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Stephen Rodefer

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.

Stephen Rodefer (Ohio, 1940) é um poeta e pintor norte americano. Desde 1995 vive em Paris.

É um dos fundadores do movimento L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E de poesia e conviveu com muitos dos primeiros poetas beat, como Allen Ginsberg, Gregory Corso, Charles Olson e Robert Creeley.

Seus manuscritos e cartas foram comprados pela Universidade de Stanford e estão em exibição permanente[1].

Livros[editar | editar código-fonte]


  • 2008: Call it Thought: Selected Poems (Carcanet)
  • 2000: Left Under a Cloud. (London: Alfred David Editions)
  • 2000: Mon Canard: Six Poems (Figures)
  • 1996: Answer to Dr Agathon (Cambridge: Poetical Histories)
  • 1994: Erasers (Cambridge, UK : Equipage)
  • 1992: Leaving (Cambridge, UK: Equipage)
  • 1992: Double Imperative Landscapes: Daydreams of Frascati, with Chip Sullivan (Berkeley, CA: Sake Forebear)
  • 1991: Passing Duration (Providence: Burning Deck)
  • 1987: Emergency Measures (Great Barrington, MA: The Figures)
  • 1984: Oriflamme Day, with Benjamin Friedlander (Oakland, CA: House of K)
  • 1982: Four Lectures (Berkeley, CA : The Figures)
  • 1981: Plane Debris (Berkeley, CA: Tuumba Press)
  • 1978: The Bell Clerk’s Tears Keep Flowing (Berkeley, CA: The Figures)
  • 1976: One or Two Love Poems from the White World (Placitas, NM: Duende)


  • 2008: Hölderlin, with Nick Walker (UK: Barque Editions)
  • 2008: Baudelaire, Fever Flowers: les fleurs du val (UK: Barque Editions)
  • 1994: Rilke I IV VI, with Geoff Ward and Ian Patterson (Cambridge, UK: Poetical Histories)
  • 1991: 'Dante: Selections from the Inferno' in Passing Duration
  • 1985: Orpheus [Rilke] (San Francisco: Tuscany Alley)
  • 1985: Safety, translations from Sappho and the Greek Anthology (Berkeley, CA: Margery Cantor)
  • 1976: Villon, by Jean Calais [pen name] (San Francisco: Pick Pocket Series)
  • 1973: After Lucretius (University of Connecticut)


  • 2008: The Monkeys Donut: Essays in Post-Classical American Literature (London: Kollophon)
  • 1988: The Library of Label (Toronto: Coach House)

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