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Wikipédia:Conselho de WikiProjetos/Arquivo de projetos/Chat/Redirect

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.

O antigo canal IRC da Wikipédia lusófona #pt.wikipedia é agora redireccionado para #wikipedia-pt, de acordo com a política de denominação de canais da Freenode. Abaixo se apresenta o percurso desse processo.

abaixo se apresentam logs de algumas conversas que se desenrolaram nesse periodo:

Redireccionar o canal pt.wikipedia

[editar código-fonte]

<FrancoGG> we should forward this channel to #wikipedia-pt like #es.wikipedia -> #wikipedia-es
<gil_mnogueira> yes. in fact, we have made a request to mediawiki to do that
<gil_mnogueira> who can do that?
<FrancoGG> mm... why is it necessary a rquest to mediawiki?
<gil_mnogueira> i don't know who controls the IRC channels...
<FrancoGG> the forward it's just channel mode +f
<FrancoGG> ie: /mode +f #wikipedia-pt
<FrancoGG> that's all
[ERROR] You need to be an operator in #pt.wikipedia to do that.
=== # is unknown mode char to me
<FrancoGG> but only ops can change modes...
<FrancoGG> they are
<gil_mnogueira> well, that's the point
<FrancoGG> 1 30 e2m__ 37w 6d 2h 23m 35s
<FrancoGG> 2 20 Jorgec <never used>
<gil_mnogueira> thank you.
<FrancoGG> thanks... why? you're welcome ;)
<gil_mnogueira> but there's a problem. both e2m and jorge are innactive users.
<FrancoGG> mm...
<FrancoGG> inactive since when?
<gil_mnogueira> jorge since april 2005 and e2m since august
<FrancoGG> august 2005?
<gil_mnogueira> august 2006
<FrancoGG> ah
<FrancoGG> if you want... we could contact an IRCop...
<gil_mnogueira> and where I can find the IRCCops?
<gil_mnogueira> my knowledge of IRC is basic...
<FrancoGG> i think they're the ones in "/stats p" list
=== p nalioth (i=nalioth@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.nalioth)
=== p xyr (i=spw@wikimedia/xyrael)
=== p 2 staff members
--- p End of /STATS report
<gil_mnogueira> i'll try to contact the channel operators first by mail.
<FrancoGG> yeah, it would be great
<FrancoGG> gil_mnogueira, do you know Jcb- ?
<gil_mnogueira> no
<FrancoGG> he founded the other channel, #wikipedia-pt
<gil_mnogueira> why?
<zuirdj> FrancoGG, pero no hay problema si comienzan registrando el nuevo canal.. cierto?
<zuirdj> ahhh.. está registrado ya..
<FrancoGG> zuirdj, es que ya está registrado...
<FrancoGG> and he's the only one with access, there
<FrancoGG> so it's neccesary to contact him, too

IRC Group Contacts

[editar código-fonte]

[12:18] <Waldir> hi, can anyone help me with this?
[12:19] <Waldir> JamesF has been away for 17 days now (info thanks 2 Mark_Ryan)
[12:21] <bumm13> seems like something a freenode staff member could help with
[12:22] <Mark_Ryan> bumm13, yes, but JamesF is the contact :P
[12:22] <bumm13> why?
[12:22] <bumm13> does he all of a sudden rule all wikimedia channels?
[12:23] <Mark_Ryan> bumm13, ever since lilo died, I have no freenode staffers to do what I ask
[12:23] <bumm13> I don't understand what renaming non-English wikipedia IRC channels has to do with JamesF, specifically
[12:23] <Mark_Ryan> and they won't give me access in the destination or source channels to transfer them over without being a group contact
[12:24] <Waldir> (actually fact it would be redirecting, since the "correct" channel already exists)
[12:24] <Mark_Ryan> Waldir, it is a lot more involved than that
[12:25] <Mark_Ryan> compare "/cs access #wikipedia-pt list" with "/cs access #pt.wikipedia list"

[12:26] -ChanServ- -- Access List for [#wikipedia-pt] -- 
[12:26] -ChanServ- Num Level Hostmask Time since last use [12:26] -ChanServ- --- ----- -------- ------------------- [12:26] -ChanServ- 1 25 \Henrique\ 13h 5m 30s [12:26] -ChanServ- 2 30 zuirdj 12h 47m 40s [12:26] -ChanServ- 3 30 FrancoGG 14h 17m 38s [12:26] -ChanServ- 4 30 Jcb- 14h 45m 41s [12:26] -ChanServ- -- End of list --
[12:27] -ChanServ- -- Access List for [#pt.wikipedia] -- 
[12:27] -ChanServ- Num Level Hostmask                            Time since last use 
[12:27] -ChanServ- --- ----- --------                            ------------------- 
[12:27] -ChanServ- 1   30    e2m__                               37w 6d 21h 21m 6s                       
[12:27] -ChanServ- 2   20    Jorgec                              <never used>                            
[12:27] -ChanServ- -- End of list -- 

