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Usuário(a):Juliana Werneck/Testes

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Léopold Sédar Senghor

Early years: 1906–28[editar | editar código-fonte]

Léopold Sédar Senghor was born on 9 October 1906 in the city of Joal, some 110 kilometres south of Dakar, capital of Senegal. His father, Basile Diogoye Senghor (pronounced: Basile Jogoy Senghor), was a wealthy peanut merchant belonging to the bourgeois Serer people. Basile Senghor was said to be a man of great means and owned thousands of cattle and vast lands, some of which were given to him by his cousin the king of Sine. Gnilane Ndiémé Bakhoum (1861–1948), Senghor's mother, the third wife of his father, a Muslim with Fula origin who belonged to the Tabor tribe, was born near Djilor to a Christian family. She gave birth to six children, including two sons. Senghor's birth certificate states that he was born on 9 October 1906; however, there is a discrepancy with his certificate of baptism, which states it occurred on 9 August 1906. His Serer middle name Sédar comes from the Serer language, meaning "one that shall not be humiliated" or "the one you cannot humiliate". His surname Senghor is a combination of the Serer words Sène (a Serer surname and the name of the Supreme Deity in Serer religion called Rog Sene) and gor or ghor, the etymology of which is kor in the Serer language, meaning male or man. Tukura Badiar Senghor, the prince of Sine and a figure from whom Léopold Sédar Senghor has been reported to trace descent, was a c. 13th-century Serer noble.

At the age of eight, Senghor began his studies in Senegal in the Ngasobil boarding-school of the Fathers of the Holy Spirit. In 1922 he entered a seminary in Dakar. After being told the religious life was not for him, he attended a secular institution. By then, he was already passionate about French literature. He won distinctions in French, Latin, Greek and Algebra. With his Baccalaureate completed, he was awarded a scholarship to continue his studies in France.

Primeiros anos: 1906-28[editar | editar código-fonte]

Léopold Sédar Senghor nasceu em 9 de outubro de 1906 na cidade de Joal, cerca de 110 quilômetros ao sul de Dakar, capital do Senegal. Seu pai, Basile Diogoye Senghor, era um rico comerciante de amendoim pertencente ao povo burguês Serer. Basile Senghor era considerado um homem de grandes posses e possuía milhares de cabeças de gado e vastas terras, algumas das quais foram doadas a ele por seu primo, o rei de Sine. Basile era um muçulmano de origem Fula que pertencia à tribo Tabor, nasceu perto de Djilor em uma família cristã. Gnilane Ndiémé Bakhoum (1861–1948), mãe de Senghor, foi a terceira esposa de seu pai. Ela teve seis filhos, sendo dois meninos.

Aos 8 anos, Senghor iniciou seus estudos no Senegal, no internato Ngasobil dos Padres do Espírito Santo. Em 1922, ingressou no seminário de Dakar. Depois de ter ouvido que a vida religiosa não era para ele, frequentou uma instituição secular. A essa altura, ele já era um apaixonado pela literatura francesa. Ele gahou distinções em francês, latim, grego e álgebra. Após concluir seu bacharelado, ganhou uma bolsa para continuar seus estudos na França.