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Usuário(a):Lawes Whashington/Testes

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.

Lawes Whashington, literary character and pseudonym of the atheist writer from Santiago Island, A.C.C.Correia. The writer was born in 1984 in a small rural location, which demonstrates a close connection with the natural world in his writings and novels. He graduated in law from the ISCJS and lives in Europe. He is the author of several unpublished works such as: "There is no such thing as a serious man, Sidewalk of madmen, The three unlucky ones." He is also the author of a best-seller novel, "Brianna Mille in the land of pretty boys", self-published on the online platform of the multinational kdp-Amazon. The writer is not adept at formalities and rigor, and usually appears in VIP ceremonies with informal costumes, this because he understands that being is independent of being and vice versa. There are serious chances of taking one of his novels to the big screen.