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Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.

The MPMan F10 was the first portable solid state sold in the North American Market, developed by SaeHan Information Systems which is headquartered in Seoul, Korea and imported by Eiger Labs, Inc. The MPMan was the first of its kind in what would be become a new era in portable audio. It was a 32MB portable that appeared in the summer of 1998. It was a very basic unit and wasn't user expandable, though owners could upgrade the memory to 64MB by sending the player back to Eiger Labs with a cheque for $69 + $7.95 shipping. Measuring at 91 mm tall by 70 mm wide by 16.5 mm thick and weighing a little over 2 oz it was very compact.

The F20 was a similar model that used 3.3v SmartMedia cards for expansion, and ran on a single AA battery, instead of rechargeable NiMH batteries.

The MPMan was not well received. The Rio PMP300, which was released soon afterward, was better received; however, neither product was a rampant success like generic MP3 players of today.

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