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Usuário(a) Milanese Orthography

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.

Pronúncia (vàlida por el Milanés segùn la Ortografia Classica Milanés)

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Grafia Contexto IPA Nota
a followed by double consonant or accented in word end a stress is indicated with grave accent
a others a: stress is indicated with grave accent
aa in word end a: always stressed
b always b
c followed by consonant or by a, o, u k
ci followed by a, o, u ʧ
c others ʧ
ch followed by i, e or in word end k
d always d
e followed by double consonant or accented in word end ɛ stress is indicated with grave accent
e others e: stress is indicated with acute accent
ee in word end e: always stressed
f always f
g followed by consonant or by a, o, u g
gi followed by a, o, u ʤ
g others ʤ in word end is like a /ʧ/
gh followed by i, e or in word end g in word end is like a /k/
i followed by double consonant or accented in word end i stress is indicated with grave accent
i preceded by consonant and followed by vowel j neveer stressed
i others i: stress is indicated with grave accent
ii in word end i: always stressed
j when not preceded by consonant j never stressed
l always l
m followed by consonant ~ (on preceding vowel)
m others m
n when doesn't form a syllable with preceding vowel or unstressed in last syllable n
n others ~ (on preceding vowel)
nn always n
o always u never stressed
oo in word end u: always stressed
ò always ɔ always stressed
ô always o: always stressed
oeu followed by double consonant or accented in word end œ always stressed
oeu others œ: always stressed
p always p
qu followed by vowel kw
r always r
s in word end, followed by voiceless consonant or in word beginning followed by vowel s
s intervocalic or followed by voiced consonant z
sci always ʃ only "sc" when followed by e, i
s'ci always only "s'c" when followed by e, i
sgi always ʒ only "sg" when followed by e, i
ss intervocalic or in word end s
t always t
u followed by double consonant or accented in word end y stress is indicated with grave accent
u preceded by q or g and followed by vowel, or as part of a diphtongue w never stressed
u others y: stress is indicated with grave accent
uu in word end y: always stressed
v always v
z always ʦ/ʣ/s