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Connie Francis
Francis em 1961
Nome completo Concetta Rosa Maria Franconero
Nascimento 12 de dezembro de 1937 (86 anos)
Newark (Nova Jérsia), Nova Jérsei, EUA
Nacionalidade norte-americana
Filho(a)(s) 1
Ocupação cantora e atriz
Período de atividade 1943–2018
Carreira musical
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Concetta Rosa Maria Franconero (Newark, 12 de dezembro de 1937),[1] conhecida profissionalmente como Connie Francis, é uma cantora pop, atriz e vocalista feminina de sucesso do final da década de 1950 e início da década de 1960. Chamada de "Primeira-dama do Rock & Roll",[2] estima-se que Francis tenha vendido mais de cem milhões de discos em todo o mundo.[3]

Em 1960 foi reconhecida como a artista feminina de maior sucesso em países como Alemanha, Japão, Reino Unido, Itália e Austrália.[4] Connie Francis foi a primeira mulher da história a alcançar o topo da Billboard Hot 100.[5][6]

Primeiros anos[editar | editar código-fonte]

Concetta Rosa Maria Franconero nasceu em 1937, de uma família ítalo-americana, no bairro de Ironbound, em Newark, Nova Jérsei. É a filha mais velha de George Franconero e Ida Ferrari-di Vito e viveu seus primeiros anos na região de Crown Heights, no Brooklyn, em Nova Iorque, antes de se mudar com sua família de volta para Nova Jérsei.[7] Por crescer em um bairro com fortes influências italianas e judaicas, Francis tornou-se fluente em iídiche e posteriormente gravou canções no idioma e também em hebraico.[7][8] Na sua autobiografia Who's Sorry Now?, publicada em 1984, Francis lembra que foi incentivada pelo pai a participar regularmente de shows de talentos, concursos de beleza e outras festividades do bairro desde os quatro anos de idade, se apresentando como cantora e acordeonista. Francis estudou na Newark Arts High School em 1951 e 1952. Ela e sua família se mudaram para Belleville, Nova Jérsei, onde graduou-se no ensino médio como a segunda melhor aluna da turma de 1955 na Belleville High School.[9][10]

Durante essa época, Francis continuou a se apresentar em festividades do bairro e shows de talentos (alguns dos quais eram televisionados), usando alternativamente os nomes artísticos de Concetta Franconero e Connie Franconero. Sob o último pseudônimo, ela se apresentou no Startime Kids, programa de variedades da NBC, entre 1953 e 1955.[7] Enquanto ensaiava para se apresentar no programa Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts em dezembro de 1950, Francis foi aconselhada por Arthur Godfrey para mudar seu nome artístico para Connie Francis para facilitar a pronúncia. Godfrey também pediu que ela abandonasse o acordeão — conselho que ela seguiu de bom grado, pois havia começado a odiar o instrumento grande e pesado.[7] Na mesma época, Francis começou a trabalhar como cantora de demos, o que chamou a atenção de cantores consagrados e de seus empresários para canções inéditas, podendo optar por gravá-las para um disco comercial profissional.[11]

Carreira[editar | editar código-fonte]

1955–1957: Contrato com a MGM e fracasso comercial[editar | editar código-fonte]

Em 1955 o programa Startime Kids saiu do ar. Em maio daquele mesmo ano, George Franconero e o empresário de Connie Francis, George Scheck, juntaram dinheiro para custear uma sessão de gravação de quatro canções que esperavam vender para uma grande gravadora com o nome de Francis. Mesmo quando a MGM Records decidiu assinar um contrato com ela, foi basicamente porque uma faixa que ela havia gravado, "Freddy", era o nome do filho de um co-executivo da empresa, Harry A. Meyerson, que pensou dessa música como um presente de aniversário para o filho. Consequentemente, "Freddy" foi lançado como o primeiro single de Francis, que acabou sendo um fracasso comercial, assim como seus oito singles solo seguintes.[7]

Apesar dos fracassos, Francis foi contratada para gravar as canções cantadas pela personagem de Tuesday Weld no filme Rock, Rock, Rock (1956), e de Freda Holloway no filme Jamboree (1957), da Warner Bros.[12] No final de 1957 Francis desfrutou da sua primeira entrada nas paradas com a canção "The Majesty of Love", dueto com Marvin Rainwater. O single, que tinha "You, My Darlin' You" como lado B, alcançou a 93.ª posição na Billboard Hot 100 e vendeu mais de um milhão de cópias.[13][11]

