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Módulo:Political party/W

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
Documentação do módulo[ver] [editar] [histórico] [purgar]

Atualizando este submódulo[editar código-fonte]

Os partidos políticos contidos neste módulo são divididos em listas alfabéticas com base no primeiro caractere do nome (por exemplo, "Partido Trabalhista (Reino Unido)" estaria sob /L). A subpágina de /1 é para qualquer parte que não comece com as letras ocidentais A-Z (incluindo números e caracteres acentuados).

Dentro de cada submódulo de dados estão dois grupos locais: local alternate e local full.

Nomes alternativos de partidos[editar código-fonte]

O grupo alternativo é para nomes alternativos de uma parte. O seguinte é um exemplo de nomes alternativos para o Partido Trabalhista (Reino Unido):

local alternate = {
	["Labour and Co-operative"] = "Partido Trabalhista (Reino Unido)",
	["Labour Co-operative"] = "Partido Trabalhista (Reino Unido)",

A primeira entrada entre colchetes é o nome alternativo, e a segunda entrada apenas entre aspas é o nome encontrado no full group, visto abaixo. Observe que o nome alternativo de um partido deve ser armazenado em sua subpágina correspondente baseada em letras; "Partido Democrático do Alabama" está listado em /P, embora seja um nome alternativo para "Partido Democrata (Estado Unidos)" (que é armazenado em /P).

Valores da tabela[editar código-fonte]

local full = {
	["Partido Trabalhista (Reino Unido)"] = {abbrev = "Lab", color = "#E4003B", shortname = "Trabalhista",},

Existem três valore guardados para cada partido:

  • A abreviação (abbrev).
  • A cor do partido (cor), que pode ser ou tripleto hexadecimal ou uma nome de cor básico.
  • Um nome curto para o partido (shortname).

Os valores adicionados a estes parâmetros não têm de ser exclusivos de outros partidos neste módulo, ao contrário do nome principal de um partido.

Se um valor de nome não for armazenado para um partido, o módulo tentará retornar a outra variante de nome "curto" antes de retornar a entrada. Assim ,se abbrev estiver armazenado, maso nome abreviado não estiver, independentemente do valor solicitado, ele retornará o valor abbrev.

Valor das cores[editar código-fonte]

