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Messerschmitt Bf 109, the backbone of the Luftwaffe fighter force in World War II

Esta é uma lista dos ases da aviação da Alemanha durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Um ás da aviação é um aviador militar a quem é atribuído o abate de cinco ou mais aeronaves inimigas durante um combate aéreo.[1] Apesar de neste artigo ser usado o termo "ás da aviação", os alemães não o usavam; o termo usado pelos alemães era "Experte".[2] É certo que mais de 2500 pilotos de combate alemães alcançaram o status de ás da aviação, cada um deles tendo abatido pelo menos cinco aeronaves.[3] Este artigo lista XXXX ases de combate diurnos e nocturnos, pelo que a lista é actualizada à medida que se descobrem mais dados sobre estes mesmos militares. Todos os ases alcançaram o status ao serviço da Luftwaffe, o único ramo militar alemão durante a guerra com poder aéreo.

Os pilotos alemães de combate diurno e nocturno alcançaram sensivelmente 70 mil vitórias aéreas durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, 25 mil ao abater aeronaves britânicas e norte-americanas e 45 mil soviéticas. 103 pilotos alemães abateram mais de 100 aeronaves inimigas, totalizando 15 400 vitórias aéreas. Outros 360 pilotos abateram entre 40 e 100 aeronaves inimigas, o que totalizou cerca de 21 mil vitórias. Outros 500 pilotos abateram entre 20 e 40 aeronaves, totalizando cerca de 15 mil vitórias. Estas proezas foram reconhecidas com a condecoração de 453 pilotos de caças diurnos e de caças-pesados (zerstörer) com os diferentes graus da Cruz de Cavaleiro da Cruz de Ferro. Além destes, 85 pilotos de caças nocturnos, incluindo 14 tripulantes, também foram condecorados com a Cruz de Cavaleiro da Cruz de Ferro.[4]

Por outro lado, as baixas alemãs também foram muito elevadas. Cerca de 12 mil pilotos de caças diurnos faleceram ou ainda estão considerados como desaparecidos em combate, além dos 6000 que ficaram feridos. Os pilotos dos caças-pesados sofreram cerca de 2800 baixas e 900 feridos. Já os pilotos nocturnos sofreram com 3800 pilotos e tripulantes mortos ou desaparecidos, e cerca de 1400 feridos.[5]

      Isto, juntamente com o * (asterisco), indica que o piloto foi morto em acção (KIA), desapareceu em combate (MIA), morreu devido aos ferimentos (DOW) ou faleceu num acidente de voo (KIFA).

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Name Rank Total wartime victories Unit Notes Fontes
August Lambert* Oberleutnant 116[6] SG 2, SG 77 Knight's Cross
KIA 17 April 1945
Günther Landt 23 JG 53
Emil Lang* Hauptmann 173[7] JG 54, JG 26 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
18 in one day
Friedrich Lange Leutnant 8 JG 26
Gerhard Lange Hauptmann 5 JG 6
Heinz Lange Major 70 JG 21, JG 54, JG 51 Knight's Cross
Hans-Joachim Langer 10 JG 51, JG 7
Karl-Heinz Langer Major 30 JG 3 Knight's Cross
Erwin Laskowski Oberfeldwebel 46 JG 51, JG 11 Knight's Cross
Kurt Lasse* Oberleutnant 39 JG 77 Knight's Cross
KIA 8 October 1941
Karl Laub Oberfeldwebel 7 JG 26
Bernhard Lausch Oberfeldwebel 39 JG 51
Heinz Leber Leutnant 54 JG 51
Alois Lechner* Major 45 NJG 100, NJG 2 Knight's Cross
KIA 23 February 1944
Karl-Heinz Leesmann* Major 37 JG 52, JG 1 Knight's Cross
KIA 25 July 1943
Erwin Leibold Oberfeldwebel 11 JG 26
Erich Leie* Major 118[6] JG 2, JG 51, JG 77 Knight's Cross
KIA 7 March 1945
Hermann Leiste Leutnant 29 JG 54
Siegfried Lemke Hauptmann 96 JG 2 Knight's Cross
Wilhelm Lemke* Hauptmann 131[8] JG 3 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 4 December 1943
Helmut Lennartz Feldwebel 13 JG 11, JG 7, EKdo 262, Kdo Nowotny
Helmut Lent* Oberst 110 NJG 1, NJG 2, NJG 3 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds
Richard Leppla Major 68 JG 51, JG 105, JG 6 Knight's Cross
Heinrich Lesch 8 JG 5
Heinrich Leschert* Oberfeldwebel 23 JG 53 KIA 10 August 1942
Rudolf Leuschel Hauptmann 9 JG 26
Erwin Leykauf Oberleutnant 33 JG 54
Fritz Liebelt Leutnant 25 JG 51
Carl von Lieres Oberleutnant 31 JG 27
Frank Liesendahl* Hauptmann 50 JG 53, JG 2 Knight's Cross
KIA 17 July 1942
Arnold Lignitz Major 25 JG 51, JG 54 Knight's Cross
Friedrich Lindelaub Oberfeldwebel 5 JG 26
Theodor Lindemann Oberleutnant 7 JG 26
Anton Lindner Oberleutnant 73[9] JG 51 Knight's Cross
Walter Lindner 64 JG 52
Lothar Linke* Oberleutnant 27 ZG 76, NJG 1, NJG 2 Knight's Cross
KIA 14 May 1943
Rudi Linz* Leutnant 70 JG 5 Knight's Cross
KIA 9 February 1945
Helmut Lipfert Hauptmann 203[7] JG 52, JG 53 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Egmont Prinz zur Lippe-Weißenfeld* Major 51 NJG 1 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIFA 12 March 1944
Wolfgang Lippert* Hauptmann 29 (+4 em Espanha) JG 53, JG 27 Knight's Cross
KIA 3 December 1941
Stefan Litjens Oberfeldwebel 38 JG 53 Knight's Cross
Gerhard Loos* Oberleutnant 92 JG 54 Knight's Cross
KIA 6 March 1944
Walter Loos Oberfeldwebel 38 JG 301, JG 3 Knight's Cross
Fritz Losigkeit Major 68 JG 26, JG 1, JG 51, JG 77 Knight's Cross
August Lübking 38 JG 5, JG 7
Werner Lucas* Hauptmann 106[10] JG 3 Knight's Cross
KIA 24 October 1943
Max-Hermann Lücke* Oberleutnant 78 JG 51 Knight's Cross
KIA 8 November 1943
Fritz Lüddecke* Oberfeldwebel 51 JG 51 Knight's Cross
KIA 10 August 1944
Rudolf Lüder 6 JG 5
Herbert Lütje Oberstleutnant 50 NJG 1, NJG 6 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Johannes Lutter Hauptmann 12 ZG 1, ZG 76, ZG 2, SKG 210, SKG 10, SG 4 Knight's Cross
Richard Lutzka 5 JG 5
Günther Lützow* Oberst 108 (5 em Espanha)[10] JG 3, JV 44 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
MIA 24 April 1945
August Luy 35 JG 5

