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In the fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien, Lindon is the land beyond the Ered Luin, the Blue Mountains, in the northwest of Middle-earth. It is the westernmost land of the continent. The Gulf of Lune divides it into Forlindon, North Lindon, and Harlindon, South Lindon. It is notable in Tolkien's works in that it serves as a narrative plot device as the final point of transition from the mortal changing world of Middle-earth to the unchanged Arda of the past.

Contents [hide] 1 First Age 2 Second Age 3 Third Age 4 References 5 Bibliography 6 External links

[edit] First Age

Lindon by Matěj ČadilIn the First Age, Lindon was a name given to Ossiriand after this land was settled by the Green Elves or Laiquendi. Lindon meant "Land of the singers", after the old name Lindar, meaning singers in Elvish, for the Teleri.

Lindon was the last mainland remnant of Beleriand following the War of Wrath at the end of the First Age, the rest of the land having been broken or submerged by the tumults. While not exactly clear, there are indications that before the Downfall of Númenor in the Second Age Lindon was larger than it was during the Third Age.

[edit] Second Age Many of the Elves of Beleriand relocated to Lindon at the beginning of the Second Age, where they were ruled by Gil-galad. The Noldor mainly dwelt in the northern section of Forlindon, while the Sindar and surviving Laiquendi were in the southern section of Harlindon.[1] Together they built Mithlond, the Grey Havens, on the Gulf and many Elves sailed from there to Valinor. Lindon was one of the two Noldorin Kingdoms during the Second Age, the other being Eregion, or Hollin. Because of its cultural and spiritual importance to the Elves, Mithlond in time became the primary Elvish settlement west of the Misty Mountains prior to the establishment of Eregion and, later, of Imladris. Even after the death of Gil-galad, as the Elves dwindled in numbers by the year, Mithlond remained a focal point of the history in the northern part of Middle-earth.

During the War of the Elves and Sauron,[2] Sauron attempted to invade and conquer the Havens in order to gain the the Three Elven rings but was halted and defeated at the Lhûn by Gil-galad with the timely arrival of the great Númenórean armament of Tar-Minastir.[3] The Second Age ended with of the Last Alliance of Elves and Men. The Last Alliance was the final great military effort of the Elves and they raised their largest army since the First Age for the war. Gil-galad was killed by Sauron during the war. The Elves of Lindon suffered severe losses in the war and afterwards most of the surviving Noldor departed for Valinor and much of Lindon became depopulated.

[edit] Third Age In the Third Age Lindon was ruled by Gil-galad's lieutenant, the Sindarin elf Círdan the Shipwright. Círdan's task was to build ships for the Elves departing Middle-earth to sail to the West. By the end of the Third Age, the majority of Lindon's population resided in or around the harbor of the Grey Havens, while the rest settled along the shores of the Gulf of Lune. Lindon was one of the few populated areas of northwestern Middle-earth that remained untouched by the War of the Ring. Sauron never achieved the strength and reach he had in the Second Age and he was unable to make a direct assault, even though the realm was a strategically important location populated by his enemies. During the Fourth Age, it was one of the last Elven havens as the remaining Elves of Rivendell and Lothlórien left Middle-earth. In the beginning of the first century, Fourth Age, it experienced a population growth as migrants from the east came to Mithlond. Not all Elves left Middle-earth immediately, many of the migrants made long-term temporary settlements.

Aside from Elves, Gimli the dwarf, Gandalf, Bilbo Baggins and Frodo Baggins also went to Valinor from the Grey Havens, and a family tradition held that Samwise Gamgee, having been himself a Ring-bearer, albeit briefly, did likewise, in the year 1484 of the Shire Reckoning, Fourth Age 61. Círdan stayed in Mithlond into the Fourth Age until as he said, "the last ship sails". A small Elven community may have remained for quite some time. It is unclear just what the fate of the Elves of Middle-earth was in the early Fourth Age or how long Círdan and his remaining folk dwelled at the Havens and continued to build the great ships that carried the Elves to the Blessed Realm.