Nome partido políticocorabrevnomecurtoA cor é válida?Contraste texto normalContraste link sem ser visitadoContraste link visitado
Wa Democratic Party#13A0E7WDPAAAFailedAA
Wa National Unity Party#018CC5AAFailedFailed
Wafa MovementGoldAAAAAAAA
Wafd Party#1C6339WafdFailedFailedFailed
Wake Up–Constitutionalist Sociopolitical Party#716E9FFailedFailedFailed
Wales Green Party#6AB023GreenAAAFailedAA
Wallonie d'Abord#FF0800AAFailedFailed
Walter Lee (Australian politician)darkblueLiberal (Lee)FailedFailedFailed
Wan Chai Community Union#E50500FailedFailedFailed
Washington Progressive Party#c64c4bProgressiveAAFailedFailed
Watani Party#5F9EA0WataniAAFailedAA
Water Natuurlijk#00ADEFWNAAAFailedAA
Waterford People's Party#9900CCFailedFailedFailed
Way Out Alliance#F2A800AAAFailedAAA
We Are All Colombia#F4C914AAAAAAAA
We Are Andalusians Party#189100AAFailedFailed
We Are Family#0b3f95FailedFailedFailed
We Are Family (Slovakia)#034b9fWe Are FamilyFailedFailedFailed
We Are Future#F5C343AAAAAAAA
We Are Peru#20488EFailedFailedFailed
We Are Peru – Purple Party#48379bFailedFailedFailed
We Are Valencian#0570FFAAFailedFailed
We Continue the Change#FFC300PPAAAAAAAA
We Demand a Referendum#5D8AA8AAFailedFailed
We Demand a Referendum Now#5D8AA8We Demand a ReferendumAAFailedFailed
We Do for Córdoba#0050A3HpCFailedFailedFailed
We Go Into It Together#312d8cTogetherFailedFailedFailed
We Have Had Enough!#C41117FailedFailedFailed
We Must (Serbia)#52AA42MoramoAAAFailedAA
We Sammarineses#003979NSFailedFailedFailed
We Unite Fiji Party#7E277CFailedFailedFailed
We Won't Pay this Crisis#CE1000FailedFailedFailed
We can! (Croatia)#C9E265AAAAAAAA
We for the Republic#EE3338NpIRAAFailedFailed
We, Party of Social Regeneration#DE6E3DAAFailedAA
Welfare Empower Hong Kong#EA622BAAFailedAA
Welfare Party#D60000WelfareFailedFailedFailed
Welfare Party of India#FF76F9WPOIAAAFailedAA
Wellington Citizens League#B8BFFECitizens LeagueAAAAAAAA
Wellington Citizens' Association#B8BFFECitizens'AAAAAAAA
Welsh Christian Party#400071Welsh ChristianFailedFailedFailed
Welsh Communist Party#FF0000AAFailedFailed
Welsh Conservatives#0087DCConservativeAAFailedFailed
Welsh Green Party#6AB023AAAFailedAA
Welsh Labour#E4003BLabourFailedFailedFailed
Welsh Liberal Democrats#FAA61ALiberal DemocratsAAAFailedAAA
Welsh Socialist AllianceredSocialist AllianceAAFailedFailed
Werrington First#754B53FailedFailedFailed
Wessex Regionalist Party#318B58Wessex RegionalistAAFailedFailed
West Dunbartonshire Community Party#C5000BWest Dunbartonshire CommunityFailedFailedFailed
West Indian National Congress Party#31859CAAFailedFailed
West Indies Democratic Labour Party#3399FFDemocratAAAFailedAA
West Indies Federal Labour Party#FF0000FederalistAAFailedFailed
West Suffolk Independents#6EFFC5WSIAAAAAAAA
Western Australia Party#000000FailedFailedFailed
Western Australian Liberal Party (1911–1917)#8CB4D2LiberalAAAFailedAAA
We–Galician Candidacy#7CC4EAAAAFailedAAA
Whig Party (British political party)#819FF7WhigAAAFailedAA
Whig Party (US)#F0C862WWhigAAAAAAAA
Whigs (British political party)#FF7F00WhigAAAFailedAA
White Electoral AlliancedarkblueFailedFailedFailed
White Party of Pensioners#A0A0A0AAAFailedAA
Whitnash Residents AssociationlightpinkWhitnash ResidentsAAAAAAAA
Who Owns the State?#AD2027FailedFailedFailed