[12:25] <bumm13> this is what happens when one person wears too many "hats"; they get spread to thin and it's tough to get mundane things done
[12:25] <Waldir> well, i've been told that the pt.wikipedia channel operators can redirect it to wikipedia-pt
[12:25] <Mark_Ryan> they can, if they're around
[12:25] <Waldir> lol
[12:25] <Mark_Ryan> :P
[12:25] <Waldir> i guess they're not
[12:25] <bumm13> EXACTLY
[12:26] <bumm13> </subtle point>
[12:26] <Mark_Ryan> but if they're not, we need group contacts in order to take control
[12:26] <Mark_Ryan> I know Austin is a surprise group contact
[12:26] <Mark_Ryan> is he around?
[12:26] <Waldir> surprise?
[12:26] <bumm13> hmm, good question
[12:26] <Mark_Ryan> Austin has been idle 90hrs 10mins 23secs, signed on Tue Nov 07 14:04:24
[12:26] <Mark_Ryan> great
[12:26] <Mark_Ryan> No.
[12:26] <bumm13> d'oh
[12:26] <Mark_Ryan> i think Angela is one too
[12:29] <Waldir> so what do i do?
[12:30] <bumm13> cry ;p
[12:30] <Waldir> lol
[12:30] <Waldir> not yet :d
[12:30] <bumm13> in all seriousness, it can take some time
[12:30] <bumm13> none of these people you need (per Murphy's Law) will be around when you need them
[12:30] <Mark_Ryan>
[12:31] <Waldir> :s
[12:31] <Mark_Ryan> this is absurd
[12:31] <Mark_Ryan> the only group contact
around is Angela [12:32] <Mark_Ryan> no! wait! da_didi is online
[12:32] <Mark_Ryan> and a group contact
[12:32] <Mark_Ryan> get him to do it
[12:32] <Mark_Ryan> if he speaks english.
[12:32] <Mark_Ryan> Essjay is a Group Contact. how helpful for us
[12:32] <Waldir> da_didi?
[12:32] <Waldir> is he on this channel?
[12:32] <bumm13> Baba Looey
[12:32] <Mark_Ryan> yes. da_didi
[12:32] <Mark_Ryan> no, he is not
[12:32] <Mark_Ryan> he is online, on IRC
[12:33] <Waldir> how can i find him?
[12:33] <Mark_Ryan> you can private message him.
[12:33] <Mark_Ryan> try /query da_didi Please help me
[12:33] <Waldir> ok thanks
[12:34] <Mark_Ryan> the query opens up a new private messaging window
[12:38] <Waldir> he said nothing so far. let's wait a bit
[12:38] <Waldir> so if i cant talk to him, i should try angela?
[12:39] <Mark_Ryan> yes
[12:39] <Mark_Ryan> she is presently "angaway"
[12:39] <Waldir> thanks :)

Outros canais

[editar código-fonte]

Em 30 de Maio de 2007, o Waldir encontrou o James Forrester no IRC, e aproveitou para tratar da redirecção dos restantes canais wikimedia lusófonos:

  • #pt.wikipedia......#wikipedia-pt (já tinha sido feito, como se pode ver acima)
  • #pt.wikibooks......#wikibooks-pt
  • #pt.wiktionary.....#wiktionary-pt
  • #pt.wikinews.......#wikinews-pt
  • #wikiversidade.....#wikiversity-pt (feito pelo Lugusto algumas horas mais tarde)
  • #pt.wikisource.....#wikisource-pt (já tinha sido feito)

apenas um redireccionamento não foi feito:

  • #vandalism-pt-wp...#wikipedia-pt-vandalism

, pois segundo o JamesF esse canal não era da sua "jurisdição".