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Name Rank Total wartime victories Unit Notes Fontes
Ernst Maack 8 JG 27, JG 11
Werner Machold Oberleutnant 32 JG 2 Knight's Cross
Wilhelm Mackenstedt 6 JG 26
Anton Mader Oberstleutnant 86 JG 2, JG 77, JG 54 Knight's Cross
Heinz Mahlkuch 16 JG 77
Lothar Mai Leutnant 45 JG 51
Wilhelm Makrocki 9 ZG 76, JG 26
Günther Freiherr von Maltzahn Oberst 68 JG 53 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Gerhard Marburg* Oberfeldwebel 7 JG 3, JG 4 KIFA 3 September 1944
Heinz Marquardt Oberfeldwebel 121[6] JG 51 Knight's Cross
Hans-Joachim Marseille* Hauptmann 158[11] JG 52, JG 27 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds
KIFA 30 September 1942
Karl-Heinrich Matern Hauptmann 12 ZG 1, ZG 76 Knight's Cross
Walter Matoni Major 34 JG 27, JG 26, JG 2, JG 11 Knight's Cross
Kurt Matzak Leutnant 18 NJG 1
Willi Maximowitz* Oberfeldwebel 27 JG 1, JG 3 MIA 20 April 1945
Lothar May 45 JG 51
Marian Mazurek* Feldwebel 35 JG 53 KIA 9 June 1943
Egon Mayer* Oberstleutnant 102[12] JG 2 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
KIA 2 March 1944
Hans-Karl Mayer Hauptmann 39 (+8 em Espanha) JG 53, JG 26 Knight's Cross
KIA 17 October 1940
Otto Mayer 22 JG 27
Wilhelm Mayer Leutnant 27 JG 26 Knight's Cross
Maximilian Mayerl Hauptmann 76 JG 51, EJG 1 Knight's Cross
Erhardt Mecke 12 JG 5
Helmut Meckel Oberleutnant 21 JG 3 Knight's Cross
KIFA 8 May 1943
Johann-Hermann Meier* Leutnant 78 JG 26, JG 52 Knight's Cross
KIA 15 March 1944
Julius Meimberg Major 53 JG 2, JG 53 Knight's Cross
Dieter Meister* Oberleutnant 8 KG 40, ZG 1, JG 2 KIA 21 November 1944
Ludwig Meister Hauptmann 39 NJG 1, NJG 4 Knight's Cross
Karl-Heinz Meltzer Leutnant 74 JG 52
Arthur Mendl 9 JG 5
Robert Menge 20 (+4 em Espanha) JG 26
Karl Mentnich 7 JG 27
Hans-Jörg Merkel 30 JG 52
Helmut Mertens Hauptmann 97 JG 3 Knight's Cross
Werner Methfessel 8 LG 1
Rudolf Metz* Leutnant 10 JG 5, JG 3, JG 4 KIA 6 October 1944
Manfred Meurer* Hauptmann 65 NJG 1, NJG 5 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 21/22 January 1944
Conny Meyer 16 JG 26
Eduard Meyer* Leutnant 22 ZG 26 Knight's Cross
KIA 31 March 1942
Walter Meyer 18 JG 54, JG 26
Gerhard Michalski Oberstleutnant 73[9] JG 53, JG 4 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Rudolf Miethig* Hauptmann 101[12] JG 52 Knight's Cross
KIA 10 June 1943
Klaus Mietusch* Major 72[9] JG 26 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 17 September 1944
Wilhelm Mink* Oberfeldwebel 72[9] JG 51, EJG 1 Knight's Cross
KIA 12 March 1945
Bruno Mischkot 7 JG 26, JG 3, JG 2, EJG 2
Helmut Missner* Oberfeldwebel 82 JG 54 Knight's Cross
KIA 12 September 1944
Erich Mix 13 (+3 na Primeira Guerra Mundial) JG 1, JG 2, JG 53
Ernst-Wilhelm Modrow Major 34 NJG 1 Knight's Cross
Werner Mölders* Oberst 115 (14 em Espanha)[6] JG 51 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds
KIFA 22 November 1941
Wilhelm Moritz Major 44 JG 51, JG 3 Knight's Cross
August Mors* Leutnant 60 JG 5 Knight's Cross
KIA 8 August 1944
Friedrich Müller Major 30 NJG 11, JG 300 Knight's Cross
Friedrich-Karl Müller* Oberstleutnant 140[11] JG 53, JG 3 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 29 May 1944
Fritz Müller Leutnant 22 JG 7
Kurt Müller Oberleutnant 5 JG 26
Rudolf Müller* Oberfeldwebel 94 JG 5 Knight's Cross
Died in POW camp 21 June 1943
Siegfried Müller Leutnant 17 JG 51, JG 3, JG 7
Wilhelm Müller Oberfeldwebel 10 JG 26
Gerhard Müller-Dühne Leutnant 5 JG 26
Joachim Müncheberg* Major 135[8] JG 26, JG 51, JG 77 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
KIA 23 March 1943
Georg Munderloh Oberfeldwebel 20 JG 54
Leopold Münster* Leutnant 95 JG 3 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 8 May 1944
Karl Munz Leutnant 60[13] JG 52, JG 7
Hubert Mütherich Oberleutnant 43 JG 51, JG 54