Whole Azerbaijan Popular Front Party#003399FailedFailedFailed
Wickford Independents#95A3EAWickford Ind.AAAFailedAA
Wildrose Independence Party of Alberta#0F8753AAFailedFailed
Will, Opportunity and Solidarity#d0147eVOSFailedFailedFailed
Windward Islands People's Movement#EC7123WIPMAAFailedAA
Winsford Salt of the Earth#e68946AAAFailedAA
Wiper Democratic Movement – Kenya#00ADEFWiper - KenyaAAAFailedAA
Wirral Independent Network#FFFFFFWINAAAAAAAAA
Wisconsin Green Party#17aa5cGreenAAFailedAA
Wisconsin Progressive Party#5FD170ProgressiveAAAFailedAAA
With Monti for Italy#015583FailedFailedFailed
Without Fear Movement#7FFF00AAAAAAAA
Women Forward#009FE3AAAFailedAA
Women for Women Party#F3B249AAAAAAAA
Women of Russia#5F9FDAZhRAAAFailedAA
Women's Equality Party#64B69AWomen's EqualityAAAFailedAA
Women's Equality Party (New York)#328DE0Women's EqualityAAFailedAA
Women's Equality Party (UK)#64B69AAAAFailedAA
Women's General Association of Macau#FA5A78AGMMAAFailedAA
Women's International Zionist Organization#cd1b68WIZOFailedFailedFailed
Women's List#B60096FailedFailedFailed
Women's Party (Finland)violetAAAFailedAA
Women's Party (South Korea)#6400AAWomen'sFailedFailedFailed
Women's Party (UK)#ff1493Women's PartyAAFailedFailed
Women's Rights Party#9c27b0Women's RightsFailedFailedFailed
Women's Society of Iran#ee1c25WSIAAFailedFailed
Women's Union of Turkmenistan#C20E1ATZBFailedFailedFailed
Worker House#008d7dWHAAFailedFailed
Worker Peasant Student and Popular Front#98E723AAAAAAAA
Worker's Way#FF0000WWAAFailedFailed
Worker-Peasant Party#890000POCFailedFailedFailed
Workers (Communist) Party#D50000Workers (Communist)FailedFailedFailed
Workers Communist Party (US)#FF4900Workers CommunistAAFailedAA
Workers Democratic Party#FF0000AAFailedFailed
Workers Fight#BB0000FailedFailedFailed
Workers League Party (US)#B7410EWorkers LeagueFailedFailedFailed
Workers Organisation for Socialist ActionredAAFailedFailed
Workers Party of America#f2072eWorkersAAFailedFailed
Workers Party of Bangladesh#992d46Workers PartyFailedFailedFailed
Workers Party of BarbadosRedAAFailedFailed
Workers Party of Britain#DB251EWorkers PartyFailedFailedFailed
Workers Party of India#F2F527WPIAAAAAAAAA
Workers Party of New Zealand#FF0066Workers PartyAAFailedFailed
Workers Party of Socialist Unity#FF0000AAFailedFailed
Workers Revolutionary Party (Greece)#D40C0CEEKFailedFailedFailed
Workers Revolutionary Party (Namibia)#CC0000WRPFailedFailedFailed
Workers Revolutionary Party (UK)#AA0000Workers RevolutionaryFailedFailedFailed
Workers World Party#FF33AAWorkers WorldAAFailedAA
Workers and Socialist Party#cc0000FailedFailedFailed
Workers and Unemployed Action#FA8072WUAAAAFailedAA
Workers for Democracy Coalition#F34723AAFailedFailed
Workers' Cause Party#BB0000PCOFailedFailedFailed
Workers' Communist Party (Italy)#DC142FWorkers' Communist PartyFailedFailedFailed
Workers' Communist Party (Spain)#DC3E52AAFailedFailed
Workers' Communist Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina#ED1C24AAFailedFailed
Workers' Front (Croatia)#cc0000FailedFailedFailed
Workers' Front (Spain)#5D0B0BFOFailedFailedFailed
Workers' General Party#006600FailedFailedFailed
Workers' Left Front#F65058FIT – UnidadAAFailedAA
Workers' Liberation Front (Curaçao)#FF7F00AAAFailedAA
Workers' Movement Front#B23A3AFailedFailedFailed
