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Usuário(a):Mawer10/Trabalhos 13

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.

Israel is located in a region of great significance to the Abrahamic religions, the southern part of the Levant known as Palestine – the biblical Land of Israel or Holy Land. In antiquity, it was home to several Israelite and Jewish kingdoms, including Israel and Judah and Hasmonean Judea. The region was conquered by many regional powers before coming under Roman rule, during which frequent revolts led to Jews becoming a minority in Palestine. In the medieval era, Byzantine rule gave way to caliphal rule with the Arab conquest. The region was contested during the Crusades, but returned to Muslim control and remained so until the Ottoman defeat in World War I. After that, it was placed under British mandate by the League of Nations. In the late 19th century emerged Zionism, a movement advocating for the reestablishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. Under the British, Jewish immigration to the region increased considerably, leading to tensions between Jews and the Arab majority population. After World War II and the Holocaust, Britain turned to the United Nations, which in 1947 recommended the partition of Palestine into separate Arab and Jewish states, sparking a civil war between the two peoples. The British ended the Mandate on 14 May 1948, and on the same day Jewish leaders declared Israel's independence.

On 15 May, rejecting the partition plan, armies of neighboring Arab states began entering the area of the former Mandatory Palestine, starting the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. The war concluded with an armistice in 1949 leaving Israel in control of more territory than the partition plan had called for, and no new independent Arab state was created as the rest of the former Mandate territory were occupied by Egypt and Jordan, respectively the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. The conflict resulted in the expulsion or flight of over 700,000 Palestinian Arabs from Israeli territory to neighboring countries, leaving fewer than 150,000 within Israel. Over the next two decades, Israel absorbed approximately one million Jews who emigrated or fled, primarily from the Arab world and Europe. Despite a rapid population increase, Israel managed to survive and consolidate its territory and economy. Since the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel has occupied the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as well as the Syrian Golan Heights. Israel has established settlements in the occupied territories and annexed both East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, actions the international community rejected as illegal. While Israel has signed peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan and normalized relations with several Arab countries, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains unresolved as peace efforts have failed. The Israeli military occupation of the Palestinian territories is the longest in modern history and has drawn international condemnation for violating the human rights of the Palestinians.