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Name Rank Total wartime victories Unit Notes Fontes
Heinz Nacke Major 14 ZG 76, NJG 3 Knight's Cross
Johannes Naumann Major 34 JG 26, JG 6, JG 7 Knight's Cross
Kurt Necesany* Oberleutnant 6 KG 40, ZG 1 MIA 14 February 1944
Willi Nemitz* Leutnant 81 JG 52 Knight's Cross
KIA 11 April 1943
Wolfgang Neu Hauptmann 12 JG 26
Hermann Neuhoff Leutnant 40 JG 53 Knight's Cross
Eduard Neumann Oberstleutnant 11 (+2 em Espanha) JG 26, JG 27
Helmut Neumann Leutnant 62 JG 5 Knight's Cross
Klaus Neumann Leutnant 37 JG 51, JG 3, JG 7, JV 44 Knight's Cross
Siegfried Ney Oberfeldwebel 11 NJG 1
Karl-Gottfried Nordmann Oberst 78 JG 51 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Jakob Norz* Leutnant 117[6] JG 5 Knight's Cross
KIA 16 September 1944
Walter Nowotny* Major 258[14] JG 54, Kdo Nowotny,
JG 101
Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds
KIA 8 November 1944

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Name Rank Total wartime victories Unit Notes Fontes
Friedrich Obleser Oberleutnant 120[6] JG 52 Knight's Cross
Walter Oesau* Oberst 125 (+8 em Espanha)[6] JG 1, JG 2, JG 51 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
KIA 11 May 1944
Walter Ohlrogge Leutnant 77 JG 3, JG 7 Knight's Cross
Robert Olejnik Major 41 JG 2, JG 3, JG 1, JG 400 Knight's Cross
Emil Omert* Hauptmann 70 JG 3, JG 2, JG 77 Knight's Cross
KIA 24 April 1944
Theo Osterkamp Generalleutnant 6 (+32 na Primeira Guerra Mundial) JG 51 Knight's Cross
Max-Hellmuth Ostermann* Oberleutnant 102[12] ZG 1, JG 54 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
KIA 9 August 1942

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Name Rank Total wartime victories Unit Notes Fontes
Horst Patuschka* Hauptmann 23 NJG 2 Knight's Cross
KIA 6 March 1943
Georg Pavenzinger Feldwebel 5 JG 51
Hans Peterburs Oberfeldwebel 18 ZG 76, ZG 1 Knight's Cross
Viktor Petermann Oberleutnant 64 JG 52, JG 7 Knight's Cross
Erhard Peters Leutnant 64 JG 52, JG 7
Horst Petzschler Oberfeldwebel 26 JG 3, JG 51 Ehrenpokal der Luftwaffe
Karl Pfeiffer Oberfeldwebel 10 NJG 1
Rudolf Pflanz* Hauptmann 52 JG 2 Knight's Cross
KIA 31 July 1942
Helmut Pfüller Oberfeldwebel 28 JG 51
Hans Philipp* Major 206[7] JG 54, JG 1 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
KIA 8 October 1943
Wilhelm Philipp Oberfeldwebel 81 JG 54 Knight's Cross
Johann Pichler Leutnant 75[9] JG 77 Knight's Cross
Anton-Rudolf Piffer* Leutnant 26 JG 1 Knight's Cross
KIA 17 June 1944
Rolf Pingel Major 28 (+6 em Espanha) JG 26, JG 53 Knight's Cross
Karl-Heinz Plücker Oberleutnant 34 JG 1, JG 52
Josef Pöhs* Oberleutnant 43 JG 54 Knight's Cross
KIA 30 December 1943
Hans Prager Leutnant 23 JG 26
Alexander Preinfalk* Oberfeldwebel 78 JG 77, JG 51, JG 53 Knight's Cross
KIA 12 December 1944
Bela Preisler Unteroffizier 6 JG 5
Rolf Prigge Oberfänrich 5 JG 27, JG 7
Josef "Pips" Priller Oberst 101[12] JG 51, JG 26 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
Herbert Puschmann Hauptmann 57 JG 51 Knight's Cross