Workers' Movement for Social Guarantees "May"#C62B55May MovementFailedFailedFailed
Workers' PartyredAAFailedFailed
Workers' Party (Algeria)#FF0000PTAAFailedFailed
Workers' Party (Argentina)#8B0000POWorkers' PartyFailedFailedFailed
Workers' Party (Bolivia)#8B0000Workers' PartyFailedFailedFailed
Workers' Party (Brazil)#e20e28PTFailedFailedFailed
Workers' Party (Costa Rica)#ED1C24PTAAFailedFailed
Workers' Party (Czech Republic)#555555Workers' PartyFailedFailedFailed
Workers' Party (France)#B22222Workers' PartyFailedFailedFailed
Workers' Party (Guinea-Bissau)redWorkers' PartyAAFailedFailed
Workers' Party (Ireland)#930C1AWPWorkers' PartyFailedFailedFailed
Workers' Party (Montenegro)#A71110Workers' PartyFailedFailedFailed
Workers' Party (Paraguay)redWorkers' PartyAAFailedFailed
Workers' Party (Singapore)#EE0000WPAAFailedFailed
Workers' Party (Spain)#B51818Workers' PartyFailedFailedFailed
Workers' Party (Tunisia)IndianRedWorkers' PartyAAFailedFailed
Workers' Party (Turkey)#990033İPFailedFailedFailed
Workers' Party (Uruguay)#FF0000Workers' PartyAAFailedFailed
Workers' Party of Belgium#8B0000PVDA-PTBFailedFailedFailed
Workers' Party of Ethiopia#D71F01FailedFailedFailed
Workers' Party of Finland#FF4D00AAFailedAA
Workers' Party of Hungary 2006 – European LeftredMM2006AAFailedFailed
Workers' Party of Korea#CE1126Workers' PartyFailedFailedFailed
Workers' Party of New Zealand (1991)#DC143CWorkers' PartyFailedFailedFailed
Workers' Party of North Korea#FF0000Workers' PartyAAFailedFailed
Workers' Party of Social JusticeblackDSSSWorkers' PartyFailedFailedFailed
Workers' Party of South Korea#FF0000Workers' PartyAAFailedFailed
Workers' Party of Spain–Communist Unity#B51818FailedFailedFailed
Workers' Party of Turkey (1961)#B10A11TİPFailedFailedFailed
Workers' Party of Turkey (2017)#BE0A11TİPFailedFailedFailed
Workers' Revolutionary Organization (Spain)#4C252AFailedFailedFailed
Workers' Revolutionary Party (Mexico)#e32525AAFailedFailed
Workers' Socialist Party (Mexico)#000000PSTFailedFailedFailed
Workers' Socialist Party (Spain)#AA1153FailedFailedFailed
Workers' Union#C19A6BAAAFailedAA
Workers' Union (Faroe Islands)#b30000Workers' UnionFailedFailedFailed
Workers' United Front#FF0000TÜVAAFailedFailed
Workers' Vanguard Party#E34234AAFailedFailed
Working Class Party#CC6699Working ClassAAFailedFailed
Working Families Party#f598e2Working FamiliesAAAFailedAAA
Working People's AllianceredAAFailedFailed
Working People's Party (Moldova)#A12820POMFailedFailedFailed
Working People's Party (Puerto Rico)#9900CCFailedFailedFailed
Working People’s Party#800000FailedFailedFailed
Workingman's Party#D99FE8Workingman'sAAAFailedAAA
Workingmen's Party#999999AAAFailedAA
Workingmen's Party of California#999999AAAFailedAA
World Economic Community Party#000000FailedFailedFailed
World Government Party#DDDDDDWorld GovernmentAAAAAAAA
World Socialist Party (New Zealand)#DD0048World SocialistFailedFailedFailed
Worth Area Party#666666FailedFailedFailed
Write-in candidatewhiteWrite-InAAAAAAAAA
Wspólnota SamorządowabrownFailedFailedFailed
Wycombe Independent#FAEBD7Wycombe Ind.AAAAAAAAA
Wyoming Democratic Party#3333FFDemocraticFailedFailedFailed
Wyoming Libertarian Party#FED105LibertarianAAAAAAAA
Wyoming Republican Party#E81B23RepublicanAAFailedFailed

