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Wikipédia:Conselho de WikiProjetos/Arquivo de projetos/Chat/Logging

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.


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O seguinte é um extracto de uma conversa que o Nipnip teve com um dos operadores da freenode, explorando as possibilidades de fazer logging do canal:

[18:24] <04nipnip> are you there??
[18:24] <14quux> yes
[18:25] <04nipnip> how many conections can we have per ip?
[18:25] <14quux> hmm, I think it is 5 or less. Given a good reason, we can increase that limit in specific cases
[18:26] <04nipnip> i'm asking that because we have an idea to have a bot at #wikipedia-pt justo to log all conversations in channel
[18:26] <04nipnip> quux 5 is ok
[18:26] <04nipnip> can't freenode have a bot that log the conversations??
[18:26] <14quux> We discourage it
[18:26] <14quux> see the final paragraphs at
[18:27] <04nipnip> the bot would be only to log converstions in order to be used as a away of "oficialize" some decision eventually taken on the chanel about wikipedia
[18:27] <04nipnip> nothing more than that
[18:28] <14quux> right. Well, we simply suggest that channel managers think it all the way through, and we don't offer a freenode-level service for channel logging
[18:29] <04nipnip> nobody is thinkink about publish entire logs
[18:29] <14quux> OK. No worries, I'm not passing judgement or anything - just letting you know the overall thinking here
[18:29] <04nipnip> i understant quux
[18:29] <04nipnip> is there any problem if it's decided do use a psybnc acount to do that?
[18:29] <14quux> None I am aware of
[18:30] <04nipnip> ok thanks if we have any other doubt i will ask you ok?
[18:30] <14quux> sure!
[18:30] <04nipnip> thanks for the attention
[18:31] <14quux> You are always welcome
[18:32] <04nipnip> thanks a lot

obs: ver en:Bounce (network)#IRC use

Segundo informações recolhidas pelo usuário:Thiago R Ramos, não é permitido o logging do canal.