Q[editar | editar código-fonte]

Name Rank Total wartime victories Unit Notes
Klaus Quaet-Faslem* Major 49 JG 53, JG 3 Knight's Cross
KIFA 30 January 1944
Richard Quante* Feldwebel 49 JG 51 KIA 14 August 1942
Werner Quast Fahnenjunker-Oberfeldwebel 84 JG 52 Knight's Cross

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Name Rank Total wartime victories Unit Notes
Rudolf Rademacher Oberleutnant 126[8] JG 54, JG 7 Knight's Cross
Waldemar Radener Oberleutnant 37 JG 26, JG 300 Knight's Cross
Günther Radusch Oberst 64 (+1 em Espanha) NJG 1, NJG 2, NJG 3 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Gerhard Raht Hauptmann 58 NJG 2 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Günther Rall Major 275[14] JG 52, JG 11 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
Karl Rammelt Major 46 JG 51 Knight's Cross
Alfred Rauch Leutnant 60[13] JG 51 Knight's Cross
Paul-Hubert Rauh Hauptmann 31 NJG 4 Knight's Cross
Karl-Wolfgang Redlich* Major 43 (+2 em Espanha) JG 27 Knight's Cross
KIA 29 May 1944
Hans Reiff Oberfeldwebel 48 JG 3
Ernst-Wilhelm Reinert Oberleutnant 174[7] JG 77, JG 27 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
Hans-Günther Reinhard Oberfeldwebel 44 JG 54
Peter Reischer Oberleutnant 19 JG 26
Hans Remmer* Hauptmann 27 JG 27 Knight's Cross
KIA 2 April 1944
Anton Resch Oberleutnant 91 JG 52 Knight's Cross
Rudolf Resch* Major 94 (+1 em Espanha) JG 52, JG 51 Knight's Cross
KIA 11 July 1943
Willi Reschke Oberfeldwebel 28 JG 302, JG 301 Knight's Cross
Ralph von Rettberg Oberst 8 ZG 26, ZG 1 Knight's Cross
Ernst Richter Oberfeldwebel 20 JG 54
Hans Richter Leutnant 22 JG 27
Eckhard Roch Leutnant 5 JG 26
Gustav Rödel Oberst 98[12] JG 27 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Hans Röhrig* Hauptmann 75[9] JG 53 Knight's Cross
KIA 13 July 1943
Detlev Rohwer Hauptmann 38 JG 3, JG 1 Knight's Cross
Heinz Rökker Hauptmann 64 NJG 2 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Herbert Rollwage Oberleutnant 102[12] JG 53 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Oskar Romm Oberleutnant 92 JG 51, JG 3 Knight's Cross
Theodor Rossiwall Oberstleutnant 21 ZG 76, NJG 4 Knight's Cross
Edmund Roßmann Leutnant 93 JG 52 Knight's Cross
Willi Roth Leutnant 20 JG 26
Günther Rübell Hauptmann 47 JG 51, JG 104 Knight's Cross
Hans-Ulrich Rudel Oberst 9 SG 2 Knight's Cross with Golden Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds
Erich Rudorffer Major 222[14] JG 2, JG 54, JG 7 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
13 in one mission
Helmut Rüffler Oberfeldwebel 98 JG 3 Knight's Cross
Franz Ruhl* Oberleutnant 36 JG 3 Knight's Cross
KIA 24 December 1944
Friedrich Rupp* Leutnant 52 JG 54 Knight's Cross
KIA 15 May 1943
Martin Rysavy Oberleutnant 8 JG 26