-- Constant data used by [[Module:Political party]]

local alternate = {
	["Washington Democratic Party"] = "Democratic Party (United States)",
	["Washington Libertarian Party"] = "Libertarian Party (US)",
	["Washington Non Partisan"] = "Non Partisan (Washington)",
	["Washington Republican Party"] = "Republican Party (United States)",
	["Washington State Democratic Party"] = "Democratic Party (United States)",
	["Washington State Republican Party"] = "Republican Party (United States)",
	["We Are Europeans"] = "Action (Italian political party)",
	["Welsh Conservative Party"] = "Welsh Conservatives",
	["Welsh Labour Party"] = "Welsh Labour",
	["Welsh Nation Party"] = "Propel (political party)",
	["West Virginia Democratic Party"] = "Democratic Party (United States)",
	["West Virginia Republican Party"] = "Republican Party (United States)",
	["Western People's Front"] = "Democratic People's Front",
	["Whig (British political faction)"] = "Whigs (British political party)",
	["Whig (British political party)"] = "Whigs (British political party)",
	["Whig Party (UK)"] = "Whigs (British political party)",
	["Whig Party (United States)"] = "Whig Party (US)",
	["Whig Party"] = "Whig Party (US)",
	["Whig"] = "Whigs (British political party)",
	["Whigs"] = "Whigs (British political party)",
	["Who Owns the State? (2021)"] = "For a Humane Latvia",
	["Wiper Democratic Movement - Kenya"] = "Wiper Democratic Movement – Kenya",
	["Women's List (Iceland)"] = "Women's List",
	["Worker's People Party of Puerto Rico"] = "Working People's Party (Puerto Rico)",
	["Workers and Unemployed Action Group"] = "Workers and Unemployed Action",
	["Workers Communist Party (United States)"] = "Workers Communist Party (US)",
	["Workers League Party (United States)"] = "Workers League Party (US)",
	["Workers Party (Ireland)"] = "Workers' Party (Ireland)",
	["Workers Party of Ireland"] = "Workers' Party (Ireland)",
	["Workers' List Party"] = "Workers Organisation for Socialist Action",
	["Workers' Party – The Communists"] = "Communist Party of Sweden (1995)",
	["Workers' Party (Belgium)"] = "Workers' Party of Belgium",
	["Workers' Party (Ireland)"] = "Workers' Party (Ireland)",
	["Workers' Party of Singapore"] = "Workers' Party (Singapore)",
	["Workers' Revolutionary Party (Spain)"] = "Workers' Socialist Party (Spain)",
	["Workers' Revolutionary Party (UK)"] = "Workers Revolutionary Party (UK)",
	["Workers' Struggle"] = "Lutte Ouvrière",
	["Working Families Party of New York"] = "Working Families Party",
	["Working People, Peasants and Intellectuals"] = "Stormers (Finland)",
	["Working People's Party of Puerto Rico"] = "Working People's Party (Puerto Rico)",
	["Workingmen's Party (California)"] = "Workingmen's Party of California",

