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Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.


Ajahn (a QUE TÁ BOA E VAI MELHORAR.aan) é um termo do idioma tailandês que pode ser traduzido como "professor" ou "mentor". É derivado da palavra ãcariya proveniente do idioma Pali e é um termo de respeito, similar à forma de tratamento sensei em japonês. Pode ser usado para pessoas comuns ou monges, normalmente Bhikkhus da escola budista Theravada, que passaram por dez vassa.

Ajahn (Thai: อาจารย์, rtgs: achan, IPA: [ʔāː.tɕāːn], also romanized ajaan, aajaan, ajarn, acharn and achaan) is a Thai language term which translates as "professor" or "teacher." It is derived from the Pali word ācariya, and is a term of respect, similar in meaning to the Japanese sensei, and is used as a title of address for high-school and university teachers, and for Buddhist monks who have passed ten vassa.

This lattermost case is usually romanized ajahn. According to the Vinaya, any properly ordained monk can become an ācariya after ten vassa in the robes, thus a Thai monk becomes ajahn.

A senior monk may bear the honorific title phra ajahn (Thai: พระอาจารย์,"venerable monk"), or in more informal situations, than ajahn (Thai: ท่านอาจารย์,"venerable monk").

Some famous ajahns are: