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Biografia fictícia

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A mãe de John, uma prostituta, morreu ao dar à luz e o seu pai, cego depois de uma briga num bar, morreu quando John tinha apenas oito anos. John acabou por viver num orfanato durante alguns anos antes de fugir. Aos doze anos John foi ameaçado de linchamento depois de ser apanhado a roubar. Foi salvo por Dutch van der Linde, que o levou para o seu gang e o ajudou a crescer. Quando Abigail Roberts entra para o gang, ela e John apaixonam-se e têm um filho, Jack.[1]

Red Dead Redemption 2

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Durante os eventos do jogo em 1899, John é enviado em patrulha enquanto o gang tenta escapar dos Pinkertons. Depois de ter sido atacado por lobos (ficando com cicatrizes na cara) e de se ter perdido nas montanhas, acaba por ser salvo pelos colegas Arthur Morgan e Javier Escuella. Depois de recuperado, junta-se de novo ao gang para fazer alguns trabalhos antes de planearem um assalto a um comboio. Depois de um roubo falhado a um banco, John é capturado e preso. Arthur e Sadie salvam-no, opondo-se ao desejo de Dutch. John, tal como Arthur, começa a aperceber-se da paranoia e da falta de razão de Dutch; preocupado com a família de John, Arthur diz-lhe para fugir do gang quando for o tempo certo. Dias depois, John é abandonado e deixado para morrer durante o assalto ao comboio mas acaba por regressar ao campo onde encontra Arthur a confrontar Dutch e Micah. Quando os Pinkertons invadem o campo, Arthur e John escapam. John regressa para a sua família, cumprindo o desejo de Arthur.

Anos depois, em 1907, John encontra um trabalho honesto com Abigail numa quinta, mas quando John riposta contra alguns bandidos que o ameaçaram a si e ao seu empregador, Abigail foge com Jack. John começa a trabalhar para a convencer a regressar ganhando dinheiro para conseguir comprar uma propriedade em Beecher's Hope. Acaba por construir um rancho com a ajuda de Uncle e de Charles Smith, enquanto Sadie o ajuda a encontrar trabalhos para pagar os empréstimos. Depois do regresso de Abigail, John pede-lhe em casamento. Com Sadie e Charles, John ataca o novo gang de Mica, onde encontram Dutch. Num impasse Mexicano, Dutch dispara em Micah, permitindo que John o mate. John e Abigail casam-se no seu novo rancho.

A cena final do jogo mostra os agentes federais Edgar Ross e Archer Fordham a vigiar o rancho.

Red Dead Redemption

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In 1911, Ross and Fordham command John to act as a bounty hunter and apprehend his former outlaw friends. To both motivate and ensure that John will comply, the agents kidnap Jack and Abigail, promising their release upon the completion of John's obligations. He works with many individuals throughout the state of New Austin, who help him assault the fort of former gang member Bill Williamson. When Bill flees to Mexico to seek the help of fellow former gang member Javier Escuella, John pursues them. There, John becomes unwillingly entangled in a civil war between rebels and soldiers. He reluctantly works for both sides, only wanting information about Bill and Javier, but disavows the soldiers when they betray him. He eventually locates Javier, and the player can decide whether to kill him or give him to the agents. Bill is also tracked down and killed, either by John or the rebel leader Abraham Reyes.[1]

When John returns to collect his family, Ross tells him that he must track down Dutch. After several unsuccessful attacks on Dutch and his operations, John and the agents mount an assault on his hideout. John chases Dutch to a cliff, where the latter steps off and commits suicide. With his old gang dead, John and his family are returned to their ranch. He spends some time working on the ranch, but it is soon attacked by U.S. soldiers, and Uncle is killed. John defends his family, but is shot and killed by a gang of soldiers. His body is buried on a hillside at the ranch.

Undead Nightmare

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In Undead Nightmare, a non-canonical, zombie apocalypse-themed alternate reality, John finds that the world is plagued by a virus that brings the dead back to life with a taste for flesh. After tying up the infected Jack and Abigail, John seeks to discover the source of the plague. He rides to Mexico, where he learns from a nun that Reyes might be responsible. John kills the zombified Reyes and finds a girl, who reveals that Reyes had desecrated several catacombs beneath the government building, and had stolen an ancient Aztec mask, unbalancing order and unleashing the undead. John and the girl head down to the tombs and return the mask. John returns home to find that his family has been cured. Months later, after his death, John rises from his grave, as the mask has been stolen again, causing the dead to rise; however, as John had been buried with holy water, he is a revenant who still retains his soul and his capabilities to use weapons.

  1. a b Daujam 2018, p. 361.