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Robert Williams Buchanan

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Robert Williams Buchanan, por Herbert Rose Barraud, c. 1893.

Robert Williams Buchanan (Caverswall, Staffordshire, Inglaterra, 18 de agosto de 1841Streatham, Inglaterra, 10 de junho de 1901) foi um poeta escocês,[1][2][3][4] romancista e dramaturgo.[5][6]

The Little Milliner (O Pequeno Chapeleiro)

My girl hath violet eyes and yellow hair,
A soft hand, small and fair.
A sweet fate pouting in a white straw bonnet,
A tiny foot and a little boot upon it.
And all her finery to charm the beholders -
Is the gray shawl drawn tight around her shoulders.
The plain stuff-gown and collar white as snow,
And sweet red petticoat that peeps below.
But gladly in the busy town goes she,
Summer and winter, fearing nobodie.
She pats the pavement with her fairy feet,
With fearless eyes she charms the crowded street.
The pretty shining face goes by,
Healthy and rosy, fresh from slumber sweet -
A sunbeam in the quiet morning street.
The city closed around her night and day,
But lightly, happily - she went her way.
Nothing of evil that she saw or heard,
Could touch a heart so innocently stirred.
But she was good and pure amid the strife,
By virtue of the joy that was her life.
And who shall match her with her new straw bonnet?
Her tiny foot and a little boot upon it.
Embroidered petticoat and silk gown new,
And shawl she wears as few fine ladies do.

(Do poema "The Little Milliner" ("O Pequeno Chapeleiro") de Robert Williams Buchanan)[7]


  1. Noel, Roden (1886). "Robert Buchanan’s Poetry," in Essays on Poetry and Poets. London: Kegan Paul, Trench and Company, pp. 283-303.
  2. Noble, James Ashcroft (1893). "Robert Buchanan as Poet," in The Sonnet in England, & Other Essays. London: Elkin Mathews and John Lane, pp. 158-181.
  3. Hearn, Lafcadio (1916). "A Note on Robert Buchanan," in Appreciations of Poetry. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, pp. 358-375.
  4. Adamson, T. L. (1929). "The Poetry of Robert Buchanan," Arquivado em 6 de março de 2012, no Wayback Machine. The Poetry Review, July–August.
  5. Archer, William (1886). "Are we Advancing?," in About The Theatre: Essays and Studies. London: T. Fisher Unwin, pp. 1-100.
  6. Grein, J. T. (1902). "Robert Buchanan as a Dramatist," in Dramatic Criticism, 1900-1901. London: Greening & Co. Ltd., pp. 233-237.
  7. The Poetical Works of Robert Buchanan (1884), London: Chatto & Windus, pp. 115-119.

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