local full = {
	["Wa Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "WDP", color = "#13A0E7", shortname = "",},
	["Wa National Unity Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#018CC5", shortname = "",},
	["Waddani"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC6015", shortname = "",},
	["Wafa Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "Gold", shortname = "",},
	["Wafd Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#1C6339", shortname = "Wafd",},
	["Wake Up–Constitutionalist Sociopolitical Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#716E9F", shortname = "",},
	["Wales Green Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6AB023", shortname = "Green",},
	["Wallonie d'Abord"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0800", shortname = "",},
	["Walloon Rally"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFF01", shortname = "",},
	["Walter Lee (Australian politician)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "darkblue", shortname = "Liberal (Lee)",},
	["Wan Chai Community Union"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E50500", shortname = "",},
	["Washington Progressive Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#c64c4b", shortname = "Progressive",},
	["Watani Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5F9EA0", shortname = "Watani",},
	["Water Natuurlijk"] = {abbrev = "WN", color = "#00ADEF", shortname = "",},
	["Waterford People's Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#9900CC", shortname = "",},
	["Way Out Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F2A800", shortname = "",},
	["We Are All Colombia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F4C914", shortname = "",},
	["We Are Andalusians Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#189100", shortname = "",},
	["We Are Family (Slovakia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#034b9f", shortname = "We Are Family",},
	["We Are Family"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0b3f95", shortname = "",},
	["We Are Future"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F5C343", shortname = "",},
	["We Are Peru – Purple Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#48379b", shortname = "",},
	["We Are Peru"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#20488E", shortname = "",},
	["We Are Valencian"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0570FF", shortname = "",},
	["We can! (Croatia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C9E265", shortname = "",},
	["We Citizens"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ADD8E6", shortname = "",},
	["We Continue the Change"] = {abbrev = "PP", color = "#FFC300", shortname = "",},
	["We Demand a Referendum Now"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5D8AA8", shortname = "We Demand a Referendum",},
	["We Demand a Referendum"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5D8AA8", shortname = "",},
	["We Do for Córdoba"] = {abbrev = "HpC", color = "#0050A3", shortname = "",},
	["We for the Republic"] = {abbrev = "NpIR", color = "#EE3338", shortname = "",},
	["We Go Into It Together"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#312d8c", shortname = "Together",},
	["We Have Had Enough!"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C41117", shortname = "",},
	["We Must (Serbia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#52AA42", shortname = "Moramo",},
	["We Sammarineses"] = {abbrev = "NS", color = "#003979", shortname = "",},
	["We Won't Pay this Crisis"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CE1000", shortname = "",},
	["We Unite Fiji Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7E277C", shortname = "",},
	["We–Galician Candidacy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7CC4EA", shortname = "",},
	["We, Party of Social Regeneration"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DE6E3D", shortname = "",},
	["Welfare Empower Hong Kong"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EA622B", shortname = "",},
	["Welfare Party of India"] = {abbrev = "WPOI", color = "#FF76F9", shortname = "",},
	["Welfare Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D60000", shortname = "Welfare",},
	["Wellington Citizens League"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B8BFFE", shortname = "Citizens League",},
	["Wellington Citizens' Association"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B8BFFE", shortname = "Citizens'",},
	["Welsh Christian Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#400071", shortname = "Welsh Christian",},
	["Welsh Communist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
	["Welsh Conservatives"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0087DC", shortname = "Conservative",},
	["Welsh Green Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6AB023", shortname = "",},
	["Welsh Labour"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E4003B", shortname = "Labour",},
	["Welsh Liberal Democrats"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FAA61A", shortname = "Liberal Democrats",},
	["Welsh Socialist Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "Socialist Alliance",},
	["Werrington First"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#754B53", shortname = "",},
	["Wessex Regionalist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#318B58", shortname = "Wessex Regionalist",},
	["West Dunbartonshire Community Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C5000B", shortname = "West Dunbartonshire Community",},
	["West Indian National Congress Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#31859C", shortname = "",},
	["West Indies Democratic Labour Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3399FF", shortname = "Democrat",},
	["West Indies Federal Labour Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "Federalist",},
	["West Suffolk Independents"] = {abbrev = "WSI", color = "#6EFFC5", shortname = "",},
	["Western Australia Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
	["Western Australian Liberal Party (1911–1917)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8CB4D2", shortname = "Liberal",},
	["Whig Party (British political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#819FF7", shortname = "Whig",},
	["Whig Party (US)"] = {abbrev = "W", color = "#F0C862", shortname = "Whig",},
	["Whigs (British political party)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF7F00", shortname = "Whig",},
	["White Electoral Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "darkblue", shortname = "",},
	["White Party of Pensioners"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A0A0A0", shortname = "",},