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Name Rank Total wartime victories Unit Notes
Heinz Sachsenberg Leutnant 104[10] JG 52 Knight's Cross
Florian Salwender Oberfeldwebel 25 JG 77, JG 5 POW Died in Soviet Prison
Carl Sattig* Hauptmann 53 JG 54 Knight's Cross
KIA 10 August 1942
Erwin Sawallisch* Oberfeldwebel 36 JG 27 Suicide
Heinrich Prinz zu Sayn-Wittgenstein* Major 83 NJG 2, NJG 3 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
KIA 21/22 January 1944
Günther Schack Hauptmann 174[7] JG 51, JG 3 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Emil Schact 25
Hans Schäfer Leutnant 18 JG 3
Johann Schalk Oberst 21 ZG 26, NJG 3, NJG 4 Knight's Cross
Franz Schall* Hauptmann 137[11] JG 52, Kdo Nowotny, JG 7 Knight's Cross
KIFA 10 April 1945
Ludwig Scharf 18 JG 5
Gerhard Schaschke Hauptmann 22 ZG 76
Paul Schauder Hauptmann 20 JG 26
Günther Scheel* Leutnant 71 JG 54 Knight's Cross
MIA 16 July 1943
only 70 combat missions
Klaus Scheer Leutnant 24 NJG 100
Rudolf Scheffel Hauptmann 7 ZG 1, ZG 26 Knight's Cross
Wolfgang Schellmann* Oberstleutnant 26 (+12 em Espanha) JG 2, JG 27 Knight's Cross
KIA 22 June 1941
Wolfgang Schenck Oberstleutnant 18 SG 2, ZG 1, SKG 210, KG 51 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Georg Schentke* Oberleutnant 90 JG 3 Knight's Cross
KIA 25 December 1942
Karl-Heinz Scherfling* Oberfeldwebel 33 NJG 1 Knight's Cross
KIA 21 July 1944
Ernst Scheufele 18 JG 5, JG 4
Erich Scheyda 20 JG 26
Franz Schieß* Hauptmann 67 JG 53 Knight's Cross
KIA 2 September 1943
Wilhelm Schilling Oberleutnant 63 JG 54, EJG 1 Knight's Cross
Hans Schleef* Oberleutnant 99 JG 3, JG 5, JG 4 Knight's Cross
KIA 31 December 1944
Hermann Schleinhege Leutnant 97 JG 3, JG 54 Knight's Cross
Joachim Schlichting Major 8 (+5 em Espanha) JG 27 Knight's Cross
Karl-Friedrich Schlosstein 8 JG 77, JG 5
Johann Schmid* Major 45 JG 2, JG 26 KIA 6 November 1941
Dietrich Schmidt Hauptmann 43 NJG 1 Knight's Cross
Erich Schmidt* Oberleutnant 47 JG 53 Knight's Cross
KIA 31 August 1941
Gottfried Schmidt 8 JG 26
Heinz Schmidt* Hauptmann 173[7] JG 52 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
MIA 5 September 1943
Johannes Schmidt 12 JG 26
Rudolf Schmidt* Feldwebel 42 JG 77 Knight's Cross
KIA 6 April 1942
Winfrid Schmidt 19 JG 3
Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer Major 121 NJG 1, NJG 4 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds
Top Night Fighter Ace of World War II
August Schneider 11 JG 5
Gerhard Schneider 41 JG 51, JGr Ost
Hugo Schneider 9 JG 27
Walter Schneider 20 JG 26
Karl-Heinz Schnell Major 72[9] JG 51, JG 53, JV 44 Knight's Cross
"Wumm" Siegfried Schnell* Major 93 JG 54, JG 2 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 25 February 1944
Karl "Quax" Schnörrer 46 JG 54, JG 7, Kdo Nowotny Knight's Cross
Herbert Schob Hauptmann 28 (+6 em Espanha) LG 1, ZG 76, ZG 26 Knight's Cross
Rudolf Schoenert Major 64 NJG 1, NJG 2, NJG 3, NJG 100, NJGr 10, NJG 5 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Erich Schöfbock 14 JG 27
Günther Scholz 34 (+1 em Espanha) JG 54, JG 5
Helmut Schönfelder Oberfeldwebel 56 JG 51 Knight's Cross
Gerhard Schöpfel Major 45 JG 26, JG 4, JG 6 Knight's Cross
Georg Schott* Oberleutnant 20 LG 2, JG 1 KIA 27 September 1943
Herbert Schramm* Hauptmann 42 JG 53, JG 27 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 1 December 1943
Alfred Schreiber* Leutnant 7 ZG 26, EKdo 262, Kdo Nowotny, JG 7 KIFA 26 November 1944
Werner Schröer Major 114[10] JG 3, JG 27, JG 54 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
Fritz Schröter Major 11 JG 2, SKG 10, SG 5, SG 4 Knight's Cross
Hans Schubert 8 JG 1
Walter Schuck Oberleutnant 206[7] JG 5, JG 7 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Leo Schuhmacher Leutnant 23 ZG 76, JG 1, JV 44 Knight's Cross
Franz Schulte* Feldwebel 46 JG 77 Knight's Cross
KIA 12 August 1942
Helmuth Schulte Hauptmann 25 NJG 5 Knight's Cross
Otto Schultz Hauptmann 73[9] JG 51 Knight's Cross
Gerhard Schulwitz 9 JG 26