1957–1959: Última tentativa e sucesso[editar | editar código-fonte]

No entanto, seu desempenho tímido nas paradas veio tarde demais para sua gravadora — o contrato de Francis consistia em dez singles solo e um dueto. Embora o sucesso parecia ter finalmente chegado com "The Majesty of Love", Francis foi informada pela MGM Records que seu contrato não seria renovado após seu último single solo. Francis, então, considerou uma carreira na medicina e estava prestes a aceitar uma bolsa de estudos de quatro anos na Universidade de Nova Iorque. No que seria a sua última sessão de gravação para a MGM em 2 de outubro de 1957, com Joe Lipman e sua orquestra,[14] ela gravou um cover da canção de 1923 "Who's Sorry Now?", escrita por Bert Kalmar e Harry Ruby. Francis disse que gravou a música por insistência do seu pai, que estava convencido que a canção tinha chances de se tornar um sucesso por ser uma composição que os adultos já conheciam, e que seria um sucesso entre os jovens se fosse regravada com um arranjo contemporâneo.[15]

Francis, que não havia gostado da música e vinha discutindo acaloradamente com seu pai sobre ela, atrasou tanto a gravação das outras duas canções durante a sessão que, em sua opinião, não sobrou tempo para a gravação contínua da fita.[16] Seu pai insistiu, porém, e quando a gravação de "Who's Sorry Now?" foi finalizada, restavam apenas alguns segundos na fita.[7] O single parecia passar despercebido como todos os lançamentos anteriores, assim como Francis havia previsto, mas em 1.º de janeiro de 1958 estreou no programa American Bandstand de Dick Clark.

Em fevereiro daquele mesmo ano, Francis se apresentou no primeiro episódio de The Saturday Night Beechnut Show, também apresentado por Clark. No meio do ano, mais de um milhão de cópias já tinham sido vendidas, e Francis foi repentinamente lançada ao estrelato. Em abril de 1958 "Who's Sorry Now?" alcançou o topo da parada de singles do Reino Unido e a quarta posição nos Estados Unidos.[17] Pelos quatro anos seguintes Francis foi eleita a "melhor vocalista feminina" pelos telespectadores do programa American Bandstand.[7]

As Connie Francis explains at each of her concerts, she began searching for a new hit immediately after the success of "Who's Sorry Now?" since MGM Records had renewed her contract. After the relative failure of the follow-up singles "I'm Sorry I Made You Cry" (which stalled at No. 36) and "Heartaches" (failing to chart at all), Francis met Neil Sedaka and Howard Greenfield, who sang a number of ballads they had written for her. After a few hours, Francis began writing in her diary while the songwriters played the last of their ballads. (This, and her refusal to let Sedaka and Greenfield see the diary to mine it for material, inspired the duo to write Sedaka's own breakthrough hit "The Diary.") Afterwards, Francis told them that she considered their ballads too intellectual and sophisticated for the young generation and requested a more lively song. Greenfield urged Sedaka to sing a song they had written that morning with the Shepherd Sisters in mind. Sedaka protested that Francis would be insulted, but Greenfield said that since she hated all the other songs they had performed, they had nothing to lose. Sedaka then played "Stupid Cupid." When he finished, Francis announced that he had just played her new hit song. It went on to reach number 14 on the Billboard chart and was her second number 1 in the UK.[17]

The success of "Stupid Cupid" restored momentum to Francis' chart career, and she reached the U.S. top 40 an additional eight times during the remainder of the 1950s.[17] She managed to churn out more hits by covering several older songs, such as "My Happiness" (number 2 on the Hot 100) and "Among My Souvenirs" (number 7), as well as performing her own original songs. In 1959, she gained two gold records for a double-sided hit: on the A-side, "Lipstick on Your Collar" (number 5), and on the B-side, "Frankie" (number 9).