	["Whitnash Residents Association"] = {abbrev = "", color = "lightpink", shortname = "Whitnash Residents",},
	["Who Owns the State?"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#AD2027", shortname = "",},
	["Whole Azerbaijan Popular Front Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#003399", shortname = "",},
	["Wickford Independents"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#95A3EA", shortname = "Wickford Ind.",},
	["Wildrose Independence Party of Alberta"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#0F8753", shortname = "",},
	["Will, Opportunity and Solidarity"] = {abbrev = "VOS", color = "#d0147e", shortname = "",},
	["Winaq"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#EB1C22", shortname = "",},
	["Windward Islands People's Movement"] = {abbrev = "WIPM", color = "#EC7123", shortname = "",},
	["Winsford Salt of the Earth"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#e68946", shortname = "",},
	["Wiper Democratic Movement – Kenya"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#00ADEF", shortname = "Wiper - Kenya",},
	["Wirral Independent Network"] = {abbrev = "WIN", color = "#FFFFFF", shortname = "",},
	["Wisconsin Green Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#17aa5c", shortname = "Green",},
	["Wisconsin Progressive Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#5FD170", shortname = "Progressive",},
	["Witchery Tour Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFFFF", shortname = "",},
	["With Monti for Italy"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#015583", shortname = "",},
	["Without Fear Movement"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#7FFF00", shortname = "",},
	["Women for Women Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F3B249", shortname = "",},
	["Women Forward"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#009FE3", shortname = "",},
	["Women of Russia"] = {abbrev = "ZhR", color = "#5F9FDA", shortname = "",},
	["Women's Equality Party (New York)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#328DE0", shortname = "Women's Equality",},
	["Women's Equality Party (UK)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#64B69A", shortname = "",},
	["Women's Equality Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#64B69A", shortname = "Women's Equality",},
	["Women's International Zionist Organization"] = {abbrev = "WIZO", color = "#cd1b68", shortname = "",},
	["Women's List"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B60096", shortname = "",},
	["Women's Party (Finland)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "violet", shortname = "",},
	["Women's Party (South Korea)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#6400AA", shortname = "Women's",},
	["Women's Party (UK)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ff1493", shortname = "Women's Party",},
	["Women's Rights Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#9c27b0", shortname = "Women's Rights",},
	["Women's Society of Iran"] = {abbrev = "WSI", color = "#ee1c25", shortname = "",},
	["Women's Union of Turkmenistan"] = {abbrev = "TZB", color = "#C20E1A", shortname = "",},
	["Women's General Association of Macau"] = {abbrev = "AGMM", color = "#FA5A78", shortname = "",},
	["Worker House"] = {abbrev = "WH", color = "#008d7d", shortname = "",},
	["Worker Peasant Student and Popular Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#98E723", shortname = "",},
	["Worker-Peasant Party"] = {abbrev = "POC", color = "#890000", shortname = "",},
	["Worker's Way"] = {abbrev = "WW", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
	["Workers (Communist) Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D50000", shortname = "Workers (Communist)",},
	["Workers and Socialist Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#cc0000", shortname = "",},
	["Workers and Unemployed Action"] = {abbrev = "WUA", color = "#FA8072", shortname = "",},
	["Workers Communist Party (US)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF4900", shortname = "Workers Communist",},
	["Workers Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
	["Workers Fight"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#BB0000", shortname = "",},
	["Workers for Democracy Coalition"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F34723", shortname = "",},
	["Workers League Party (US)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B7410E", shortname = "Workers League",},
	["Workers Organisation for Socialist Action"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["Workers Party of America"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#f2072e", shortname = "Workers",},
	["Workers Party of Bangladesh"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#992d46", shortname = "Workers Party",},
	["Workers Party of Barbados"] = {abbrev = "", color = "Red", shortname = "",},
	["Workers Party of Britain"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DB251E", shortname = "Workers Party",},
	["Workers Party of India"] = {abbrev = "WPI", color = "#F2F527", shortname = "",},
	["Workers Party of New Zealand"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0066", shortname = "Workers Party",},
	["Workers Party of Socialist Unity"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
	["Workers Revolutionary Party (Greece)"] = {abbrev = "EEK", color = "#D40C0C", shortname = "",},
	["Workers Revolutionary Party (Namibia)"] = {abbrev = "WRP", color = "#CC0000", shortname = "",},
	["Workers Revolutionary Party (UK)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#AA0000", shortname = "Workers Revolutionary",},
	["Workers World Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF33AA", shortname = "Workers World",},
	["Workers' Cause Party"] = {abbrev = "PCO", color = "#BB0000", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Communist Party (Italy)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC142F", shortname = "Workers' Communist Party",},
	["Workers' Communist Party (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC3E52", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Communist Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#ED1C24", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Front (Croatia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#cc0000", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Front (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "FO", color = "#5D0B0B", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' General Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#006600", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Left Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#F65058", shortname = "FIT – Unidad",},