Otto Schulz* Oberleutnant 51 JG 27 Knight's Cross
KIA 17 June 1942
Werner Schumacher 30 JG 5
Heinz Schumann 21 JG 51, JG 2 SKG 10
Franz Schwaiger* Leutnant 67 JG 3 Knight's Cross
KIA 24 April 1944
Günther Schwanecke 10 JG 77, JG 5
Gerhard Schwartz 20 JG 51
Günther Schwarz 40 JG 51
Georg Seckel 40 JG 77, JG 200, JG 4
Günther Seeger Oberleutnant 56 JG 53, JG 2 Knight's Cross
Georg Seelmann Oberleutnant 39 JG 51, JG 103 Knight's Cross
Hermann Segatz 40 JG 26, JG 51, JG 5, JG 1
Georg Seidel 47 JG 51
Alfred Seidl 31 JG 53, JG 3, JG 7
Johannes Seifert Oberstleutnant 57 JG 26 Knight's Cross
Reinhard Seiler Major 109 (+9 em Espanha)[10] JG 54, JG 104 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Erich von Selle 7 JG 26
Waldemar Semelka 75 JG 52 Knight's Cross
Paul Semrau* Major 46[15] NJG 2 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 8 February 1945
Fritz Sengschmitt 15 ZG 76, ZG 26
Heinrich Setz* Major 138[11] JG 27, JG 77 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 13 March 1943
Peter Siegler* Feldwebel 48 JG 54 Knight's Cross
MIA 24 September 1942
Rudolf Sigmund* Hauptmann 28 NJG 1 Knight's Cross
KIA 4 October 1943
Friedrich Simon 22 JG 51
Siegfried Simsch 54 JG 52, JG 11 Knight's Cross
KIA 8 June 1944
Rudolf Sinner 39 JG 27
Kurt Sochatzy 39 JG 3 Knight's Cross
Waldemar Söffing 35 JG 26
Gerhard Sommer 20 JG 11, JG 1 Knight's Cross
Hermann Sommer 19 NJG 2, NJG 102
Wolfgang Späte Major 99 JG 54, JG 400, JG 7 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Günther Specht* Oberstleutnant 34 ZG 26, JG 11 Knight's Cross
MIA 1 January 1945
Wilhelm Spies* Major 20 ZG 26 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 27 January 1942
Robert Spreckles 12 JG 11, JG 1
Gustav Sprick Oberleutnant 31 JG 26 Knight's Cross
Karl Stadek 29 JG 51
Hans-Arnold Stahlschmidt* Oberleutnant 59 JG 27 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
MIA 7 September 1942
Hermann Staiger Major 63 JG 51, JG 26, JG 1, JG 7 Knight's Cross
Friedrich-Wilhelm Stakejahn 9 JG 5, SG 4
Otto Stammberger Oberleutnant 7 JG 26
Karl Steffen* Oberfeldwebel 59 JG 52 MIA 14 August 1943
Hans-Joachim Steffens Leutnant 22 JG 51
Leopold "Bazi" Steinbatz* Leutnant 99[12] JG 52 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
KIA 23 June 1942
Franz Steiner Oberfeldwebel 12 JG 27, JG 1, JG 11, JV 44
Günter Steinhausen* Leutnant 40 JG 27 Knight's Cross
KIA 6 September 1942
Ulrich Steinhilper Oberleutnant 5 JG 52
"Macky" Johannes Steinhoff Oberst 176[7] JG 26, JG 52, JG 77 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
Wilhelm Steinmann Major 44 JG 27, JG 4, JV 44 Knight's Cross
Heinrich Steis Leutnant 21 JG 27
Heinrich Sterr* Oberleutnant 130[8] JG 54 Knight's Cross
KIA 26 November 1944
Franz Stigler Oberleutnant 45 JG 27, JV 44
Bruno Stolle Hauptmann 35 LG 1, JG 2, JG 11 Knight's Cross
"Max" Maximilian Stotz* Hauptmann 189[7] JG 54 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
MIA 19 August 1943
Friedrich-Wilhelm Strakeljahn* Oberfeldwebel 9 JG 5, SG 4 Knight's Cross
KIA 6 July 1944
Hubert Strassl* Oberfeldwebel 67 JG 51 Knight's Cross
KIA 8 July 1943
Erwin Straznicky* Oberleutnant 36 LG 2, JG 77, JG 3 MIA 3 October 1942
Werner Streib Oberst 66 NJG 1 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
Hans Strelow* Leutnant 68 JG 51 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 22 May 1942
Fritz Stritzel Stabsfeldwebel 19 JG 2
Karl Strohecker Oberfeldwebel 24 NJG 100
Heinz Strüning* Hauptmann 56 ZG 26, KG 30, NJG 2, NJG 1 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 25 December 1944
Werner Stumpf* Oberfeldwebel 47 JG 53 Knight's Cross
KIA 13 October 1942
Gustav Sturm Oberleutnant 22 JG 27, JG 3, JG 51, EJG 2, JG 7
Heinrich Sturm* Hauptmann 157[11] JG 52 Knight's Cross
KIA 22 December 1944
Alfred Surau Oberfeldwebel 46 JG 3
Ernst Süß* Oberleutnant 68 JG 52 Knight's Cross
KIA 20 December 1943
Paul Szameitat* Hauptmann 29 NJG 3 Knight's Cross
KIA 2 January 1944
Willi Szuggar Oberfeldwebel 9 (+5 em Espanha) JG 52, JG 26

