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Wikipédia:Oficina de tradução/Catedral de San Carlos Borromeo

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Royal Presidio Chapel
Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos
Marco Histórico Nacional dos EUA
Marco Histórico da Califórnia
Oficina de tradução/Catedral de San Carlos Borromeo está localizado em: Califórnia
Localização: 550 Church St., Monterey
 Estados Unidos
Coordenadas: 36° 35′ 43″ N, 121° 53′ 21″ O
Construído/Fundado: 1794 (230 anos)
Administração: Igreja Católica Romana
Adicionado ao NRHP: 15 de outubro de 1966 (57 anos)[1][2]
Nomeado NHL: 9 de outubro de 1960 (63 anos)[3][4][5]
Designado CHL
29 de março de 1933 (91 anos)[6]
Registro NRHP: 66000216
Registro CHL: 105

A Catedral de San Carlos Borromeo (Cathedral of San Carlos Borromeo), também conhecida como Capela do Presídio Real (Royal Presidio Chapel) é uma catedral católica romana situada em Monterey, na Califórnia, Estados Unidos.

A catedral é sede da mais antiga paróquia em funcionamento e o mais antigo edifício de pedra na Califórnia. Foi construída em 1794 tornando-se a mais antiga e mais pequena catedral em uso, servindo, juntamente com a Catedral de Saint Louis em Nova Orleans, Louisiana. É a única capela de presídio da Califórnia e o único edifício existente do presídio de Monterey original.

A catedral foi designada, em 15 de outubro de 1966, um edifício do Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos[1][2] bem como, em 9 de outubro de 1960, um Marco Histórico Nacional.[3][4][5] Em 29 de março de 1933 foi designado um Marco Histórico da Califórnia.

Early history[editar código-fonte]

The church was founded by the Franciscan Father Junípero Serra as the chapel of Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo on June 3, 1770. Father Serra first established the original mission in Monterey at this location on June 3, 1770, near the native village of Tamo. However, Father Serra became engaged in a heated power struggle with Military Governor Pedro Fages, who was headquartered at the Presidio of Monterey and served as governor of Alta California between 1770 and 1774.[7] Serra decided to move the mission away from the Presidio, and in May, 1771, the viceroy approved Serra's petition to relocate the mission to its current location near the mouth of the Carmel River and the present-day town of Carmel-by-the-Sea.[8] The new mission was named Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo.

When the mission was moved, the existing wood and adobe building became the San Jose Chapel for the Presidio of Monterey. Monterey became the capital of the Province of Californias in 1777 and the chapel was renamed the Royal Presidio Chapel. The original church was destroyed by fire in 1789 and was replaced by the present sandstone structure. It was completed in 1794 by Indian labor.[9] In 1840, the chapel was rededicated to the patronage of Saint Charles Borromeo.

In 1849, the chapel was selected to be the Pro-Cathedral of the Diocese of Monterey by Bishop Joseph Alemany. After Alemany became Archbishop of San Francisco, his successor Thaddeus Amat y Brusi moved the cathedral to Mission Santa Barbara, to be closer to the population in Los Angeles.

Hoover marriage[editar código-fonte]

Future President of the United States Herbert Hoover and Lou Henry were married February 10, 1899 by Father Ramon Mestres who was serving at the Chapel; Hoover was the first President to be married by a Catholic priest. The wedding took place not at the Chapel, but in the Henry home. Father Mestres had received special dispensation from the bishop to perform the civil ceremony because there was no Protestant minister in town at the time.

Architecture[editar código-fonte]

The Royal Presidio Chapel is the first stone building in California and reflects the exquisite Spanish Colonial style of the late 18th century. The Moorish architecture influence is also evident in the fine architecture. The ornamental arches and portals carved in sandstone make the church unique and arguably the most beautiful of all the Missions. A garden surrounds the gated Mission, with a path leading all the way round and to both San Carlos School and the Rectory of San Carlos Cathedral. To the right of the Cathedral lies a statue of the Virgin Mary with an arch beneath. At the rear of the building is the Junipero Oak, a California landmark. There is a bell tower to announce Mass and in the niche at the very top of the façade there is a statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the oldest non-indigenous sculpture in the state.

Associated landmarks and buildings[editar código-fonte]

The Vizcaíno-Serra Oak (The Junipero Oak)[editar código-fonte]

Father Junipero Serra performed the ceremony of taking possession of Las Californias in the name of Crown of Spain under this native oak tree. Right Reverend Monsignor Ramón M. Mestres installed the Junipero Oak tree trunk at the rear of the Royal Presidio Chapel, where it remains today. The trunk is being preserved with crude oil and creosote and is held together by a wire frame. It is mounted on a concrete pedestal and is filled with concrete where it gets eaten away.{{carece de fontes}}

San Carlos School[editar código-fonte]

Right Reverend Monsignor Rámon M. Mestres founded San Carlos School in 1898. The Catholic school is still running today and lies directly to the right of the Rectory of San Carlos Cathedral. Originally, it also served as a school and convent combined, but today the lay teachers live off campus.{{carece de fontes}}

Carmel Mission[editar código-fonte]

The mission near the mouth of the Carmel River was named Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo.

Historic designation[editar código-fonte]

In 1960, the chapel was listed on the National Register of Historic Places #NPS-66000216 as a National Historic Landmark by the National Park Service. The chapel again became the cathedral of the Diocese of Monterey when the Diocese of Monterey-Fresno was split in 1967 to form the Monterey and Fresno dioceses. The cathedral is the smallest in the contiguous United States, and one of the two oldest buildings serving as a cathedral in the United States (St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans, Louisiana was also completed in 1794).

Other historic designations[editar código-fonte]

Referências[editar código-fonte]

  1. a b «Documentação de designação para o NRHP» (PDF) (em inglês). Serviço Nacional de Parques. Consultado em 20 de abril de 2013 
  2. a b «Fotos para documentação de designação para o NRHP» (PDF) (em inglês). Serviço Nacional de Parques. Consultado em 20 de abril de 2013 
  3. a b «Royal Presidio Chapel» (em inglês). National Historic Landmarks Program. Consultado em 14 de abril de 2013 
  4. a b «Documentação de designação para o NHL» (PDF) (em inglês). Serviço Nacional de Parques. Consultado em 20 de abril de 2013 
  5. a b «Fotos para documentação de designação para o NHL» (PDF) (em inglês). Serviço Nacional de Parques. Consultado em 20 de abril de 2013 
  6. «California Historical Landmarks: ROYAL PRESIDIO CHAPEL OF SAN CARLOS BORROMÉO» (em inglês). California State Parks. Consultado em 20 de abril de 2013 
  7. Paddison, Joshua (ed.) (1999). A World Transformed: Firsthand Accounts of California Before the Gold Rush. [S.l.]: Heyday Books, Berkeley, CA. p. 23. ISBN 1-890771-13-9  Parâmetro desconhecido |note= ignorado (ajuda)
  8. Smith, Frances Rand (1921). The Architectural History of Mission San Carlos Borromeo, California. Berkeley, California: California Historical Survey Commission. p. 18. The mission was established in the new location on August 1, 1771; the first mass was celebrated on August 24, and Serra officially took up residence in the newly constructed buildings on December 24. 
  9. Dillon, James (24 de abril de 1976). «Royal Presidio Chapel» (pdf). National Register of Historic Places - Inventory Nomination Form. National Park Service. Consultado em 20 de maio de 2012