1959–1973: Sucesso internacional[editar | editar código-fonte]

Following another idea from her father, Francis traveled to London in August 1959[14] to record an Italian album at EMI's famous Abbey Road Studios.[11] Titled Connie Francis Sings Italian Favorites, the album was released in November 1959. It soon entered the album charts where it remained for 81 weeks, peaking at number 4. To this day, it is still Francis's most successful album. "Mama," the single taken from the album, reached number 8 in the United States and number 2 in the United Kingdom.[18]

Following this success, Francis recorded seven more albums of "favorites" between 1960 and 1964, including Jewish, German, and Irish, among others. These albums marked Francis's transition from the youth-oriented rock 'n' roll music to adult contemporary music, which George Franconero, Sr. had realized to be necessary if his daughter wanted to pursue a successful longterm career in music.

Nevertheless, Francis continued to record singles aimed at the youth-oriented market. Among her top-ten hits on the Hot 100 were "Breakin' in a Brand New Broken Heart" (1961, number 7), "When the Boy in Your Arms (Is the Boy in Your Heart)" (1961, number 10), "Second Hand Love" (1962, number 7), and "Where the Boys Are" (1961, number 4).[17] The last became her signature tune and was also the theme song of Francis's first motion picture of the same name. The movie also introduced the concept of spring break, as the once sleepy town of Fort Lauderdale became the hotspot for college students on their spring vacation in the wake of the movie's success.

The success of "Connie Francis Sings Italian Favorites" in late 1959/early 1960 led Francis to become one of the first American artists to record in other languages regularly. She was to be followed by other major British and American recording stars including Wanda Jackson, Cliff Richard, Petula Clark, Brenda Lee, the Supremes, Peggy March, Pat Boone, Lesley Gore, the Beatles and Johnny Cash, among many others. In her autobiography, Francis mentioned that in the early years of her career, the language barrier in certain European countries made it difficult for her songs to get airplay, especially in Germany.

Francis used these reflections as the basis for her April 1960 recording, "Everybody's Somebody's Fool" which would go on to become the first single by a female artist to top the Hot 100.[19] Veteran lyricist Ralph Maria Siegel penned a set of German lyrics, named "Die Liebe ist ein seltsames Spiel", which, after some friction between Francis and her MGM executives, was recorded and released.[7] The song peaked at number 1 in West Germany.[20] She had two more number one hits there, "Paradiso" in September 1962 and "Barcarole in der Nacht" in July 1963.

It was not until her number 7 on the US charts, "Many Tears Ago", later in 1960 when Francis began to record cover versions of her own songs in foreign languages besides German. Over the following years, she eventually expanded her recording portfolio up to 15 languages. She also sang in Romanian during a live performance at the 1970 edition of the Cerbul de Aur in Brașov, Romania. Francis was not fluent in all of these languages and she had to learn her foreign language songs phonetically. Francis explained in a 1961 television interview that she was fluent in Spanish and Italian, but always had a translator nearby to make sure her translated lyrics and especially her pronunciation were as correct as possible.

In the wake of "Die Liebe ist ein seltsames Spiel", Francis enjoyed her greatest successes outside the United States. During the 1960s, her songs not only topped the charts in numerous countries around the world, but she was also voted the number 1 singer in over 10 countries. In 1960, she was named the most popular artist in Europe, the first time a non-European received this honor. From mid-1961 to mid-1963, Radio Luxembourg closed each day's broadcasts with "It's Time to Say Goodnight", a song Francis had recorded especially for this purpose and which was never officially released until 1996.[21]

Francis's enduring popularity overseas led to her having television specials in numerous countries around the world, such as Britain, Germany, Spain and Italy. Even at the height of the Cold War, Francis's music was well received in Iron Curtain countries, and some of her recordings were made available on state-owned record labels such as Melodiya in the former Soviet Union and on Jugoton in former Yugoslavia,[21] although it was common knowledge that rock 'n' roll was highly looked down upon in Eastern bloc countries.

In the US, Connie Francis had a third number-one hit in 1962: "Don't Break the Heart That Loves You", and her success led MGM to give her complete freedom to choose whichever songs she wanted to record.[11]

Francis's first autobiographical book, For Every Young Heart, was published in 1963. On July 3 that same year, she played a Royal Command Performance for Queen Elizabeth II at the Alhambra Theatre in Glasgow, Scotland. During the height of the Vietnam War in 1967, Connie Francis performed for US troops.[22][23] Francis recalls this story frequently during the introduction to "God Bless America" at her live concerts.