	["Workers' Liberation Front (Curaçao)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF7F00", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Movement for Social Guarantees \"May\""] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C62B55", shortname = "May Movement",},
	["Workers' Movement Front"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B23A3A", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Party (Algeria)"] = {abbrev = "PT", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Party (Argentina)"] = {abbrev = "PO", color = "#8B0000", shortname = "Workers' Party",},
	["Workers' Party (Bolivia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#8B0000", shortname = "Workers' Party",},
	["Workers' Party (Brazil)"] = {abbrev = "PT", color = "#e20e28", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Party (Costa Rica)"] = {abbrev = "PT", color = "#ED1C24", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Party (Czech Republic)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#555555", shortname = "Workers' Party",},
	["Workers' Party (France)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B22222", shortname = "Workers' Party",},
	["Workers' Party (Guinea-Bissau)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "Workers' Party",},
	["Workers' Party (Montenegro)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#A71110", shortname = "Workers' Party",},
	["Workers' Party (Paraguay)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "Workers' Party",},
	["Workers' Party (Singapore)"] = {abbrev = "WP", color = "#EE0000", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Party (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B51818", shortname = "Workers' Party",},
	["Workers' Party (Tunisia)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "IndianRed", shortname = "Workers' Party",},
	["Workers' Party (Turkey)"] = {abbrev = "İP", color = "#990033", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Party (Uruguay)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "Workers' Party",},
	["Workers' Party of Belgium"] = {abbrev = "PVDA-PTB", color = "#8B0000", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Party of Ethiopia"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D71F01", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Party of Finland"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF4D00", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Party of Hungary 2006 – European Left"] = {abbrev = "MM2006", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Party (Ireland)"] = {abbrev = "WP", color = "#930C1A", shortname = "Workers' Party",},
	["Workers' Party of Korea"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CE1126", shortname = "Workers' Party",},
	["Workers' Party of New Zealand (1991)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DC143C", shortname = "Workers' Party",},
	["Workers' Party of North Korea"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "Workers' Party",},
	["Workers' Party of Social Justice"] = {abbrev = "DSSS", color = "black", shortname = "Workers' Party",},
	["Workers' Party of South Korea"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "Workers' Party",},
	["Workers' Party of Spain–Communist Unity"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#B51818", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Party of Turkey (1961)"] = {abbrev = "TİP", color = "#B10A11", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Party of Turkey (2017)"] = {abbrev = "TİP", color = "#BE0A11", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Revolutionary Organization (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#4C252A", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Revolutionary Party (Mexico)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#e32525", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Socialist Party (Mexico)"] = {abbrev = "PST", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Socialist Party (Spain)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#AA1153", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Union (Faroe Islands)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#b30000", shortname = "Workers' Union",},
	["Workers' Union"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#C19A6B", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' United Front"] = {abbrev = "TÜV", color = "#FF0000", shortname = "",},
	["Workers' Vanguard Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E34234", shortname = "",},
	["Working Class Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#CC6699", shortname = "Working Class",},
	["Working Families Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#f598e2", shortname = "Working Families",},
	["Working People's Alliance"] = {abbrev = "", color = "red", shortname = "",},
	["Working People's Party (Puerto Rico)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#9900CC", shortname = "",},
	["Working People's Party (Moldova)"] = {abbrev = "POM", color = "#A12820", shortname = "",},
	["Working People’s Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#800000", shortname = "",},
	["Workingman's Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#D99FE8", shortname = "Workingman's",},
	["Workingmen's Party of California"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#999999", shortname = "",},
	["Workingmen's Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#999999", shortname = "",},
	["World Economic Community Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#000000", shortname = "",},
	["World Government Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DDDDDD", shortname = "World Government",},
	["World Socialist Party (New Zealand)"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#DD0048", shortname = "World Socialist",},
	["Worth Area Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#666666", shortname = "",},
	["Write-in candidate"] = {abbrev = "", color = "white", shortname = "Write-In",},
	["Write-in"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FFFFFF", shortname = "",},
	["Wspólnota Samorządowa"] = {abbrev = "", color = "brown", shortname = "",},
	["Wycombe Independent"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FAEBD7", shortname = "Wycombe Ind.",},
	["Wyoming Democratic Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#3333FF", shortname = "Democratic",},
	["Wyoming Libertarian Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#FED105", shortname = "Libertarian",},
	["Wyoming Republican Party"] = {abbrev = "", color = "#E81B23", shortname = "Republican",},

return {
	full = full,
	alternate = alternate,