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Usuário(a):Melina manasseh/Testes

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.

Andolina Hawwa aka, was born as Yvonne Hawa, in Junieh, Lebanon, daughter of Jad Hawa, a Palestinian agriculturer exporter and Avdokiah Awad Hawa (damascene), in May, 6th, 1915, during the 1st world war.

Only child, heir to a Palestinian empire of lands overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, she was raised in Akka until she was 6. She was then taken back to Lebanon, to attend the American Missionary School for her education. An exemplary student, she soon took interest in arts and studied painting and drawing from an early age. Back in Akka when she turned 18, she reencountered her distant cousin, Nicolas Elias Manasseh, who was 10 years older than her. The famous picture of her, that was also painted as an art piece by Nabil Ananis, symbol of Palestinian beauty and way of life during the years England has occupied Palestine was taken by the time of their engagement, in 1934. As a young woman, in the flourishing Middle East, she enjoyed dancing, arts in general and painting was her greatest passion.

Even though Palestine was previously part of the Ottoman Empire, right after the 1st World War, the territory was handled to Britain as part of the peace treat negotiation. Palestine was advanced for it's time and counted with railroad, a vivid commerce of good through it's ports and a cultural elite. As they married, her husband was employed already at the IPC, Iraque Petroleum Company, so in 1938 they left Haifa and lived in Iraque with her 1st born for a couple of years, as Nicolas was the managing engineer responsible for building pipelines. She gave birth to her 1st daughter, Samia, in 1937 in Haifa, were the family had olive and orange plantations, and so her 2nd son, Mazen in 1940 and 3rd child, Rima, in 1945. From 1939 until 1948 she lived with her family in Haifa, at their homesteaded. She has left Palestine to never return in 1948, during the Nabca, with her 3 children, her living mother and her husband, Nicolas Manasseh.

As a professor at AUB - American University at Beirut, Nicolas was able to support for his family since all state was taken by the Israeli's new policy of displacing and exterminating Palestinians. Yvonne, aka Andoline was able to continue to draw and paint and she was recognized as one of the many orientalist's voice throughout her unique technique on canvas, with it's impressive textures, the use of sand, mirrors, and Arabic words, themes and landscapes. She passed away in 2015, in Beirut, peacefully at 98, Lebanon, after living for more then 20 years in London during the 80s and 90s, never letting go of her Beirut apartment, where she would spent vacations when peace was reestablished.

She would colect sand from all over the world to her paintings and her 2 daughters and son were to live in Chile, London/Beirut and São Paulo, Brazil.