Due to changing trends in the early and mid-1960s, namely the British Invasion, Francis's chart success on Billboard's Hot 100 began to wane after 1963. She had her final top-ten hit, "Vacation", in 1962. A number of Francis's singles continued to reach the top 40 in the US Hot 100 through the mid-1960s, with her last top-40 entry in 1964 being her cover version of "Be Anything (but Be Mine)", a 1952 song made famous by singer/bandleader Eddy Howard. Despite her declining success on the Hot 100, Francis remained a top concert draw, and her singles – now following a more mature style – were charting on the top quarter of Billboard's Adult Contemporary (AC) Charts and sometimes even reached Billboard's Country Charts. Therefore, Francis enjoyed lasting chart success in the US until her contract with MGM Records ran out in 1969.[18]

In 1965, Connie Francis participated in that year's edition of the annual San Remo Festival, where her team partner Gigliola Cinquetti and she presented "Ho bisogno di vederti", which finished on number 5 of the final ranking.

Connie Francis c. 1970

Francis returned to San Remo in 1967 to present "Canta Ragazzina" with her team partner Bobby Solo.[24] In the US, however, "Time Alone Will Tell", Francis's cover version of San Remo's 1967 winning entry "Non pensare a me" which had been presented by Iva Zanicchi and Claudio Villa, peaked at number 94 on Billboard's Hot 100 and at number 14 on Billboard's AC charts.[18]

In 1973, Francis returned to the recording studio, cutting "(Should I) Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree?", b/w "Paint the Rain" on GSF Records. This answer song to "Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree" by Tony Orlando & Dawn bubbled under the charts. The project of recording a German version, though, remained unfinished.[14][25][26]

1974–1981: Estupro, problemas de saúde e retorno à música[editar | editar código-fonte]

After her modest success with "(Should I) Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree?" Francis began performing regularly again. While appearing at the Westbury Music Fair in New York, on November 8, 1974, Francis was raped at the Jericho Turnpike Howard Johnson's Lodge in Jericho, New York, and nearly suffocated under the weight of a heavy mattress the culprit had thrown upon her.[7] She subsequently sued the motel chain for failing to provide adequate security and reportedly won a $2.5 million judgment,[27] at the time one of the largest such judgments in history, leading to a reform in hotel security. Her rapist was never found.[28] During the years after the incident, Francis went into depression, taking as many as 50 Darvon pills a day and rarely leaving her home in Essex Fells, New Jersey.[29]

In 1977, Francis underwent nasal surgery and completely lost her voice. She went through three more operations to regain her singing voice and was unable to sing for four years.[16][22]

In 1978, Francis returned to the recording studio to cut an album titled Who's Happy Now?[30] The leading recording on this album was a disco version of "Where the Boys Are". She recorded the song also in Japanese, Italian, and Spanish, as she had done before with her original 1960 version. Several songs from the Who's Happy Now? sessions were subsequently recorded in Italian, Spanish, Japanese, and German. The Spanish and German recordings became albums of their own in as Connie Francis en Español in Spain and as Was ich bin (What I Am) in Germany. All three albums and the singles culled from them were released on United Artists Records.

Francis returned to the recording studio in 1981 to cut "Comme ci, comme ça", and "I'm Me Again", the latter of which became the title track of an album which featured the aforementioned new songs.[31] "I'm Me Again" became Francis' last single to chart on the AC charts.[17]

1981–1988: Depressão e autobiografia[editar | editar código-fonte]

In 1981, further tragedy struck Francis when her brother, George Franconero, Jr., with whom she was very close, was murdered by Mafia hitmen.[7][32]

Despite that, she took up live performing again, even gracing the American Bandstand 30th Anniversary Special Episode, and appearing in the town where she had been raped. Francis' new-found success was short-lived, though, as she was diagnosed with manic depression, which again brought her career to a halt, and she was committed to multiple psychiatric hospitals.[33][34][35] Francis attempted suicide in 1984.[35]

Nevertheless, in 1984, Francis was able to write and publish her autobiography, Who's Sorry Now?, which became a New York Times bestseller.

1989–2018: Fim da carreira[editar | editar código-fonte]

In 1989, Francis resumed her recording and performing career again. For Malaco Records, Francis recorded a double album entitled Where the Hits Are, containing re-recordings of 18 of her biggest hits, as well as six classics of yesteryear Francis had always wanted to record such as "Are You Lonesome Tonight?" and "Torn Between Two Lovers".