T[editar | editar código-fonte]

Name Rank Total wartime victories Unit Notes
Adolph Tabbat Feldwebel 6 JG 26
Otto Tange* Oberleutnant 68 JG 51 Knight's Cross
KIA 30 July 1943
Kurt Tangermann Leutnant 46 JG 54
Kurt Tanzer Leutnant of the Reserves 143[11] JG 51 Knight's Cross
Gabriel Tautscher Unteroffizier 55 JG 51
Fritz Tegtmeier Oberleutnant 146[11] JG 54, JG 7 Knight's Cross
Alfred Teumer* Oberleutnant 76[9] JG 54, JG 7 Knight's Cross
KIFA 4 October 1944
Edwin Thiel* Hauptmann 76[9] JG 52, JG 51 Knight's Cross
KIA 14 July 1944
Werner Thierfelder* Hauptmann 27 ZG 26 Knight's Cross
KIFA 18 July 1944
Wolfgang Thimmig Oberstleutnant 24 NJG 1, NJG 2, NJG 4
Gerhard Thyben Oberleutnant 157[11] JG 3, JG 54 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Ekkehard Tichy* Hauptmann 25 JG 53, JG 3 Knight's Cross
KIA 16 August 1944
Horst Tietzen* Hauptmann 27 (+7 em Espanha) JG 51 Knight's Cross
KIA 18 August 1940
Günther Tonne* Major 15 SKG 210, SKG 10, ZG 1 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 15 July 1943
Wolfgang Tonne* Hauptmann 122[6] JG 53 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 20 April 1943
Eduard Tratt* Major 38 ZG 1, ZG 26 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 22 February 1944
Hannes Trautloft Oberst 57 (+4 em Espanha) JG 51, JG 54 Knight's Cross
Rudolf Trenkel Hauptmann 138[11] JG 77, JG 52 Knight's Cross

U[editar | editar código-fonte]

Name Rank Total wartime victories Unit Notes
Kurt "Kuddel" Ubben* Major 110[10] JG 77, JG 2 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 27 April 1944
Hermann Ulbrich Feldwebel 33 JG 51
Horst Ulenberg Leutnant 17 JG 26
Willy Unger Leutnant 24 JG 3, JG 7 Knight's Cross
Robert Unzeitig Leutnant 10 JG 26

V[editar | editar código-fonte]

Name Rank Total wartime victories Unit Notes
Heinrich Vandeweerd Oberfähnrich 6 JG 26
Bernhard Vechtel Oberleutnant 108[10] JG 51 Knight's Cross
Heinz Venth* Oberleutnant 17 JG 51 MIA 16 July 1944
Helmut Viedebantt* Major 23 ZG 1, SG 10 Knight's Cross
KIA 1 May 1945
Heinz Vinke* Oberleutnant 54 NJG 1 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 26 February 1944
Otto Vinzent Oberleutnant 45 JG 54
Gerhard Vivroux* Feldwebel 11 JG 3 WIA 25 October 1944
Ferdinand Vögl Hauptmann 33 JG 27
Heinz-Gerhard Vogt* Oberleutnant 48 JG 26 Knight's Cross
KIA 14 January 1945
Maximilian Volke* Oberfeldwebel 37 JG 77 Remains of plane and pilot found in 2007 near Modena, Italy.

W[editar | editar código-fonte]

Name Rank Total wartime victories Unit Notes
Friedrich Wachowiak* Leutnant 86 JG 52, JG 3 Knight's Cross
KIA 16 July 1944
Edmund Wagner* Oberfeldwebel 56 JG 51 Knight's Cross
KIA 13 November 1941
Rudolf Wagner* Leutnant 81 JG 51 Knight's Cross
MIA 11 December 1943
Hans Waldmann* Oberleutnant 134[8] JG 52, JG 3, JG 7 Knight's Cross
KIFA 18 March 1945
Horst Walther Oberleutnant 35 JG 51
Siegfried Wandam Oberleutnant 10 NJG 1
Joachim Wandel* Hauptmann 75 JG 54 Knight's Cross
KIA 7 October 1942
Karl-Heinz Weber* Hauptmann 136[8] JG 51, JG 1 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 7 June 1944
Heinrich Wefers 52 JG 52, JG 54
Günther Wegmann Oberleutnant 21 ZG 26, EKdo 262, JG 7
Alfred Wehmeyer* Oberleutnant 18 ZG 26 Knight's Cross
KIA 1 June 1942
Hans-Dieter Weihs Leutnant 8 JG 7
Hans Weik Hauptmann 36 JG 3, EJGr Ost, EJG 2 Knight's Cross
Dietrich Weinitschke Feldwebel 18 JG 5
Gottfried Weiroster* Leutnant 6 JGr 50, JG 11 KIA 26 November 1943
Ernst Weismann* Oberleutnant 69 JG 51 Knight's Cross
MIA 13 August 1942
Robert "Bazi" Weiss* Hauptmann 121[6] JG 54 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 29 December 1944
Theodor "Theo" Weissenberger Major 208[14] JG 5, JG 7 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Kurt Welter Oberleutnant 63 JG 300, NJGr 10, NJG 11 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Hans-Gerd Wennekers 24
Peter Werfft, Dr. Major 26 JG 27 Knight's Cross
Heinz Wernicke* Leutnant 117[6] JG 54 Knight's Cross
KIFA 27 December 1944
Ulrich Wernitz Leutnant 101[12] JG 54 Knight's Cross
Franz von Werra* Hauptmann 21 JG 3, JG 53 Knight's Cross
KIFA 25 October 1941
Otto Weßling* Oberleutnant 83 JG 3 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 19 April 1944
Walther Wever* Oberleutnant 44 JG 51, JG 7 Knight's Cross
KIFA 10 April 1945
Helmut Wick* Major 56 JG 2 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
MIA 28 November 1940
Johannes Wiese Major 133[8] JG 52, JG 77 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
12 in one mission
Wolf-Dietrich Wilcke* Oberst 162[11] JG 53, JG 3 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
KIA 23 March 1944
Karl Willius* Oberleutnant 50 JG 26 Knight's Cross
KIA 8 April 1944
Alexander von Winterfelt* Oberstleutnant 13 JG 2, JG 77 Knight's Cross
KIFA 16 May 1942
Eugen Wintergerst* Leutnant 22 JG 77, JG 1 KIA 4 September 1943
Hermann Wischnewski Oberfähnrich 28 JG 300 Knight's Cross
Heinrich Wohlers* Major 29 NJG 4, NJG 6 Knight's Cross
KIFA 15 March 1944
Ulrich Wöhnert Leutnant 86 JG 54 Knight's Cross
Franz Woidich Oberleutnant 110[10] JG 27, JG 52, JG 400 Knight's Cross
Erich Woitke Hauptmann 26 (+4 em Espanha) JG 3, JG 52, JG 77, JG 27, JG 11, JG 300, JG 1 German Cross in Gold
Albin Wolf* Oberleutnant 144[11] JG 54 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 22 April 1944
Hermann Wolf Leutnant 57 JG 52, JG 11, JG 7 Knight's Cross
Robert Wolf Leutnant 21 NJG 5
Walter Wolfrum Oberleutnant 137[11] JG 52 Knight's Cross
Helmut Woltersdorf* Oberleutnant 19 NJG 1 KIA 2 June 1942
Waldemar Wübke Hauptmann 16 JG 54, JG 101
Karl Wünsch Leutnant 25 JG 27
Otto Würfel* Leutnant 79 JG 51 Knight's Cross
MIA 23 February 1944
Josef "Sepp" Wurmheller* Major 102[12] JG 53, JG 2 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
KIA 22 June 1944
Heinrich Wurzer Hauptmann 26 JG 302, JG 301

