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Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
Línguas do usuário
pt-BR-N Este usuário tem como língua materna o português brasileiro.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
Utilizadores por língua

dumb jokes let's not consider other's feelings I can't see farther than my ceiling and my dumb jokes reach farther out than that

cruel jokes my thin protective coat is peeling I never get away with stealing and my cruel jokes always boomerang on me

such a sick hoax let's just forget this ever conspired or fared the weather I only ever laughed a bit

such a slick coax who would have ever thought that you'd fall for something so flat it's really more your fault than mine

sad jokes I tried so hard to make it worth while I tried so hard to make the first mile but my sad jokes are too sad for me to see

they're too sad for me to see [1]

  1. «Dumb Jokes, by The J. Arthur Keenes Band». The J. Arthur Keenes Band. Consultado em 26 de setembro de 2019