In 1992, a medley of remixed versions of her biggest German hits charted in Germany.[36] A single, entitled "Jive, Connie", ended up among the top-ten best-selling singles of the year, which brought Francis the prestigious R.SH-Gold award for the "Best Comeback of the Year" from R.SH (short for "Radio Schleswig-Holstein"), back then one of Germany's most important private radio stations.[37] A subsequent compilation album of her biggest German hits in their original versions was also released successfully. In the wake of this, Francis recorded two duets for the German Herzklang label (a subsidiary of Sony Music Entertainment) with Peter Kraus, with whom she had already worked several times in the late 1950s and early 1960s. A German-language solo album was supposed to follow on Herzklang, but despite all songs being recorded and mixed, the album remains unreleased.

In 1996, Francis released the live album The Return Concert: Live at Trump's Castle.[38] That same year, she also released With Love to Buddy, a tribute album of songs made famous by the late Buddy Holly.

In late December 2004, Francis headlined in Las Vegas for the first time since 1989.[22] In March and October 2007, Francis performed to sold-out crowds at the Castro Theatre in San Francisco.[39] She appeared in concert in Manila, Philippines, on Valentine's Day 2008.[40]

In 2010, she also appeared at the Las Vegas Hilton with Dionne Warwick, a show billed as "Eric Floyd's Grand Divas of Stage".[41]

In December 2017, Francis released her most recent autobiography, Among My Souvenirs.[42][43]

Gênero musical[editar | editar código-fonte]

While her singles were mostly kept in the then-current sounds of the day such as rock 'n' roll, novelty songs, the twist, torch ballads, or the girl group sound created by Brill Building alumni Ellie Greenwich and Jeff Barry, Francis' albums represented her in a variety of styles, ranging from R&B, vocal jazz, and country to Broadway standards, children's music, waltzes, spiritual music, schlager music, traditionals from various ethnic groups represented in the US, and select songs from popular songwriters of the day, such as Burt Bacharach and Hal David, or Les Reed.

Discografia[editar | editar código-fonte]

Ver artigo principal: Discografia de Connie Francis

Filmografia[editar | editar código-fonte]

Cinema[editar | editar código-fonte]

Filme Ano Papel Atores coadjuvantes Diretor Produtor(es) Notas Ref.
Rock, Rock, Rock! 1956 Dori Graham
(Singing voice only)
Tuesday Weld, Valerie Harper, Chuck Berry, Lavern Baker Will Price Max Rosenberg, Milton Subotsky Connie Francis provided the singing voice for Tuesday Weld as "Dori Graham" [12]
Jamboree 1957 Honey Winn
(Singing voice only)
Freda Holloway, Paul Carr, Dick Clark Roy Lockwood Max Rosenberg, Milton Subotsky Connie Francis provided the singing voice for Freda Holloway as Honey Winn [12][44]
The Sheriff of Fractured Jaw 1958 Miss Kate
(Singing voice only)
Jayne Mansfield, Kenneth More, Bruce Cabot, Sid James Raoul Walsh David M. Angel Connie Francis provided the singing voice for Jayne Mansfield as Miss Kate [45]
Where the Boys Are 1960 Angie Paula Prentiss, Yvette Mimieux, Dolores Hart, George Hamilton, Jim Hutton Henry Levin Joe Pasternak [22]
Follow the Boys 1963 Bonnie Pulaski Paula Prentiss, Janis Paige, Russ Tamblyn Richard Thorpe Lawrence P. Bachmann - [22]
Looking for Love 1964 Libby Caruso Jim Hutton, Joby Baker, Susan Oliver Don Weis Joe Pasternak [22]
When the Boys Meet the Girls 1965 Ginger Gray Harve Presnell, Louis Armstrong, Herman's Hermits, Liberace Alvin Ganzer Sam Katzman - [22]

Televisão[editar | editar código-fonte]

Trabalho Ano Papel Atores coadjuvantes Diretor Produtor Ref.
The Sister and the Savage
(episode of Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre)
1966 Sister Mary Clare James Farentino, Steve Carlson Gerald Mayer Desconhecido [46]

Bibliografia[editar | editar código-fonte]