Access groups

[editar código-fonte]

A 30 de maio, feitos os redireccionamentos, eis os grupos de acesso para cada canal, usando o comando /cs access <#nome-do-canal> list:

-- Access List for [#pt.wikipedia] --
Num Level Hostmask                            Time since last use
--- ----- --------                            -------------------
1   20    Jorgec                              <never used>                           
2   30    e2m__                               1y 13w 21m 19s                         
-- End of list --
-- Access List for [#wikipedia-pt] --
Num Level Hostmask                            Time since last use
--- ----- --------                            -------------------
1   24    \Henrique\                          13h 22m 12s                            
2   25    ThiagoRRamos                        1w 4d 15h 4m 59s                       
3   25    lijealso                            5w 4d 14h 43m 56s                      
4   25    MateusHidalgo                       2w 1d 18h 52m 15s                      
5   30    Jcb-                                27w 17h 46m 35s                        
6   30    FrancoGG                            3h 38m 47s                             
7   30    zuirdj                              6d 28m 42s                             
8   30    Lugusto                             13h 19m 1s                             
9   25    PatriciaR                           13h 51m 30s                            
10  25    rei-artur                           3w 18h 11m 25s                         
11  25    SallesNeto                          3d 18h 27m 51s                         
12  25    SladePT                             1w 4d 12h 45m 8s                       
13  25    Giro720                             1w 3d 14h 34m                          
14  25    Panora200                           4w 6d 21h 7m 11s                       
15  25    loco085                             1h 24m 18s                             
-- End of list --
-- Access List for [#pt.wikibooks] --
Num Level Hostmask                            Time since last use
--- ----- --------                            -------------------
1   30    MarceloR                            2y 15w 3d 12h 4m 58s                    
-- End of list --
-- Access List for [#wikibooks-pt] --
Num Level Hostmask                            Time since last use
--- ----- --------                            -------------------
1   25    SallesNeto                          3d 19h 18m 52s                         
2   25    WikiOzymandias                      <never used>                           
3   30    Lugusto                             13h 20m 6s                             
-- End of list --
-- Access List for [#pt.wiktionary] --
Num Level Hostmask                            Time since last use
--- ----- --------                            -------------------
1   30    leoadec                             1y 3w 4d 18h 34m 7s                    
-- End of list --
-- Access List for [#wiktionary-pt] --
Num Level Hostmask                            Time since last use
--- ----- --------                            -------------------
1   30    James_F                             46m 50s                                
-- End of list --
-- Access List for [#pt.wikinews] --
Num Level Hostmask                            Time since last use
--- ----- --------                            -------------------
1   10    TimStarling                         <never used>                           
2   10    avar                                <never used>                           
3   10    brion                               <never used>                           
4   25    OsvaldoGago                         1y 47w 17h 38m 33s                     
5   30    Get_It                              1y 38w 2d 1h 40m 42s                    
6   24    Carlosar!*@*                        <never used>                           
-- End of list --
-- Access List for [#wikinews-pt] --
Num Level Hostmask                            Time since last use
--- ----- --------                            -------------------
1   10    TimStarling                         <never used>                           
2   10    avar                                <never used>                           
3   10    brion                               <never used>                           
4   30    OsvaldoGago                         <never used>                           
5   30    Get_It                              <never used>                           
6   30    James_F                             11m 24s                                
-- End of list --
-- Access List for [#wikiversidade] --
Num Level Hostmask                            Time since last use
--- ----- --------                            -------------------
1   25    FrancoGG                            4h 19m 23s                             
2   30    Lugusto                             2h 1m 53s                              
3   30    WikiOzymandias                      <never used>                           
-- End of list --
-- Access List for [#wikiversity-pt] --
Num Level Hostmask                            Time since last use
--- ----- --------                            -------------------
1   25    WikiOzymandias                      <never used>                           
2   25    SallesNeto                          <never used>                           
3   30    Lugusto                             2h 5m 34s                              
-- End of list --
-- Access List for [#pt.wikisource] --
Num Level Hostmask                            Time since last use
--- ----- --------                            -------------------
1   30    Niedson                             26w 6d 14h 46m 10s                     
-- End of list --
-- Access List for [#wikisource-pt] --
Num Level Hostmask                            Time since last use
--- ----- --------                            -------------------
1   25    MateusHidalgo                       <never used>                           
2   25    WikiOzymandias                      <never used>                           
3   49    Niedson                             26w 6d 14h 39m 58s                     
4   49    Lugusto                             13h 30m 18s                            
5   40    FrancoGG                            13h 30m 21s                            
-- End of list --

Obs.: Pode-se notar um pequeno problema: o único operador do #wiktionary-pt é o próprio James_F, e o operador do #pt.wiktionary, leoadec, está ausente do canal há um ano e 3 meses. Um grupo de utilizadores mais activos do wikcionário terá que se responsabilizar pelo canal, e o James_F terá que ser contactado para lhes conferir direitos de operador.