Z[editar | editar código-fonte]

Name Rank Total wartime victories Unit Notes
Joachim Zeller 7 JG 26
Walter Zellot* Leutnant 85 JG 53 Knight's Cross
KIA 10 September 1942
Oskar Zimmermann Leutnant 34 JG 51, JG 3 Knight's Cross
Füllbert Zink Hauptmann 36 JG 26
Josef Zirngibl Oberfeldwebel 9 JG 26
Paul Zorner Major 59 NJG 2, NJG 3, NJG 100, NJG 5 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Franz-Josef Zoufahl Oberfeldwebel 26 JG 51
Eugen-Ludwig Zweigart* Oberleutnant 69 JG 54 Knight's Cross
KIA 12 January 1943
Josef Zwernemann* Hauptmann 126[6] JG 52, JG 11 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 8 April 1944
Rudi Zwesken Oberfeldwebel 25 JG 52, JG 300 Knight's Cross

References[editar | editar código-fonte]

Citations[editar | editar código-fonte]

  1. Spick 1996, pp. 3–4.
  2. Spick, Mike (19 de julho de 2011). Luftwaffe Fighter Aces (em inglês). [S.l.]: Frontline Books. p. 10. ISBN 9781848326279 
  3. Obermaier 1989, p. 241.
  4. Obermaier 1989, p. 14.
  5. Obermaier 1989, p. 242.
  6. a b c d e f g h i j k Erro de citação: Etiqueta <ref> inválida; não foi fornecido texto para as refs de nome Spick p231
  7. a b c d e f g h i Erro de citação: Etiqueta <ref> inválida; não foi fornecido texto para as refs de nome Spick p228
  8. a b c d e f g Erro de citação: Etiqueta <ref> inválida; não foi fornecido texto para as refs de nome Spick p230
  9. a b c d e f g h i j Erro de citação: Etiqueta <ref> inválida; não foi fornecido texto para as refs de nome Spick p237
  10. a b c d e f g h Erro de citação: Etiqueta <ref> inválida; não foi fornecido texto para as refs de nome Spick p232
  11. a b c d e f g h i j k l Erro de citação: Etiqueta <ref> inválida; não foi fornecido texto para as refs de nome Spick p229
  12. a b c d e f g h i Erro de citação: Etiqueta <ref> inválida; não foi fornecido texto para as refs de nome Spick p233
  13. a b Spick 1996, p. 241.
  14. a b c d Erro de citação: Etiqueta <ref> inválida; não foi fornecido texto para as refs de nome Spick p227
  15. Erro de citação: Etiqueta <ref> inválida; não foi fornecido texto para as refs de nome Spick p244

Bibliography[editar | editar código-fonte]

  • Caldwell, Donald; Muller Richard (2007). The Luftwaffe Over Germany: Defense of the Reich. Greenhill books. ISBN 978-1-85367-712-0.
  • Obermaier, Ernst (1989). Die Ritterkreuzträger der Luftwaffe Jagdflieger 1939 – 1945 [The Knight's Cross Bearers of the Luftwaffe Fighter Force 1941 – 1945] (em German). Mainz, Germany: Verlag Dieter Hoffmann. ISBN 978-3-87341-065-7 
  • Spick, Mike (1996). Luftwaffe Fighter Aces. New York: Ivy Books. ISBN 978-0-8041-1696-1 
  • Sims, Edward H (1982). Jagdflieger Die großen Gegner von einst (in German). Stuttgart: Motorbuch Verlag. ISBN 3-87943-115-9.
  • Toliver, Raymond F. & Constable, Trevor J. (1998), Das waren die Deutschen Jagdflieger-Asse 1939–1945 (in German). Motorbuch Verlag. ISBN 3-87943-193-0.