["Transformation of Ural"] = {abbrev = "PU", color = "#00A200", shortname = "",},
	["Transkei National Independence Party"] = {abbrev = "TNIP", color = "#246BCE", shortname = "",},
	["Transhumanist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#fe7e27", shortname = "Transhumanist",},
	["Transition Korea"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4F3685", shortname = "Transition",},
	["Transparency for Calvià Civic Candidacy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DD5325", shortname = "",},
	["Transport and General Workers' Union"] = {abbrev = "TGWU", color = "#0a5097", shortname = "",},
	["Transylvanian Peasants' Party"] = {abbrev = "PȚT", color = "lightgreen", shortname = "",},
	["Trato Ciudadano"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#04B2D5", shortname = "",},
	["Travancore Tamil Nadu Congress"] = {abbrev = "TTNC", color = "#FF4500", shortname = "",},
	["Trees Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#73BF00", shortname = "Trees",},
	["Trentino People's Party"] = {abbrev = "PPT", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
	["Trentino Tyrolean Autonomist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
	["Trentino Tyrolean People's Party"] = {abbrev = "PPTT", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
	["Tricolour Citizens' Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#034EA2", shortname = "",},
	["Tricolour Flame"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
	["Trinamool Congress"] = {abbrev = "TMC", color = "#20C646", shortname = "",},
	["Trinidad and Tobago Democratic Front"] = {abbrev = "TTDF", color = "black", shortname = "",},
	["Trinidad and Tobago House of Representatives"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#b52e2e", shortname = "",},
	["Trinidad and Tobago Parliament"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#e61d25", shortname = "",},
	["Trinidad and Tobago Senate"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#74ac84", shortname = "",},
	["Trinidad Humanity Campaign"] = {abbrev = "THC", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["Trinidad Labour Party-National Development Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC241f", shortname = "",},
	["Trinidad Labour Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC241f", shortname = "",},
	["Tripura Upajati Juba Samiti"] = {abbrev = "TUS", color = "green", shortname = "",},
	["Triumph Heritage Empowerment Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#018FBB", shortname = "THE Party",},
	["Trots op Nederland"] = {abbrev = "", color = "orange", shortname = "",},
	["Trotskyist Anti-War Party (US)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#aa0000", shortname = "Trotskyist Anti-War",},
	["Trudoviks"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#2D902D", shortname = "",},
	["True Montenegro"] = {abbrev = "PCG", color = "#cc0000", shortname = "",},
	["True Path Party (2007)"] = {abbrev = "DYP", color = "#B8B8B8", shortname = "",},
	["True Path Party"] = {abbrev = "DYP", color = "#DA251C", shortname = "",},
	["True Whig Party"] = {abbrev = "TWP", color = "#004B13", shortname = "",},
	["Trust (British political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0090CB", shortname = "Trust",},
	["Truth and Justice (Afghanistan)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8D0D6C", shortname = "",},
	["Tsarukyan Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6495ED", shortname = "",},
	["Tseung Kwan O Pioneers"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E30E1A", shortname = "TKO Pioneers",},
	["Tseung Kwan O Shining"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FECB31", shortname = "TKO Shining",},
	["Tsing Yi Concern Group"] = {abbrev = "TYCG", color = "#6495ED", shortname = "",},
	["Tsing Yi People"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#22E1E9", shortname = "",},
	["Tsuen Wan Community Network"] = {abbrev = "TWCN", color = "#E56F73", shortname = "",},
	["Tsuen Wan Dynamic for the People"] = {abbrev = "TWDP", color = "#FDB623", shortname = "",},
	["Tsz Wan Shan Constructive Power"] = {abbrev = "TWSCP", color = "#F2971B", shortname = "",},
	["Tú Decides"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#923B65", shortname = "",},
	["Tú Eres Badalona"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C90B25", shortname = "",},
	["Tudeh Party of Iran"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C00", shortname = "Tudeh Party",},
	["Tudela Popular Unity Candidacy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF5E5E", shortname = "",},
	["Tudela Puede"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#753874", shortname = "",},
	["Tudelan Union"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B51B1B", shortname = "",},
	["Tudensan Action"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EAC102", shortname = "",},
	["Tudensan Alternative"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0D447D", shortname = "",},
	["Tudensan People's Coalition"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EF7F02", shortname = "",},
	["Tuen Mun Community Network"] = {abbrev = "TMCN", color = "#007BA7", shortname = "",},
	["Tuen Mun Community"] = {abbrev = "TMC", color = "#149DA8", shortname = "",},
	["Tumu Enua"] = {abbrev = "TE", color = "#FFFFDD", shortname = "",},
	["Tumua ma Puleono"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FB4C07", shortname = "",},
	["Tunbridge Wells Alliance"] = {abbrev = "TWA", color = "#40C1CE", shortname = "Alliance",},
	["Tunisian Alternative"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#033274", shortname = "",},
	["Tunisian Communist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "Red", shortname = "",},
	["Tunisian Pirate Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
	["Túpac Katari Indian Movement"] = {abbrev = "MITKA", color = "#DECE34", shortname = "",},
	["Tupamaro (Venezuela)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
	["Turkish Democratic Party of Kosovo"] = {abbrev = "KDTP", color = "#dd3333", shortname = "",},
	["Turkish Villagers' Party"] = {abbrev = "TKP", color = "#DC241F", shortname = "",},
	["Tuscan Autonomist Movement"] = {abbrev = "MAT", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
	["Tuvan People's Revolutionary Party"] = {abbrev = "TPRP", color = "#D11F26", shortname = "",},
	["Twenty20 Kizhakkambalam"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D0EFFF", shortname = "",},
	["Tyrol Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F0002D", shortname = "Tyrol",},
	["Tzomet"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0047AB", shortname = "",},
	["Tønder Listen"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F38B35", shortname = "",},

return {
	full = full,
	alternate = alternate,