Título do livro Ano de publicação Editora ISBN
For Every Young Heart 1963 Prentice Hall Nenhum
Who's Sorry Now? 1984 St. Martin's Press 0-312-87088-4
Among My Souvenirs 2017 Concetta Literary Corporation / Baker & Taylor Publisher Services 978-0999238905 (brochura) and 978-0999238912 (capa dura)

Vida pessoal[editar | editar código-fonte]

Casamentos[editar | editar código-fonte]

Francis has been married four times. In 1964, she was briefly married to Dick Kanellis, a press agent and entertainment director for the Aladdin Hotel.[47] In January 1971, she married Izzy Marion, a hair-salon owner, divorcing 10 months later.[48][49] In 1973, Francis married for the third time – her only marriage to last more than a few months – Joseph Garzilli, a restaurateur and travel-agency owner; they divorced in 1977.[50] It was during the third marriage that Francis adopted a baby boy, Joey.[51] Francis married TV producer Bob Parkinson in 1985, divorcing later that year.[50]

Relacionamento com Bobby Darin[editar | editar código-fonte]

Early in her career, Francis was introduced to Bobby Darin, then an up-and-coming singer and songwriter. Darin's manager arranged for him to help write several songs for her. Despite some disagreement about material, after several weeks Darin and Francis developed a romantic relationship. Francis' strict Italian father would separate the couple whenever possible. When her father learned that Darin had suggested the two elope after one of her shows, he ran Darin out of the building at gunpoint.[52][53]

Francis saw Darin only two more times: once when the two were scheduled to sing together for a television show, and again when she was spotlighted on the TV series This Is Your Life. By the time of the latter's taping, Darin had married actress Sandra Dee. In her autobiography, Francis stated she and her father were driving into the Lincoln Tunnel when the radio DJ announced Dee and Darin's marriage. Her father made a negative comment about Darin finally being out of their lives. Angered, Francis wrote she hoped the Hudson River would fill the Lincoln Tunnel, killing both her and her father; she later wrote that not marrying Darin was the biggest mistake of her life.[7]

Filme biográfico[editar | editar código-fonte]

Francis and singer Gloria Estefan completed a screenplay for a movie based on Francis' life titled Who's Sorry Now? Estefan announced that she would produce and play the lead. She said, "[Connie Francis] isn't even in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and yet she was the first female pop star worldwide, and has recorded in nine languages. She has done a lot of things for victims' rights since her rape in the '70s.... There's a major story there." In December 2009 the film project was dropped. According to Francis:

They chose to use amateur writers to write the screenplay. I wanted the writer Robert Freeman who wrote that miniseries Life with Judy Garland: Me and My Shadows, which won I don't know how many Emmy Awards, but Gloria and company were unwilling to hire that writer. I absolutely adored his screenplay of Judy's life ... he was so eager to do my life story for film, but she [Gloria] wouldn't agree to hire him and that was the end of that. And I'm sorry I wasted ten years with those people [i.e. the Estefans].[54]

In the same article, Francis said that Dolly Parton had been contacting her for years trying to produce her life story, but owing to her previous commitment to Estefan's organization, she was not able to accept Parton's offer. She noted in the article that both she and Parton had considered, independently of each other, actress Valerie Bertinelli to play Francis.[54]

Política e ativismo[editar | editar código-fonte]

Francis supported Richard Nixon's 1968 bid for the presidency when she recorded a campaign song for him.[55]

In the 1980s, Ronald Reagan appointed her as head of his task force on violent crime. She has also been the spokeswoman for Mental Health America's trauma campaign, as well as an involved worker for the USO and UNICEF.

In a 2011 interview, Francis described herself as "a die-hard liberal".[56]

Processos[editar | editar código-fonte]

Francis brought a suit alleging that Universal Music Group (UMG) took advantage of her condition and stopped paying royalties. The lawsuit was dismissed.

