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Usuário(a):Rodrigo Sartori Bogo/Solar System

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.

O Sistema Solar[a] é o gravitacionalmente ligados sistema do Sol e os objetos que orbitam-lo, direta ou indiretamente,[b] incluindo os oito planetas e cinco planetas anões , conforme definido pela União Astronômica Internacional (IAU). Os objetos que orbitam o Sol diretamente, a maior oito são os planetas,[c] sendo o restante objetos menores, como planetas anões e pequenos corpos do Sistema Solar. Os objetos que orbitam o Sol indireta, as luas, os dois são maiores do que o menor planeta, Mercúrio.[d]

  1. Capitalization of the name varies. The International Astronomical Union, the authoritative body regarding astronomical nomenclature, specifies capitalizing the names of all individual astronomical objects, but uses mixed "Solar System" and "solar system" in their naming guidelines document. The name is commonly rendered in lower case ("solar system"), as, for example, in the Oxford English Dictionary and Merriam-Webster's 11th Collegiate Dictionary.
  2. The natural satellites (moons) orbiting the Solar System's planets are an example of the latter.
  3. Historically, several other bodies were once considered planets, including, from its discovery in 1930 until 2006, Pluto. See Former planets.
  4. The two moons larger than Mercury are Ganymede, which orbits Jupiter, and Titan, which orbits Saturn. Although bigger than Mercury, both moons have less than half the mass of Mercury.

[[Categoria:Planetologia]] [[Categoria:Sistema Solar]]