On November 27, 2002, she filed a second suit against UMG alleging the label had inflicted severe emotional distress on her and violated her moral rights when, without her permission, it synchronized several of her songs into "sexually themed" movies: the 1994 film Post Cards from America, the 1996 film The Craft, and the 1999 film Jawbreaker.[57] This suit was also dismissed.[58]

Francis also sued the producers of Jawbreaker for using her song "Lollipop Lips," which is heard during a sex scene.[59]

Reconhecimento[editar | editar código-fonte]

In 2001, "Who's Sorry Now?" was named one of the Songs of the Century.[60]

A "Connie Francis Way" street sign is displayed at the corner of Greylock Parkway and Forest Street in Belleville, New Jersey, near the house in which she grew up.[61]

Year Award Giving Body Category Nominated Work Results
1969 Awit Awards Female Recording Artist of the Year (Foreign Division) Venceu
2009 Italian Walk of Fame Celebrity Inductee Venceu


  1. Biography, Accessed December 4, 2022.
  2. Papadatos, Markos (23 de fevereiro de 2022). «Interview with Connie Francis: The First Lady of Rock and Roll». Digital Journal (em inglês). Consultado em 19 de junho de 2022 
  3. «Gary James' Interview With Connie Francis». Consultado em 19 de junho de 2022 
  4. «Connie Francis - Biography». cfbackupsite-copy-2 (em inglês). Consultado em 19 de junho de 2022 
  5. Trust, Gary (8 de março de 2017). «Rewinding The Charts: In 1960, Connie Francis Became the First Woman to Top the Billboard Hot 100». Billboard (em inglês). Consultado em 19 de junho de 2022 
  6. «Mulheres por cima. Quem foi a primeira a alcançar o #1 da Bilboard?». Jornal Expresso. Consultado em 10 de março de 2023 
  7. a b c d e f g h i j k Connie Francis: Who's Sorry Now? (Autobiography), St. Martin's Press, 1984, ISBN 0-312-87088-4
  8. Liner notes of the original 1960 album Connie Francis Sings Jewish Favorites
  9. "OLD SCHOOL TIES" The Miami Herald, January 10, 1985. Accessed August 18, 2008
  10. A Brief History Arquivado em 2008-04-19 no Wayback Machine Newark Arts High School. Retrieved August 10, 2008.
  11. a b c d William Ruhlmann: Connie Francis 1955–1959, companion book to 5 CD Boxed Set White Sox, Pink Lipstick... and Stupid Cupid, Bear Family Records BCD 16 616 EI, Hambergen (Germany) 1993
  12. a b c "Connie Francis: Something for Everybody", Billboard. January 21, 1967. p. MGM-24. Retrieved July 11, 2020.
  13. Warner, Jay (2008). Notable Moments of Women in Music (em inglês). [S.l.]: Hal Leonard Corporation 
  14. a b c Ron Roberts: Connie Francis Discography 1955–1973 [necessário esclarecer]
  15. Dachs, David (10 de maio de 1959). «The Story Behind Those Golden Records». Rome News-Tribune. Consultado em 19 de novembro de 2010 
  16. a b Freeman, Paul. "Connie Francis: She will survive!", The Mercury News. October 13, 2010. Retrieved July 9, 2020.
  17. a b c d e «Connie Francis Songs ••• Top Songs / Chart Singles Discography ••• Music VF, US & UK hits charts». Consultado em 13 de março de 2023 
  18. a b c Souvenirs, Companion Booklet to 4 CD Boxed Set "Souvenirs", Polydor (New York) 1995, Cat.-No. 314 533 382-2
  19. Leading Ladies: A Look at Women's No. 1 Success in the Hot 100's History
  20. Connie Francis - Die Liebe ist ein seltsames Spiel, Retrieved March 10, 2021.
  21. a b Ron Roberts: Connie Francis 1960–1962, companion book to 5 CD Boxed Set "Kissin', Twistin', Goin' Where the Boys Are", Bear Family Records BCD 16 826 EI, Hambergen (Germany) 1996
  22. a b c d e f g "Not Sorry Now", Las Vegas Sun. December 23, 2004. Retrieved July 9, 2020.
  23. Voger, Mark. "Where the boys were: Connie Francis recalls Vietnam trip", November 7, 2013. Retrieved July 9, 2020.
  24. "Key Tradesters Invade As Opening Bell Sounds at Festival", Billboard. January 28, 1967. p. 64. Retrieved July 7, 2020.
  25. Richard Weize: Connie Francis, companion book to 8 LP Boxed Set "Connie Francis in Deutschland", Bear Family Records BFX 15 305, Hambergen/Vollersode (Germany) 1988
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